This Can't Be Right... He's a Vampire


I Woke up in Wes's arms... like I did every day. There was something diffrent though. WHY had i woken up? I heard knocks on the door. Oh, mkay. That was it.

I pulled on one of Wesleys huge shirts and walked to the door, semi taming my wild hair. It was like 6:30 in the morning. Normally I woke up at seven, because school started at 8.

"What ever it is..." I said as I opened the door. "Oh... It's you." Nathanial stood right in front of me. "Come in... I'll wake up Mary."

I scurried off and shook her awake, reaching over Justin. She stood up and I went to get dressed. I pulled on my school uniform. A white shirt, with a blue skirt and a sweater. Quicklly I brushed my hair, letting it flow down. I put on make up and felt Wes behind me.

"One more year, and then you can live at home with me all the time." He said. Wesley was a year older than me. "Then we can have fun during the day." I smiled at him.

"We have fun durring the night." He nodded, agreeing with me.

I smiled as he put a shirt on over his tightly tonned abs, and we walked out to the kitchen. Nathan was sitting at the table, reading over some papers.

"Why are you here?" Wes asked. He had expressed last night that he didn't like the way Nathanial looked at me. I hated and loved that Wesley was so over protective. It made me feel wanted, but also pissed me off that he thought i couldn't handle myself.

"It doesn't matter." I said quicklly pouring coffee. It was 7:15, I had to go. "You got today off of work, right Wes?" I asked. He looked at me like I was crazy. "The dance? Remember!?"

There was an all-species dance tonight. It was required because the Vampire Prince was picking his wife tonight. I knew I wouldn't be picked, but I didn't wanna go by my self and be pestered by Ralph, an anoying warewolf that had a thing for me.

"Yeah." Wes said. "I got it." I looked at the clock, chocking on my hot coffee.

"Make sure Mark gets up for school." I said to Mary. "I can catch the bus... I'll see you at lunch." and I left.

I was taking a first period, and my Brother and Mary weren't. Justin worked at the safe way underneath our appartment, and Wesley worked as a Car Mechanic during the day, and a bar tender at night, so they didn't need to worry about school.

I ran down the stair way, just in time to see the bus leave. Shoot. It wasn't far to my school, but I hated walking. I might be five minuets late if I walked too.

I set off, and was startled by a voice to my left.

"Get in." Nathan said. It was an order. A kind order, yet still I couldn't legally refuse even if I wanted to. He was inside a white mustang. Ever since I was little I had always wanted a Mustang, but when they made the laws i gave up my dream. Humans weren't allowed to work as any thing important. Thus forth no money to buy nice cars.

I got in and he smiled at me. His smile was beautiful and lit up his whole face. I smiled back as a reaction but justified it as not wanting to die for not showing respect to a stupid vampire. We quicklly were a block away from the school.

"Wait!" I said. The car stopped sudenly with a jerk. "Can i get out here?"

"Why?" He asked looking hurt. He was the only blood sucker I knew that could act like they care about a humans feelings. Honestly he was the only blood sucker I knew, but i ignored that.

"It would be bad... If I was seen getting out of a nice car I mean." i explained, wondering why I was explaining. "They would think I know you." He nodded and unlocked the door.

I got out and ran to class, hearing the bell ring and watching as Nathan parked his car and got out. 'Strange vampire' I thought to myself.

First peiod went by painfully slow. They were teaching us something about a Vampire King of the 18th century... blah. Blah. Blah. Seriously? Who ever need's to know this stuff? I went to my second period class, Math, and Ralph was sitting next to me.

"You goin to the dance tonight?" He wispered in his rough voice. Ralph had shaggy brown hair that went down to his ear, and green/ blond eyes. t\That sound's weird but it is the only way to describe them.

"Yes Ralph. I have a boy friend though... we had this exact same conversation yesterday." I harshly wispered. Ralph look pretty mad. He would be extreamly cute if he was a human... but he wasn't.

Third period passed, and at lunch I ate with Mary, but didn't see Mark at all. On my way to fourth period, I saw him... and instantly wished I hadn't.

"Mark!?" I yelled. "Mark, hun, what are you doing?" Mark was holding a huge stack of books. I saw tears running down his face. "Mark drop the books!!" I yelled.

He did, and they went crashing to the floor. I grabbed Marks hand and pulled him into the closest class room. I had to hold his hands up against the wall, because he was hitting himself and banging his head into the wall.

"Mark! What's going on?! Mark what did she do?!" I was still screaming.

"S-she... I-I-I... She m-made me sl-leep with-h her." I gasped and let go of his arms, only to realize he was hitting himself again and grab them once more.

"Stay here Mark!." I yelled at his shaking body. "Stay here... I'll get help."

~~Nathan's point of veiw ~~

Human's were strange. The girl from last night had openly led me into her home. She had endangered all her friends. She must have known that I wanted her papers.... Yet she still let me in.

I didn't really have a right to say that though. I was as complex as her. When she showed up at Dariens corner I had thought she was pretty. Something I could have, if I wanted. When I went to her house and saw her boyfriend, I wanted to be with her so badly it hurt.

Vampires weren't supposed to have emotions like petty jelousy. It was weird. And then while driving her to school, when she said she didn't wanna be seen with me, I was sad. Of course she doesn't want to be seen with me... I suck her friends blood! What would they think of her? They would wisper traitor along the hallways of this stupid school.

Currently I was standing here in this previously empty class room. I had been talking to my father about the Ball/Dance to night, and who I was thinking of choosing, and in she comes yelling at a boy.

"Stay here Mark!" She had yelled. "Stay here... I'll get help!" She skidded out of the class room. My father left right a way, not wanting to be by these people, but I stayed here. She had been so wraped up in his illness she had missed me standing there all together.

The boy looked like her in a sence, and I remembered seeing him at her house last night. How strange. I knew what had happened to him... and by the looks of things, i knew who had done it. Vampires had a way of making people do what they wanted. Maybe it was our beauty, or our charm, but some of us could do it.

I had a younger sister. She was full Vampire, like me and she had the uncanny ability to make people do what she wanted. When ever she used her talent the fragile human brain was put in to shock, like this boy was. They became sweaty and started shaking.

"Who did this to you?" I asked, worried about the boy as he flinched back from my vampiric features.

"Willamina." He wispered... shuttering at the name. I could have guessed. Willa and I would be talking when we got back home. Suddenly the girl, Megan, came running around the corner. She had her friend Mary with her.

"Call Wes." Mary said, checking on the boy.

"Wes?" Megan said her delicate lips moving like silk in the wind. "It's mark... She got to him." She nodded a couple of times. "Could you come pick him up?... I don't know how I let this happen.... well it wasn't like she had done it oftan lately." Her voice was picking up to a scream.

I sat there enjoying the little soap opera. Well, really I wasn't enjoying their panick. It was spreading through the air like a wild fire. And I wasn't enjoying the young boy, Mark's, reaction to the whole ordeal. He wouldn't stop hurting himself. What I was enjoying was the way Megan moved. She was far from graceful. But when she leaned over and i could see the plumpness of her chest... suddenly I stood up, and with out making a noise I left the room, watching as the two teenage girls carried Mark out in to a car, and watching as Megan was givin a detention for not going to fourth period class.
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I combiened two chapters to make this one.
Hope you like it.
More Nathan coming soon. <3