Everything Changes

The Departure

“Do you really have to go Rory?” Shane asked

“Yeah, now my dad is working out of state he’s making my family move with him.” I said

“We’re going to miss you,” Morgan said. I looked at my friends and held in my tears. “I mean do you really expect me to hang around with Shane?! All by myself?!” she said.

I laughed. Typical Morgan, I’m leaving and all she can think about is being seen with Shane! Morgan hugged me. I began to cry. I don’t want to go! Please!

“Keep in touch,” Shane said. I hugged him.

Shane and Morgan had been my best friends since kindergarten. They hadn’t changed one bit! Well, maybe a little. I mean they still acted the same but their looks had changed. Morgan’s blonde hair was now brown and Shane’s dark brown hair was now black. He’d changed a lot, but he was still the same. Does that make sense?

“Lorelei. Come on! We have to go! Now!” My mom yelled.

I cried. I pulled away from Shane and walked slowly to the car in the pouring rain. I love the rain, because when it’s raining you can’t tell that I’m crying. I gave a last wave and got into the car.

“Thank god!” My mom said, “I never liked those two,” she said.

I sat there in silence. As the care began to move I turned around and looked back at them. Morgan was in tears.

“S’okay Morg, I’ll be back soon! It’s only for two years, we wont graduate together but we’re going to the same collage… for sure.” I said to myself

“Ha! Don’t be so sure of that missy!” my mom said.

I don’t care what she says. We’re all going to collage together, and that’s final. I waved slowly to them. They waved back. I looked at them until they were specks in the distance. I sat in my seat and tears crawled down my face.

I’m coming back mom, weather you like it or not! I just hope they don't forget me...