Falling For You.


The morning is here but I feel so distant. I want to scream that I love him but no sound comes out. I guess I fell too fast, so fast that he hardly even noticed I exist.
"Jayde, quit day dreaming,” Mom shouted while I was staring into nothing.
"Dreaming of ‘Lover Boy,’” she said, jokingly.
You see, my family doesn’t know about my crush on Jake Taylor. They would crucify me if they did; the reason being that our families despise each other but I still don't even know if there is a reason behind this.
"If only you knew" I said under my breath.
In an age where reality is on the television screen, my words would most likely have fallen on deaf ears anyway.
You know that feeling you have when you want to tell a secret but can't seem to spit it out?
That's how I live every day.
Once this ten minute car ride is over I will enter the hell hole formally known as school.
Over continuous speed bumps we go until we get to where we need to be.
"Come on Jade, you don't want to be late", my Mom says.
"Meaning hurry up. I want to go because Jeremy Kyle is on,” my head whips back to her.
With a subtle smile Mom says, "‘Course not! Good bye, Love"
"Bye", I reply as she drives off.
As I walk into school a familiar face brushes past.
"Watch where you're going" a voice bellows.
That's Amber Platt. She is the reason Jake Taylor does not know I exist. She tries her best to keep every female out of his blue-eyed gaze. Just look at him and you're in the line of fire.
Also did I happen to mention she’s a blond haired, blue-eyed beauty?
Come to think of it she’s everything I’m not.
You see this society confuses me!
We tell a blond haired barbie she is "perfect" when really she is just fake and someone who just longs to called beautiful is subjugated to abuse, when she is 100 percent more beautiful than people like Amber.

So after taking the long way round the school block to avoid Amber again, I arrive in my music class. Music is my favourite lesson, it gives me a sense of self worth, it just blocks the outside world out. Thank god for i-Pods!
"We have new students to the class", Mrs Windsor shouts to the extremely noisy class.
I assumed that "new students" meant people who have just moved to the area or just joined the school.
Of course in my life nothing could go right.
"Amber Platt and Jake Taylor", Mrs Windsor says enthusiastically.
The fake smile on my cracked lips merges.
Could music class now be a chance to impress them or her chance to humiliate me?
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My first story, please tell me what you think! :)