Status: Complete. Finite. Done. Over. *sniff*

Be a Man

"When you finally grow up and decide to be a man," I said flippantly, "I might consider it."
These are the words that got me into trouble. You see, my name is Anna, and there is one annoying, big-headed prick who likes the idea of he and I as a couple. His name is Austin, and he takes my words to heart.
“Grow up and be a man, eh?” he asked with a lopsided smirk, “Deal.”
And, being the foolish girl that I am, when that point in my story comes, I will shake his hand. But it’s best to know why I insist on calling him a big-headed prick, and how insistent he is that we are so perfect for each other. So, why don’t we start? Right at the beginning, or more precisely, on the very day that the bane of my existence moves to our quiet town in the mountains.
  1. July, 2008
    In which we meet the Prestons
  2. August, 2009
    In which we see the arrogant side of Austin
  3. August, 2009 (Part Two)
    In which Anna is royally pissed off
  4. August, 2009 (Part Three)
    In which Anna and her Mom have another argument...
  5. August, 2009 (Part Four)
    In which Anna gets a surprise
  6. August, 2009 (Part Five)
    In which Anna and Austin strike a deal.
  7. August, 2009 (Part Six)
    In which there is paintball and coffee involved...
  8. August, 2009 (Part Seven)
    In which a song is sung and fun is to be had
  9. August, 2009 (Part Eight)
    In which Austin hangs with the gang
  10. September, 2009
    In which Anna wants things to go back to normal.
  11. September, 2009 (Part Two)
    In which Austin tells Anna something she doesn't want to acknowledge as truth.
  12. November/December, 2009
    In which a secret is revealed to Brandon and Hailey and Anna is pressured to do something she's afraid of doing...
  13. January, 2010
    In which we see a new aspect of Austin's life
  14. February, 2010 (Language warning)
    In which Anna has an awful conversation, and also a moment of politeness
  15. February, 2010 (Finale)
    In which Anna discovers things she doesn't want to and the one thing she does.
  16. Epilogue (Part I)
    In which Anna has several nostalgic moments and college looms on the horizon...
  17. Epilogue (Part II) Final Part
    In which Anna and Austin go on the most memorable date of their lives.