Forever Has Its Limits

Meet Andi and Damon

"You're sure you'll be okay without me?" Andi's mother asked. The hint of doubt in her voice was still noticeable over her attempts to hide it.
"Mom, you've left me home with Damon before. He knows how to take care of me. Trust me, We'll be fine" Andi gave her an innocent smile in hopes of calming her mother down a bit.
"Well, it’s just for a few days. I'm sure I'm just over reacting." She gave a small smile. "It's just Damon worries me sometimes."
Almost as if he heard his name, he came striding out the front door and over to the cab that their Mom was about to leave in.
"Damon! All my bags are packed and I'm ready to leave. You have my emergency number, right?" She asked.
"Sure thing, MamaDukes" He laughed a little.
"Good. Listen if you have any prob-"
"Mom, we've went over this plenty of times. Chill out, I got it!" He lightly pushed her towards the cab as a sign that she could leave.
"Well okay, I love you both!" She hugged and kissed them both then sank down into the back seat.
"Be careful" Were her last words before the Cabby put it in drive and sped up the street.

Damon was already in the house, leaving Andi to stand outside in the evening summer air alone. Fireflies were spotting the few yards she could see from her driveway and she could here the faint sounds of cars from the supermarket up the road from her house. The air was crisp and the small town was quiet. After taking a deep breath of fresh air, she turned around to head inside.
The house that Andi and her family lived in was a nice size; more than enough room to house three people. But now with her mom gone, there was emptiness to it. Don't get me wrong, though, Andi enjoyed this. She looked forward to the little amount of time that just her and Damon had together. They were pretty close for brother and sister; it had been that way since they were kids, fighting for a stable home. Their mom had been through many relationships throughout her kid's childhood. Most of the guys were rotten, drunken, good for nothing men that got pleasure in beating Andi and Damon. There was this one guy that eve had the guts to try to rape Andi, but once Damon found out about that, the guy's face never looked the same. You could say they were all each other had for their whole lives.
And now, they had the house all to themselves. Andi climbed the huge staircase that sits right in front of the entrance of the front door. At the top, she rounded a corner and went up another set of stairs to the attic, which was also Damon's room. After knocking lightly and been given an okay to enter, she gently creaked the wooden door open.
Damon's room was always the best place to chill. He always had good music playing on his amazing stereo system. Smoke usually lingered in the air and it always smelled of marijuana and cigarettes. He had a huge bed right in the middle of everything that looked like it hadn't thought about being made in weeks. His room was never a mess, just untidy, but overall was just an awesome place.
When Andi had walked in, she saw Damon sitting on his bright green bean bag chair smoking a bowl. He patted the bright orange bean bag chair beside him and invited her to join him, which she accepted gratefully.
Damon had been the one to introduce Andi into smoking weed. Before she saw it as something that people did for fun, but now she sees in as an escape to a better, more peaceful place. He passed the bowl to her and started talking.
"I'm having friends over tonight. But it's not going to be a party though. I'm saving that for tomorrow night" He laughed. "But tonight it's just going to be me and a few of my friends hanging out and being stupid. Would you like to tag along?"
Andi smiled and said yes. She loved Damon's friends, and they all loved her the same. That's just what happens when you've known a group a people long enough; no matter what, you can't help but feel grateful towards them.
"They should be here any minute now. Aren't you going to go be a girl and obsess over how you look before they get here" He teased, laughing of course.
"Actually, I am!" Andi giggled and exited on her way to her room. She picked out a different outfit other then the Pj's that she had on. Grabbing a tie-dye shirt and ripped skinny jeans, she headed for her bathroom to shower.

Proceeding right after her shower, she applied a little bit of eyeliner and blew dry her hair. Andi was the type of girl that cared about what people thought, but refused to admit it to herself or anyone else. She then casually walked downstairs, checking herself in the mirror once more before emerging into the living room where the boys were. She could hear them before she could see them. They we're all yelling and laughing and being obnoxious. When she entered the room they started yelling more. She guessed this was guy code for 'I'm happy to see you' because seconds later three teenage boulders were crashing her into the floor. All of them were in hysterics. The names of the boulders were Ethan, Derek, and Nathan, all of which Andi have grown up with.
Ethan was a slender, average kind of guy, with short brown hair and soft features. He was good looking, but definitely not a knockout. Although, Derek was. He was tall, built, and had uncontrollable dark hair. It was constantly sticking out all over the place, but it always looked good. He had bright green eyes that Andi had grown to love, and his smile was enough to give her butterflies. Overall, this boy was fine, and Andi had always found herself drooling over him.
Nathan, he was a cute kid too, but in a weird way. He was skinny, tall, and very pale. he had black hair that contrasted against his face and blue eyes that Andi swears glow when you catch them right. His wardrobe consists of pretty much all dark clothes, but they compliment his feature very well. Yeah, Nathan was also pretty good looking.
But don't take that the wrong way, Andi had not a feeling for any of them. Dating any of them would be like dating Damon; very, very wrong.

Once the boys settled down and took their seats on the couched, Andi joined them. She looked around the room and noticed there was a kid that she had never met before. He was across the room, keeping to himself. His straight, dark hair fell to almost his chin, hiding one eye. But the eye that she could see was a gleaming blue/grey type of color. Andi had never seen the eye color before, except for on herself. It was scary how alike their eye color was; practically the same.
He looked up at her as she was staring, and must have noticed because he gave her a little smirk. Blushing, she looked away. She couldn't get over his looks. He was mysterious in way. She wanted to know more, she yearned for it.
Because this kid had something about him. Something that made her know he was different the moment she saw him.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's kind of short. Whatever.

Feedback would be radd, yoh ;D