A World of Possibilities


Instead of going to school, I had to help unpack. Shane’s words were still ringing in my head.

“Be careful bitch or you’ll be pregnant before long, just like your filthy mother.”

He wouldn’t lay a hand on me. Mother wouldn’t allow it. Still, I hadnt told anybody, and slowly, I knew he would break me. When mother had asked about the bruises on my neck, I lied and said something had happened at school.

Before long, I had finished my room. Mother was relaxing at her sisters house, she wasn’t allowed to help because of the twins. Without me noticing, Shane had entered the room. There was a dirty smirk on his face.

“Hey there sugar.”

“I thought I told you not to call me that?” the venom clear in my voice. His eyes hardened.

“And I though I had already given you a warning. I’m got gonna be so generous next time, but this time, this’ll have to do” with that, he took off the belt that kept his jeans from falling, and hit my stomach four times. I didn’t scream or moan or anything. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. He stormed away in a huff, leaving me there, weak and defenseless.

I walked over to the mirror, but not before closing and locking the door. Examining the bruises and cleaning up the little bit of blood, I wondered to myself,

Mother, what have you gotten us into?
♠ ♠ ♠
short, I know, but this is the only time I have to update!
I hope I didnt make it too hard for the next person!
Much love, Saddie <3