A World of Possibilities


I sat on the edge of the street, kicking the gravel beneath my feet as I waited. Those ten minutes I spent waiting were ten minutes I would never get back.

Instead of driving away in my shiny new convertible like I would in my dream world, I had to wait around for my mom’s old beat-up Volvo to pull in the parking lot. I had to wait for her to drive up into the parking lot slowly as I walked towards it, looking down at my gray converses as they moved, forcing my body forward. I had to wait until I finally made it to the car and took a few seconds to hop in the passenger’s seat. I had to wait double the time until I finally reached my home destination. I had to wait until I could find something to do, then I had to wait for dinner, and then I had to wait for my homework to finish itself.

I took a shower. I read parts of a random book placed upon the nightstand next to my bed. I went to sleep, though I barely got any sleep at all. Oh, the perks of being an insomniac: I even had to wait for sleep to come.

I had to wait for nothing; I had to wait for everything. It seemed like all I did was waste my life away. All I did was repeat the same events over and over again. My life was so ordinary; it always had been.

I woke up bright and early the next morning. I got dressed. I washed my face, then covered it lightly with make-up. I straightened my hair. I ate a bagel for breakfast. I grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door, barely catching the bright yellow school bus.

I stepped on the bus and pulled out my iPod, waiting patiently for it to reach the school, only to groan lightly when it did. I waited my turn to step through the isles, sighing to myself as I stepped off of the bus and walked to my locker, jamming everything I didn’t need for class inside of it. Carrying a few items with me that I would need, I walked silently to homeroom without bothering to talk to anyone at all.

I walked from class to class. I laughed. I sighed. I groaned. It was a day like any other.

Until I got home.

And at that moment, I felt perfectly content with just being normal.

But I didn’t live a normal life; not anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter one (: It’s short, I know, but it’s prologue-y, I guess. deciding what to write was a lot harder than I thought it’d be… ha ha. s’all in others’ hands now. well, most of it, anyways.
make sure to take note of the author in the top corner, there’s a lot of ‘em to keep track of.
thanks to all of them for doing this!
I’m pretty stoked for this story, to be honest.
