Status: In Progress

Hurry up and save me!

Chapter 1

~I can still feel her presence around me, as I sit here. I look around and see her everywhere. As I think, the rain begins to fall. It feels so peaceful, like it’s washing away my troubles, my sadness, my anger, and my hurt.

The rain reminds me of her. We would always come outside and sit in the rain and sing. I can still hear her singing all around me. The wind carries her voice. I can still remember the way she would always run her fingers through my hair.

I remember her touch when she would push on the swings. She was so gentle and fragile, so breakable. I was afraid she would blow away with the wind. She always smelled so good, like cinnamon.

I remember when she would always tell me, “no matter what happens in life, always be yourself and never forget who you are, because if you do, it is so hard to find yourself again.” I never understood what she meant by it, but now I do. I wish she were here to guide me through life, but I know one day I will see her again.~

I closed my laptop and whipped the tears from my eyes, which is harder to do with my glasses on, and laid down on my bed. All of a sudden my door flies open and my ‘sister’ comes barging in.

“Can I help you?” I asked in a tone that meant I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.

“Have you seen my shorts?" she said in a tone that meant she knew I took them, even tough I don’t wear short shorts.

“No. Did you ask Julie?” I asked, knowing that she probably just went straight to the assumption that I had to have taken them.

“No, because you have them!” she yelled.

“No I don’t, but if u want to take a look though my clothes and see for yourself, go right ahead.” I said in a calm voice.

She searched through all my clothes and, as i told her she would, didn’t find them.

"Told you I didn't take them." I said as she was walking.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she closed the door. She always thinks that I take her stuff. I can tell that she doesn’t like me, but I’ve deal with bigger problems than her attitude.

Maybe I should tell you a little more about myself. My name is Chloe Jordan Johnson, or C.J. My favorites:
Color – teal
Food – pizza
Movie – The Host

I live with Julie Anne Johnson and David Nathanial Johnson and their kids, Arianna Jada Johnson (also known as A.J.) and Chad Daniel Johnson. They aren’t my parents though; my dad left when I was four, and my mom—well she’s no longer here if you know what I mean.

I lived in the Franklinville Orphanage [A/N: no idea if that is a real place. Ha] for 3 ½ years. During my days there, I went to school, then counseling, and then back to the orphanage, did my homework (getting all A’s and B’s), and cried myself to sleep, partly because I missed my mom, and partly because it was my fault she was gone.

No body wanted me I guess. Well until Julie came I mean. I don’t know why she wanted me, but she did. Maybe she thought she could help me. I don’t know, but I don’t really care either.

I’m not as cheerful as I used to be. I used to dance around my room and sing along to the songs on the radio, but all ended when mom left. I didn’t even touch my guitar or sing for a year. All the happy music I used to listen to makes me want to scream. It’s like its mocking me! If it weren’t for music she wouldn’t even be gone.

I have a question for you reading my story: Why are you reading this? I mean you don’t have to read it. Do you want some help to come up with an answer? How about I tell you why I like to read; sound good? Well, I’m gonna go ahead and tell you even if you don’t want me to.

I like to read because, like you always hear people say, you can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do when you read. For a little while, you can forget about your problems and hear about someone else’s, whose make yours seem like nothing, nothing at all. Because, even for that little while, you can forget about life and become your character, and imagine yourself in their place instead of your own. You can get lost in the books and not even notice. These are only a few reasons why I like to read.

Did I help you with your answer? I bet you have a lot more to think about now.

Have you ever wondered why something happened? I wonder that everyday. I’ve tried to keep my mind occupied with other things, but I just can’t seem to get it out of my mind. Even school work doesn’t keep me busy anymore. I read sometimes, but somehow everything I read reminds me of my mother.

I have some questions that I want u to answer; you can even do them in your head:

How long could you go without music?

Have you ever lost someone?

Who is your best friend?

Do you know if anyone hates you at the moment?

Have you ever been the reason someone you love is hurt?

Does it break your heart to see someone cry, even if it was a stranger?

Who do you like/love at the moment?

If you could go back in time and change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Do you believe in God?

If you got one wish what would it be?

Have you ever been kissed, been on a date, had a boyfriend?

What is your……...
Favorite song?
Favorite band?
Favorite color?
Favorite food?
Favorite movie?

Do you have a cell phone? And if you do, do u text people or call them usually?

Are you a loner, or do you have lots of friends?

Would you rather be the center of attention or would you rather be invisible?

Are you a bookworm?

Are you creative?

Would you rather go to a party or stay home on the weekend?

Do you have any siblings?

Why are you answering these questions?

Do you know how to do laundry?

Do you like kids?

Have you ever babysat?

Do you have friends of the opposite sex?

Are you tired of these pointless questions?

Well my answers are….I’m not going to bore you with that.

I’m not your average 16 year old. I don’t have sleepovers, or friends for that matter. I keep to myself a lot. I don’t obsess over my hair and nails. I don’t go to scary movies with a guy so they will put their arms around me; I don’t even date.

I know that probably seems weird, but hey that’s me.
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>>>>I know the rhyme was lame, but oh well =]. I'm not sure if this is very good. your oppinion would be greatly appriciated.<<<<<<