A World of Possibilities


The next day, after going to school and trying to live out yet another normal day, I came home to the sight of boxes. I was about to search out my mother and make her explain, but then I remembered. Shane.

I had never liked Shane. I had met him when my mother brought him home one night. She had introduced him as the man she worked with. After bringing him home multiple times, they started dating.

I still remember the night she came home with a bruised face. My mom was my only family; my dad had left when I was two. I was 16 now.

“Mom! What happened to you?” She wouldn’t answer me at first, only shaking her head and crying. “I hate him!” she yelled, “He’s such a scum bag!” At that point, I understood what had happened. He had beaten her. “Oh Mom.” I said as I gave her a hug. “Sunny, don’t you ever let any man ever do this to you. Ever.” We sat there for awhile, holding each other and crying. I hated him even more now, and he would pay for what he did. I would get my revenge.

The memory stopped itself and I ran up to my bedroom. He had hit me once as well, but I never told my mother. For some reason, she had great feelings for the man.

My mother was young, being only 31. She had given birth to me when she was 15. Shane was 31 as well.

I looked in the mirror and tried to regain my composure. My dark brown hair was long and wavy. I usually kept it in a ponytail, but I let it out now so that I could cover parts of my face to hide my agony.

My pale skin gave me the appearance of a ghost if you only caught a glimpse of me and my blue eyes didn’t help that matter. I took a deep breath and though about what was going to be happening. I had just reached the part about my mother giving birth to twins when Shane walked through my door.

“Hey sugar.” Was his greeting to me.

I said nothing, only turning my head to stare into his deep brown eyes. “Don’t you dare call me that.” I eventually responded.

He only laughed.

I took a closer look at him. His muscles were bulging under his tight black shirt and he had recently gotten a haircut. His straight blonde hair was now only slightly below his ears.

He walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. I tried to pull away, but he was much too strong for me to handle.

“Get off me.” I said through clenched teeth.

He forced my mouth to his and then slapped me. “Be careful bitch or you’ll be pregnant before long, just like your filthy mother.”

I fell to my knees as he released me from his grasp.

I couldn’t tell my mother about this. I couldn’t tell anybody about this.
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Sorry if I completely messed up the story >.<
Please comment!
Oh, and sorry if I've made it difficult for the next person that's writing.