Status: Active!

Come on, Get Higher

Let Yourself Go

summer nights are tempting 'cause i'm easy.
slow it down, i'm feeling you out.
'cause oh know, i become more dangerous.
baby, baby don't hold me down.
- Sing It Loud

From the time spent in my roomflirtinglaughing with Eric, up till the day of the party, we had become inseperable. The awkwardness had melted away and we were as close as we could be.

Currently I was getting ready for the huge blowout I was throwing. Ivy and Eric sat on my bed as I applied my make up at my vanity.

"So, Halvo," Ivy started in a crisp tone. "How do you like touring?" She asked trying to put as much effort into being sincere as possible. Ever since Eric and I started hanging out Ivy has become a little jealous. She just won't admit it.

"It's good. Meeting fans is always great," I watched them through the vanity mirror.

"Do you get a lot of groupies?" I shot Ivy a look through the mirror. "I mean being in a band like yours, you must get tons of girls throwing themselves at you,"

"V, they're not Motley Cru," Ivy rolled her eyes.

"I know, but he's got to have a lot of sluts trying to get in his pants,"

"We-" I cut Eric off.

"Ivy, by you saying that, you are agknowledging the fact that Nick is getting the same road trash," Ivy's expression changed. "Now, why don't you go help Nick and the guys set up downstairs, okay?"

"Fine," She sighed and stormed out of my room.

"She hates me," Eric lightly chuckled.

"Eh, she's just mad cause you're stepping in on her territory," I said nonchalantly.


"Ivy and I have been best friends since fourth grade and now you're here, taking me away from her. She'll get over it by the end of the night," I stood up. "So, how do I look?" I had on a soft purple spaghetti strapped mini dress. My brown hair was flowing passed my shoulders and down my back in loose curls. On my feet I had a pair of black heeled boots.

"You," Eric swallowed.

"Is that 'wow, that dress makes you look like a whore,' or 'wow, I'd love to jump your bones right now' ?"

"I'd go with the ladder," He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thanks, Eric," I whispered. Eric pulled me into a warm hug. I closed my eyes and took in his scent. "You smell good," I mumbled into his chest causing him to laugh.

"Thank you," I felt his warm hands rub my back.

"Okay, people are gonna be here soon. Let's get downstairs," I pulled away and made my way downstairs.


The room was hot and suffocating as I made my way through. We were about to play a few songs and I was ready to get it over with and just party. I finally found my way over to the make shift stage.

"Hey," I breathed. A very aggravated looking Nick took a sigh of relief.

"Okay, now that everyone is here," He shot me a look. I rolled my eyes. "We can start," He pulled his guitar over his head. We all set up ourselves at our instruments. "Hey guys,"Nick yelled into the mic. "Okay, I'm Nick Santino. You probably know my sister Josey Santino," The small crowd exploded. "We are A Rocket To The Moon, this is Dakota,"

"You guys were incredible," Some girl with dark brown hair with too many platinum highlights slurred. She put her hand on my upper thigh. I shot up off the couch.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get a beer," I practically ran away from this girl.

"Wait, Kevin," I heard her yell causing me to roll my eyes. Without looking back I pushed my way into the kitchen. I walked to the keg and poured myself a cup. Slowly I took a sip of the cold beverage. I felt someone walk up behind me.

"Guess who," Their hands covered my eyes.


"Silly, Kevin. It's me, Tiffany," She jumped in front of me.

"Hey, you found me," I smiled. " Yay..." She began to giggle. "Okay, ready, let's play again," I healed my hands up in the air. "I'm gonna hide and you can come find me,"

"okay," Quickly, I made my way away form this girl. I slid past random partiers and found a safe spot. I looked around to see if I knew anyone. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Josey stumble over to me.


"Eriiiic, baby!" She drunkenly threw her arms around my neck. "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah, you look like you are," I laughed.

"I am!" She giggled. "You look so nice, did I tell you that already, cause you really do," She hiccuped. Without saying another word she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine, lustfully.

"Woah!" I said while pulling away.

"Eric, do you want to go upstairs?" She pouted.

"Uh n-" I was cut off when I heard a familiar voice.


"Actually, yeah let's go!" I pulled Josey up the stairs with me. Once we got up the steps and out of sight Josey kissed me quickly. I kissed back as we made it down the hallway. We got into Josey's bedroom and we continued to make out. She pulled me over to the bed. As soon as I realized what was going on I shot up off the bed.

"What are you doing?" Josey asked, breathless.

"Wow, I um, wow. I have to...uh..get a condom from my room," I walked to the door.

"Hurry back," Josey said softly as she unzipped her dress exposing her breasts. My eyes went wide and I ran out of the room. When the door closed I sighed heavily. I walked slowly to my room and grabbed a hat and sunglasses. After putting them on I ripped off my button up shirt. Quickly, I made my way downstairs in search of Justin. Finally I found him outside on the back patio playing a game of quarters.


"Halvo, Hey man!" He smiled.

"Hey, I have a problem,"


"Well, Josey is waiting for me upstairs to find a condom," Justin's eyes went wide. "Hear me out, I was hiding from this slutty chick and I ran into Josey. she starting kissing me and asked me to go upstairs. I said no and then the slutty girl saw me. So i said yes. She took me upstairs and here i am," I looked over my shoulder for 'slutty chick'. "What the fuck am I gonna do, man?"

"Talk to Jose," He said simply.

"Will that work?"

"I dunno, it might," He took a sip of his beer. "Good luck, man," I sighed and made my way back into the house. To my relief, I made it upstairs without running into my new friend.

"Hey, Jose," I said softly while opening the door. On the floor I saw her dress and a pair of underwear. "Oh god," I opened the door wider and looked to the bed. "Oh Josey," I said when I saw Josey laying naked on her bed. I pulled a blanket over her body and went back to the guest room. I grabbed a pillow and blanket and pulled off my hat and sunglasses. After grabbing a pair of basketball shorts I made my way back to Josey's room. Trying to be as quiet as possible I pulled my shirt over my head and changed into the shorts. I layed the pillow and blanket down and settled in for the night.


My room was bright when I opened my eyes. I looked at my bed side alarm clock; 7:34am. I squinted my eyes to see someone curled in a blanket on the floor. My stomach jumped as I thought the worst. Carefully I sat up and pulled my pillow to my chest.

"Eat this, psycho," I shouted before throwing the pillow at them.

"What are you doing?" The person grumbled.

"Eric?" I wrapped my sheet tightly around my clothless body. "What are you doing on the floor?"


"Funny, why are you sleeping on the floor,"

"I didn't want to leave you,"

"Well that's sweet, what happened?"

"You got really messed up and tried to have sex with me," He said while sitting up. I sucked in a big breath of air.

"Did we?"

"No, we made out a little, but we didn't have sex,"

"Why am I naked?" I furrowed my brow.

"I went to talk to Justin and you ripped all of your clothes off and then passed out," I laughed. "Does your head hurt?"

"Actually it doesn't" I smiled. "Do you want some coffee?" Eric nodded. I stood up and pulled a pair of panties and Eric's t-shirt over my body. "Get off the floor, your back is going to kill," I walked out into the hallway and hopped downstairs. I made two cups of coffee and walked back upstairs. When I reached the top of the steps I heard the door click. "What are you doing, I'm bringing the coffee up now. Get back in bed," I said thinking it was Eric.

"Oh, my god," I looked up to see Ivy standing outside of Nick's room.

"Ivy?!" Nick opened the door.

"Hey, Ivy, you left these on the floor," In his right hand were a pair of light blue panties. "Josey," He hid his hand behind his back.

"What the hell? You slept with my brother?"

"Okay, what about you? I'm pretty sure that's not your shirt," She crossed her arms over her chest. My bedroom door opened.

"Josey, how long does it take to get coffee," Eric asked from my doorway.

"HALVO?!" Nick boomed, clutching the sheet around his waist.

"Oh god, Nick, I didn't sleep with your sister," Eric said holding his hands in his air.

"Eric, just admit it. It's not like it's the first time," Ivy said causing my mouth to drop.



"You slept with my brother, and you're mad at me?"

"You had sex with my sister, you asshole!" Nick shouted at Eric.

"I can't believe you are mad at me for doing something slutty once. But you are a slut everytime you go out. Hypocrite. All you are is a self-righteous, insecure little bitch, who will give it out to anyone," My mouth fell to the floor.

"You are such a bitch," I said in a cold tone, my eyes full of tears.

"I know," She said while pushing past me and walking out of my house. Still in shock I looked back and forth between Eric and Nick before pushing into my room.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister," I heard Nick say to Eric in a cold voice.
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