Status: Updates are gunna be sloow. I need inspiration. Comment? Please? <3

Don't Lose Hope Of Me Out There

I Must Be Dreaming - The Maine

After I dropped off the rest of them, Stella fell asleep on the way to the venue. When I parked the car behind the buses, i turned to Stella about to wake her up but she looked so tired and for a moment I stared at her as the sun hit her shiny blond hair, as her chest rose and fell with every breath. I tore my eyes away from her and got out of the car then crossed to her door, opened it, put my arm under her neck and the other under her knees and slowly began to lift her up, as I slowly began to lift her up she stirred a bit but she was still asleep, then I made my way to the buses, she wasn't that heavy, hell I was heavier than her.

When I reached the bus door Stella began to stir and seconds later she opened her eyes and blinked a few times, her dark blue eyes bore to mine. After a few more seconds she tilted her head then she said

"John? What are you doing?"

"Uh, y-you fell asleep in the car and I-I-I didn't want to w-wake you up, so I carried you" I explained while still carrying her and stuttering like an idiot

"Oh, okay, thanks," She said while looking at me with tired eyes "You can put me down now," She added as she hopped off my arms "Where are the others?"

"Um, I dropped them off at Denny's awhile ago" I replied as I opened the door and motioned for her to get in

"Okay then, I'm going to go sleep. They gave me some pain killers and its making me hella tired. See ya later." She said as she walked in and went towards the bunks and hopped in hers

"I'll be right here if you need anything." I replied as I went down to sit in the booths and she replied with an ''Mhm."

After half an hour of playing video games someone knocked on the door and then I stood up to open it to my shock I saw Halvo and Pat at the door with take out food in their hands

"Whoa, what are you guys doing here?" I said as they stepped into the bus

"We brought you and Stella food," said Pat with a smile on his face "By the way were is she?"

"She's sleeping in her bunk, she said the pain killers were making her drowsy" I said while rummaging through the bags of food

"Bummer, I wanted to meet her. Pat said she was awesome." Halvo stated while munching on french fries

"Ohh! Spicy Chicken Melt! This is mine right?" I stated as I held up the sandwich

"Yeah that's yours and we got Stella the Double Cheese Burger" Pat said while taking out his own burger

"What time is the show?"I asked while taking a bite

"12pm, It's 11:30 right now, they already set up the stage and we have to go to sound check. The rest of them are finished eating and are waiting at the stage" Pat replied

"Who's going to stay with Stella?" I asked while downing the last of my sandwich and taking a drink out of a water bottle

"I'll do it our set isn't till 1:30 and you'd probably be done by then" Halvo replied

"Okay then, well me and Pat are gonna go now. Just text Amber if anything goes wrong" I said as I stood up then went to the door

"Sure bye bye" Halvo said as he went to the back lounge to probably play video games for the next two hours

Tell me that you love me.
And it'll be alright.
Are you thinking of me?
Just come with me tonight.
You know I need you.
Just like you need me.
Can't stop, Won't stop.
I must be dreaming.

I put on my black ray-ban's as I stepped off the bus, the hot sun hit my skin as me and Pat made our way to sound check but Pat got the time wrong the show was already about to start with the rest of The Maine waiting for us on the stage then I ran up to the microphone and said

"Hey LA!, Sorry me and Pat were late. He got the time wrong, are you guys ready?!" then the crowd got crazy and Jared started the intro to The Way We Talk

After an hour and a half the show ended smoothly and nothing at all went wrong, I made my way to the merch table for a quick signing and after that Garrett came up to me and said

"Hey, there's a bus party later at All Time Low's bus around 7pm, ya coming?"

"Maybe, I'm not sure and I'm kinda tired I'll let you know later 'kay?" I replied then I made my way to the bus

When I got on the bus I was greeted by the cool air from the air conditioning and Halvo was napping with his mouth open as usual on the lounge couch, I walked up to him and shook his shoulder

"Halvo..... Halvo," I said as I was still shaking his shoulder "HALVO!" then he opened his eyes and jumped up

"What?! What!? I didnt eat the cake!" He said while looking around panicking then I bursted out lauging

"Dude, It's already 1:30 hurry up and get to your set!" I said while still laughing in between

"Oh right, by the way Stella woke up earlier while you guys were playing and then chatted with me and then went back to sleep like about 8 minutes ago," Halvo said while walking towards the door "Bye."

"Bye." I replied as he shut the door, I felt a little sleepy so I went over to the bunks, Stella's bunk was right across mine which were the second row middle bunks, as I was about to hop into mine Stella spoke or more like yelled

"I want that cookie!! GIMME THAT COOKIE!" I went to check if she was awake by opening her curtain gently but her eyes were still closed and she was still hugging her pillow, I let out a little laugh so she sleep talks, I'll have to tease her bout that later, so then I went back to my bunk tried to sleep but all I could think about was Stella and it was driving me crazy.

When I finally fell asleep I had a weird dream, It was me and Stella on the beach just sitting there and watching the sunset with our intertwined hands in the sand then a loud thud awakened me.
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Yay! Comment please :) and I posted visuals of Stella, Amber and Keltie plus The Maine in the summary you guys can go check it.