Status: Updates are gunna be sloow. I need inspiration. Comment? Please? <3

Don't Lose Hope Of Me Out There

6 Months - Hey Monday

When The Maine's bus reached the first venue for Warped Tour in Los Angeles, CA it was around eight in the morning and as soon as the bus stopped they all got off, stretched and went to explore the venue a little but Stella, Amber and Keltie went to go set up the merch table and boxes

"I think tha's bout it." Keltie said as she picked up one of the boxes and set it down on top of another one

"So what do we do now?" Amber said as she sat down in one of the chairs and set her legs on top of the merch table

"Do you guys wanna explore the place a little?" Stella said as she was folding a shirt and putting it into a box

"Nah, I'm too lazy to walk around this early" Amber stated twirling a strand of her black hair around her finger

"It's way too hot for meh and I don't want to leave Ambeh here alowne, shes too careless" Keltie said while taking a seat next to Amber

"Okay then, suite yourself." Stella replied and stepped out of the cool shade of the tent and into the warm rays of the sun and she put on her turquoise wayfarer shades on and straitened out her checkered top
paired with some denim shorts and low cut Nike dunks.

After about 30 minutes of strolling around and thinking about Her and John's little moment yesterday, Amber text saying

"Yo. Get cho butt back hurr. We gonna go eat brunch at Denny's with All Time Low and A Rocket To The Moon"

As she was replying something hard hit her and the next thing she knew her iPhone flew out of her hand and she fell face first into the cement floor and she lost consciousness for the next ten minutes

When she woke up she felt something warm and wet run down her left temple, she felt the hard floor underneath her body

"Holy crap, She's been out for a while now." A voice said

"Dude, I think she's dead." A second voice said

"No, you idiot. She's breathing" After the first voice said that Stella opened her eyes to find two shadows hovering over her go in and out of focus, when it was finally clear she saw two boys about the same age as her one with brown hair just below his chin and one with jet black hair sticking out in various directions. When Stella tried to sit up she immediately fell backwards luckily the boy with the brown hair caught her just as she was about to hit the floor.

"Hey are you okay? Your bleeding there, I'm so so sorry." The one who caught her said

"Yeah, I think.. Who are you? Where the hell is my phone.. What happened?" Stella stated while still sitting on the floor

"I'm Alex and this is Jack were from All Time Low bee tee dubs and your phone is right here, luckily Jack caught it when it flew out of your hand or else it'd be bye bye pretty iPhone," Alex said as Jack put her phone in her palm

"You see, Alex here kicked my nuts and just as I was gonna get my revenge he bolted for it and ran into you." Jack then explained as Stella set her head back down on the floor cause everything went hazy

Just then John was passing by and saw Stella on the floor with Alex and Jack as he looked closer he saw that Stella's head was bleeding and rushed over

"What the hell happened?" He said as he sat next to her in the floor and placed her head on his lap then listened for her heartbeat and felt her pulse

"Long story man but I think we need to get her to the hospital." Alex said as John stood up with Stella in his arms bridal style

"That's exactly where I'm going." John said as he walked briskly towards the merch table with Alex and Jack quickly following behind him.

"Holy crap! What happened?!" Amber exclaimed as soon as she saw Stella's unconscious body

"Long story but we need to get her to the hospital quick can I borrow the keys to the rented car?" John asked

"Yeah sure let's go, hurry up." Amber panicked as she made her way to the parking lot with everyone following behind

So please give me your hand
So please give me a lesson on how to steal
Steal the heart
As fast as you stole mine
As you stole mine yeah

Stella had to get a few stitches above her left temple and had a slight concussion. Keltie, John and Amber soon found out what happened to cause her injuries and Alex and Jack felt like little children being yelled at by parents.

"Do you guys think 2 stitches and a minor concussion could be deadly?" Jack broke the silence as they were in the waiting room

"If the doctor was you then yes." Amber answered back jokingly

"Hardy har har, Amber."

"By the way, what time is it?" Alex asked

"It's aboot, 10 AM. She should be done soon since it was over an hour ago." Keltie answered back

"Oh Ok tha-" But Alex was cut off by Jack's stomach rumbling and then they all stared at him

"What? All I had was a piece of toast this morning and were supposed to be at Denny's right about now if Alex hadn't kicked my balls and ran away, Fuckin' douche." Just then the nurse brought Stella out in a wheelchair and she had gauze on her forehead and they all stood up.

"Okay, she's ready to go home now. Remember lots of sleeping and resting. No alcohol and your concussion should be gone in three days but those stitches should dissolve in 12 days." The nurse said as she rolled Stella over to them.

"Okay thank you." Stella said as Jack went behind her and pushed the wheelchair towards the exit with everyone following behind.

"I'll drive," John said as they were walking towards the car and Keltie tossed him the keys and he unlocked the car and Jack helped Stella into the passenger seat as the rest of them sat in the back "I'll just drop you guys off since Stella needs to rest and I don't want her to be alone in the bus while she's still injured."
♠ ♠ ♠
HOOHA. So Darakat was typing this in the "drafts" section yesterday and when we pressed the submit button all the hard work went byebye.

Hope you guys liked this, comment please. :D