Status: Updates are gunna be sloow. I need inspiration. Comment? Please? <3

Don't Lose Hope Of Me Out There

New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco


When we came back from the beach to the venue everybody was packing to leave, roadies were carrying the instruments back to the trailer or bus, I saw Amber and Keltie carrying boxes of merch back to the trailer. I was about to help them when my phone rang. It was an unknown number so I answered it

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Stella,"

"Who's this?"

"Oh no one important just a tall guy with black hair and a ring on his right ring finger and some tatts"

"Um, ELMO!?" I gasped "I'm kidding, hey Poolie! Why'd yah call?"

"Nothing," Paul said with a small laugh "Just testing if your number was fake"

"Why would I give you a fake number?" I said while putting my left hand on my waist

"I don't know or maybe I just wanted to hear your voice," His words made me smile

I laughed "You haven't change a bit Paul, you always make me smile"

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment," I could tell that he was walking cause I could hear footsteps through the phone "Turn around."

"Okay..." I said as I turned around "Wh-" But I was cut off because I bumped into someone or something I almost fell flat on my butt but that something/someone caught me by my waist

"Whoa there," Paul said I could feel his breath in my face "Good thing I caught you."

"Yeah, it's a good thing you did." I said in a whisper then Paul leaned down to kiss me, when our lips met it felt wasn't like it used to be. The spark just wasn't there anymore, but I missed Paul so I didn't have the heart to pull away then all of a sudden Paul pulled away

"Does this mean we're back again?" Paul asked while looking deeply into my eyes

"Well, technically we never broke up," I said while standing up straight and still looking into his eyes with a sad smile "I just never had the god damned guts to tell you I left."

"I'll take that as a yes?" Paul asked

"Even after I broke your heart?"

"I already forgave you for that Stel, I never did stop loving you." Paul said looking down to his shoes

"Then yes, we're back together again" I said with a small smile then he engulfed me in a bone crushing hug, I said yes because I thought everything would just fall into place and go back to it used to be.

"Okay, Paul. Can't. Breathe"

"Oh right, sorry," He said stepping away from me slowly "I guess I have to be going now, I'll call you later."

"Bye." I replied as I walked back to the bus

When I stepped onto it the guys were laughing about something while Kennedy and Garrett were playing on the X-Box in the front lounge. Amber saw me and then she suddenly ran up to me screeching

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" She said as she shook my shoulders and all of the guys stared at us

"Ouch, Amber! Chill!" I said then held her shoulders so she'd stop shaking me then she dragged me into the back lounge and slammed the door shut

"What did I just see out there?" She asked me as I sat down and she stood in front of me and crossed her arms

"Saw what?"

"Don't play dumb with me," She said with a playful glare "I saw you talking to Paul out there!"

"Oh.. I thought you saw the kiss," I then immediately slapped my hand to my mouth "Dammit!"

"YOU KISSED HIM?!" Amber yelled at me, then all of a sudden the door was thrown open

"WHAT?! WHO WAS KISSING WHO?" John Ohh said then all of a sudden the whole band was behind him, I swear those boys are so nosy.

"Nothing! Get your big fat noses outta here." Amber said then pushed John and the rest of them out and locked the door

"Okay then, I'm gon' eat" I said then stood up and quickly bolted for the door

Then Amber grabbed me by the elbow "Woah there. You must fill me in on what happened. I want the juicy juicy."

"Gah! Fine but just cause you're my best friend and I love you." I said as I went back to sit down and told her everything that happened.


I heard Amber yell from the back lounge me and were still kinda dumbfounded by all the yelling earlier

"YOU KISSED HIM?!" I was curious to know who they were talking about, the idea of Stella kissing someone else somehow angered me when I know I shouldn't be, I stood up and bursted through the door and said

"WHAT?! WHO WAS KISSING WHO?" and then in a split second the guys were right behind me listening in but Amber quickly yelled at us to get out and shoved us out the door.

Then the guys went back to what they were doing before, which was playing Halo 3 but I couldn't help but pace back and forth on the bus then Halvo walked in and sat down next to Garrett but before he could completely put his bum on the seat I grabbed his elbow and dragged him with me out of the bus

"What the hell dude?!" He said as I quickly walked to the back of the bus, I motioned for him to follow me so he did

"Stella kissed someone" I said as I paced back and forth again

"It should matter why?" Halvo asked with an exasperated look

"Dude, I think I'm having feelings for Stella" I mumbled while looking at him and my shoes

"What!?" He said with a shocked look on his face "Well, maybe you should talk to her? Or something I don't know I'm no girl professional."

"Okay...yeah maybe I'll do that.." I replied nodding

"Okay bro, I'mma go back in and play some video games before they all decide they get bored with it and then I have play alone." Halvo said before going back

"Mkay man, I'll just hang out here for a bit.." I said while sitting on the floor indian style next to the wheel of the bus
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY AN UPDATE. Comment pleaaaseee, we aren't getting feedback people :( We don't know if you guys like it or just wanna stab your eyes out everytime you read a chapterrrr.

Chellen has a new story!! Go check it. It features Nicholas Santino ;D

Rewind To The First Time I Felt It Coming