Status: Active....Thanks to XXfalling-overXX for the banner... again :]

New In Town

Chapter Thirty Three

I stared at the tray of untouched food placed in front of me, well aware of the concerned looks my friends were giving me. It had been two weeks since I'd found out about Oliver and Rick's bet and now felt exhausted. Oliver wouldn't stop pestering me, always trying to tell me that I didn't know the whole story and, to be honest, I really didn't want to know.

When Alice had found out about everything, she, well, Oliver got another black eye, from Aiden only because Alice couldn't punch too well and had asked him to step in. Both Alice and Aiden had been very helpful at keeping Oliver away from me. He would never try to talk to me at lunch, never in any of classes he had with me and one of the pair and very rarely in the hallways in between classes.

I tried very hard to keep my thoughts from wandering to him but the only thing that kept me distracted enough was the thought of visiting my father but whenever I thought about him for too long, bad memories always started to appear. I sighed before standing up with my full tray and walked over to the rubbish bin, dumping its contains inside.

"You really should eat more." Alice told me as I sat down opposite her. I shrugged causing her to sigh in frustration. "You really should get over this, go out with someone else, get your mind off of that jerk off even if it is only for one night."

I glared up at her through my fringe "It's not that easy."

"Yes, it is. Look, I'll set you up with this guy I know, you ever been to Marx Comix?" I shook my head "Well, he works there, you'll like him, he's real funny." She finished. I sighed, brushing my fringe out of my eyes to see Aiden looking uncomfortable. He'd been acting very weird lately, very clingy, he would never let me out of his sight. It was getting kind of irritating.

"No." I said firmly. "If I wanted a new guy I would have one by now. Ok?"

"No, not ok. Look, just go out with him once, if you don't like him I'll stop bothering you. Deal?" I bit my lip, containing an annoyed groan.

"Fine." I spat and got up, leaving the lunch room to get to class. Physics was always the worst moment of the day. It was the only class I had with just Oliver and the teacher refused my request to change places.

I ignored Oliver as he cleared his throat standing next to my seat. "Uh, Viv?" I didn't respond. I didn't understand why he was trying to talk to me, every time he tried I never answered.

"Look," He said sitting in his usual seat "You can't ignore me forever! Please, Viv. You have to hear me out, this isn't fair! You can't just start to hate me because of something you don't-"

"Shut up!" I exclaimed finally turning to acknowledge him. "I don't care what your side of the story is! I hate you so just leave me alone, ok?" Luckily, we were the only people in the room, I didn't want anyone to hear the conversation.

"But I love y-"

"No! Look, I-I, I've moved on. Alice set me up with someone, and-and I-I really like him." I lied staring down at the desk in front of me as I saw the hurt expression spread across his face. "Sorry," I whispered before I could stop myself.

"Don't bother." He spat and got up and storming out of the room.


Third Person POV:

Oliver stormed out of the classroom and down the hallway. Lunch wasn't entirely over so he headed to the cafeteria. Aiden looked up to glare at him as he approached their table. "What do you want jerk o-" The emo boy was cut off by Oliver as his fist collided with his face, pushing him to the ground.

"Hey!" Alice spoke up, seeing her friend fall to the floor. Oliver turned his glare to her, which she eagerly returned, and walked around to her grabbing her arm. She yelped as his grip tighten pulling her out of the lunchroom and around the back of the school.

"Where are you taking me?" She questioned, her voice wavering in fear. He stopped abruptly and pushed her against the side of the building.

"Viv said you set her up with some guy." He said in a surprisingly calm voice.

Nodding in response was all her fear stricken body could do. "Why would you do that? She said she really liked him, is that true? How long have they been going out? Are they serious? Have they-"

"Stop!" She shouted, surprising the both of them, unable to take much more of his rambling mass of questions. "I did it because she needs to get over your sorry ass. They're not even going out so I can't tell how long. I really doubt that they're serious considering they haven't even met each other yet. And she probably only said that she really liked him to get you to TAKE THE FUCKING HINT!" She finished and took a deep breath.

"Leave her alone. She deserves better."

"But I love her."

"I seriously doubt that. You just feel bad because she found out and it hurt her."

"How the fuck would you know?! I fucking love her! And I have for a while now, it started out as a stupid fucking bet but then it was different! Why won't anybody listen to me?! Ugh!" He screamed running his hands through his long hair. "Why won't anybody believe what I feel for her is real?" He all but whispered.

"I'm sorry, but until Vee tells me to do otherwise, I shall continue to hate you... even if I do believe you truly love and miss her."

"You believe me?" He asked taken aback. She nodded slowly. "Thank you," He breathed out before rapping his arms around, making her feel uncomfortable and pat his back awkwardly.


Viv's POV:

"Viv! Can you come in here for a sec?!" Danny yelled from the kitchen. I walked over to him and watched as he patted the stool next to him, silently asking me to sit down.

"What's up?" I asked curious and slightly nervous.

"Look, I was just thinking, seeing as you're going through some stuff that maybe we should ask that your... father be transferred to another prison further away."

"What? No! You can't do that, it'll only make me feel worse!" I protested standing up, causing my step-brother to do the same.

"But I got a call today, the warden said that if you're ok with being able to visit him, his sentence could shorten drastically! He might even get out in a couple of months!" Before I knew it, a massive smile was occupying my face only to reduce slightly when Dan frowned at me.

"This isn't good, Vee." He warned.

"What are you on about?"

"Think about what he did to you!" I gasped as he pulled me towards him by my wrist and pulled my T-shirt down slightly, exposing my right shoulder.

"Danny!" I whined.

"Look! You can't let him do this to you! Manipulate you! I won't let that monster hurt you again!" He shouted, staring at the scar running across my shoulder blade.

"Oh! Just piss off!" I yelled back at him, failing to find a decent come-back, and ran into my room locking the door behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠

Danke Schön:

- RazzleBazzle
- XoHugsXoxOKissesxO
- allzac
- XXfalling-overXX

Song > Misfits - Helena