Status: finally finished all my exams and ready to get writing again, i will update very soon =) x

Love... Is it over the Rainbow?

Faiths dad has news...

"Dad, Daddy... what do you mean... what’s wrong?"

Faith questioned her Dad as she examined his face.

"I’m really sorry honey, its bad news"

her Dad replied. The expression on Faiths face dropped and she turned around to look at Alexander before looking back at her dad and saying

"bad news?? What bad news?? Daddy tells me please"

Faith said with tears streaming down her face. Alexander stepped towards Faith and hugged her tightly as he knew she was really upset. Faith's dads heart sank when he saw how perfect the two of them looked together... he knew the news he had to tell Faith would break her heart and Alexander’s too; the next few words that were mumbled out of Faiths dads mouth were going to change everything and it was breaking his heart having to tell her like this... however he went on...

"Honey, I’m so sorry... I got the new job, were moving to the big city in 2 months"

a tear ran down Faith's dad's face as he uttered the words that broke his daughters heart in two.

"Moving?? Dad I can't move... I love Alexander, I want to be able to see him, hug him, kiss him, spend every day of my life with him and you want me to move??"

Faith screamed through the tears pouring out of her ocean blue eyes, she ran upstairs and locked herself in her room crying into her pillow.... Alexander looked at Faith's parents and then ran upstairs after her.

"Faith.... Faith, open the door sweetie, its Alex, please let me in... I hate seeing you upset"

as Alexander finished his sentence Faith slowly got up from her bed and walked towards her bedroom door, she opened her door till there was a slight crack big enough to see Alexander through, Faith said

"Alex I can’t move, I love you... they can't make me move.... can they?"

Alexander replied and said

"Faith just let me in please, let me comfort you.... I hate seeing you cry, it’s breaking my heart"

Faith let Alexander in and the pair of them held each other tightly, Faiths parents came upstairs to see if they were alright and as they got to the top of the stairs, Faith slammed her bedroom door shut and locked her and Alexander in... she spoke in a gentle calm voice through her door, just loud enough for her parents to hear

"Mum, Dad.... I can’t move; me and Alex, were meant to be, we love each other and if you make me move you will be breaking both of our hearts.... please don’t make me move.... I’m begging you"

Faith's parents went silent and a gentle tear dropped from their eyes, Faith's mum turned to her husband and said

"I can’t bare to see her upset, but we have to move... it's your job.... what are we supposed to do"

Faith's dad simply replied....

"I don't know"

as he ran down the stairs and out the front door, all that Faith, her Mum and Alexander could hear was the car being revved off of the driveway and out into the cold, dark night....
♠ ♠ ♠
i've got a little bit of spare time so i'm editing the next few chapters and hopefully they should be up soon. *fingers crossed my editing means it doesnt get deleted*