Status: Active....Thanks to XXfalling-overXX for the banner... again :]

New In Town

Chapter Thirty

After dinner, Oliver led me back up to his room. We were lying on his bed after he had awkwardly pushed the various magazines, CDs and clothes off of it. I had lay my head on his shoulder as he started to play with my hand, almost as if he was examining it.

"I like this," I mumbled, watching his fingers curl around mine almost protectively.

"Me too, I lo-" I lifted my head slightly to look at his face when he didn't finish his sentence. He looked nervous. I bit my lip as I realized what he was about to say. 'Maybe I was ready to tell him that...' I was pulled from my train of thought as I felt the body beneath me shift to sit up.

"Oliver?" He lifted his head to look at me with a hurt expression that he was trying hard to hide.

"Hm?" He hummed, his teeth clamped around his bottom lip.

"I, um, I-I... have something to tell you." 'Chicken.'

"What's that?" He asked, curiosity seeping into his voice.

"I, um, you know what you, well what you said you didn't say that day at lunch but what Allison thought was true?"

"Um, what?" He asked, curiosity replaced by confusion.

"Allison said that you, um... love me."

His eyes widened slightly "Oh, yeah. She was just talking bullshit. She was just jealous, you know, she's had this crush on me and it just- she got the wrong end of the sti-"

"I love you!" I said, maybe a bit too loud, when he wouldn't stop rambling.

"You- You love me?" I nodded, fearing that my voice would give away just how nervous I was about what I had just revealed. "Seriously?" He pressed, a smile spreading across his face.


His grin grew bigger "I love you, too." He said, his voice even and smooth, not like my miserable stuttering one.

Seconds later, his lips were against mine. I rapped my arms around his neck as his hands pushed the small of my back, closing the little distance between us. Before we could go any further, there was a knock on the door followed by a high-pitched voice that had never sounded so annoying.

"Oliver! Oliver! Why the hell is your door locked?!" I bit my lip to prevent any insults from leaving them whereas Oli groaned and quickly went to the door and unlocked it.

"What do you want?" He asked, making no attempt to hide the aggravation in his voice.

"I want you to find a decent girlfriend, but that's never gonna happen, is it?" He rolled his eyes before letting cousin continue "It's almost 11pm, doesn't your little slut have a home to go?"

"One, if you ever call me girlfriend a slut again I'll make your life a living hell, two, she can't go home tonight and three, can't you see that we're busy?"

"Oli, it's alright. I should probably go home and sort this mess out with Danny." I said, catching both of their attention, and grabbing my hoodie off of his desk before making my way over to the pair.

"Who's Danny? Your pimp?"

"That's it! Valery, stop being such a bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you at the moment?!" He yelled at his petite cousin.

She opened her mouth to answer, hiding her hurt behind a look of pure hatred, but thought better of it and simply glared at us before running down the hallway.

"Come on, I'll take you home." He said rapping an arm around me, frowning. I mumbled an 'ok' as he led me back down the stairs.


Valery's POV:

I couldn't believe it, he was defending that bitch over me! Just because all of a sudden she puts up this innocent, naive, fragile little façade. I sighed, getting up as I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey, I was just- Whoa! What's wrong with your face?" Logan asked, noticing my puffy red eyes.

"I've been crying, idiot."

"Oh, why?"

"Because, everyone loves that, that bitch! Oliver loves her, that geeky girl in my Spanish class loves her, ... Rick loves her." I finished mumbling.

"Pff, no they don't, well at least Oliver and Rick don't."

"What?" I asked, snapping my head upward to stare at him in the eyes.

"Oh, yeah. They were both just after her for a bet. Rick bet that he could get her in bed and Oli boy bet he could get her to fall in love with him." I felt the smirk spread across my face. 'A bet, how perfect. I wonder what Allison would think of it.'


ViV's POV:

I walked into school with a smile on my face. When I had gotten home last night, Danny and I had sorted everything out, well sort of. He's forbidden me to go see my dad but I'll try to convince him this weekend or sneak out to go and see him.

I got to my locker and started to search for the books I would need for the first couple of lessons, oblivious to the gossiping girls next to me. When they realised that I wasn't paying any attention to them, they started to talk louder.

"That's her. Val told Allison all about it." I looked over at them, frowning in confusion when I saw them staring at me. I recognized them, they hung out with Allison a lot, but I didn't know their names.

"Hey! New girl!" I closed my locker, my annoyance showing in the strength I used to shut the door. With more force then I intended.


"How's your boyfriend?" They both started to laugh. I stared at them in confusion before leaving the snickering pair.


"Hey, Vivienne." I turned around at the use of my un-shortened name. No one had ever called me that before, well except my father. The sight of the people now stood in front of me caught me off guard. Allison, Valery and the two girls from before were now approaching me.

"Um, can I help you?" I asked the group of girls who were forever confusing me.

"No, but I think we can help you." One of the girls whose names were unknown to me said.

"O... K... ?"

"Where's Oliver?" Valery asked me.

"Uh, cafeteria probably." What a stupid question, it's lunchtime, where else would he be?

"Good." Allison said, smirking before they all pushed me into and empty classroom.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled try to push my way out of the room.

"Oh, no you don't! We've got something to tell you, and you're gonna listen!" They pushed onto a chair waiting for me to make another move to escape. I didn't, I just waited to get this over with.

"Well?" I asked when they remained silent. Allison moved closer to where I was sat and crouched down, looking at me in the eyes.

"You know your so-called boyfriend? Ever wondered why he tried so hard to get just one date with you? Rick, too? Well, it was for money."

"What the hell are you on about?"

"Oliver doesn't love you, he never did. It was a bet, he's just with you for a bet."

My eyes widened and my throat got dry. 'What?'
♠ ♠ ♠
The truth is out....

Thank you:

-Dudet Dav

Song of the Chapter > Common People - Pulp