Status: of course it's not reallll dudes

Living with Psychos

Chapter 1: Radar

When you walk (when you walk) when you talk (when you talk)

I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want)

And listen baby don’t try to debate it... Try to make you understand you’re on my radar

(On My radar) on my radar (on my radar)

On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

~Brittany Spears

Why do the good ones die? It is always the innocent or young…never the old and guilty. It kinda seems unfair – to everybody.

It’s hard to trust people where I come from. I am only allowed to trust my brother and his friends. I can’t even trust my own parents…well I can’t now…they passed away.

Robbie is my brother and he is what you could say a good kid that just got mixed up with bad people. My brother and his friends are criminals. They steal, kill, kidnap, and sometimes rape people. I have no choice but to live with them and their twisted ways. Robbie is my legal guardian so that means I am stuck with him for another two years before I can go. But I am afraid that I won’t be able to go, like I might do something and he might hold it against me into going into his little ‘group’ more like cult of friends.

We all live in a nice house. It has an attic, basement, and one main floor. Everything was on that floor: bathrooms, bed rooms, dining room, living room, and kitchen. It’s a yellow house with green shudders…with sound proof walls. We do have neighbors but they are about three miles away.

We live in wooded areas. Not much life, except the passing campers, people who have flats or college kids having a party in the woods.

I absolutely hate it when Chance, the ‘leader’ of the cult of friends, just brings in new people to torture. It always gets me freaked out. I mean girls literally scream and kick and punch, while the guys just simply fight and try to beat up my brother and his friends.

Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. In this circle of friends, we have the whores: Jena (really nice though, my best friend), Amber (Nice when she wants to be) and then we have Rose. Rose is Chance’s, but she flirts and sleeps with other guys. She is a big bitch and never feels any guilt or emotion. She thinks she is the queen. One day I am going to kill her…she always beats me up! I mean I throw in a good punch now and then but she will go running to Chance and then Robbie finds out and gets pissed. It’s always my fault with her, never hers.
I rolled out of my lime green sheets and comforter to get ready for the day. My alarm clock is either a woman or guy screaming…few times it was moans…weird. I shudder at the thought of it.

I went to the kitchen table to see James, Chance, and Robbie eating. Amber, Rose, and Jena were making breakfast…well Rose was telling them what to do.

I sat down next to my brother and gave him a hug. “What no hug for me?” Chance joked. I rolled my eyes as Rose gave me the do-it-and-die glare. But I had to give Chance a hug. It’ll piss her off.

I walked over to Chance and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. I got out the juice and poured myself a glass. “Can those shorts get any shorter?” My brother scolded. He always did this. Scold me about what I wear, I mean I am sleeping…sue me if I wanna be comfortable!

I sighed. James peered over Robbie and looked at my shorts, “I don’t know…they look nice,” Chance wacked him over the head. James glared at Chance and Chance scowled.

“Breakfast is ready!” Amber smiled setting eggs on the table. Jena flashed a smile at me and set down some bacon. Rose scowled at me and placed toast on the table.

The breakfast was very good, surprisingly. Thank God Rose didn’t cook. She couldn’t cook or bake. She once tried to make grilled cheese and actually grilled cheese. We had a terrible smell in the house for four days. It was horrible, and disgusting. Rose was never the wife type: she can’t cook, hates kids, get jealous easily, a slut, can’t clean, and she can’t even take care of Chance when he is sick (which isn’t often).

In the middle of breakfast, Darrin came out putting on his jeans. “She was a screamer,” He smirked. Everybody laughed but me, I grimaced.

“Why is that funny? It’s disgusting,” I scolded while I stabbed my eggs with my fork.

“How would you know if you never tried it?” He smirked plopping down in a seat.

“Well, at least I know I could get ass without having to resort to raping,” I retorted. Everybody tried to cover up their laughter. Darrin growled and nearly jumped out of his chair. Chance and James held him back. “Buh bye,” I waved as he wiggled in their grip. Chance dragged him down to the basement.

Robbie glared at me, “You couldn’t just keep your mouth shut?!”

“Excuse me but weren’t you laughing also?” Jena stuck up for me. I mouth ‘Thanks’ and she nodded.

“Sid, get your act cleaned up or else,” Robbie warned.

“Or what? You gonna beat me up? I thought I could trust you,” I said thoughtfully and slammed my plate into the sink. I stormed out of the kitchen hearing; Jena and Amber call my name as Rose snickered.

I slammed my door shut. I put on my radio and cranked it up. I sat down on my bed. It was Darrin’s fault! He didn’t have to rape a girl! He could have just kept it in his pants! Poor girl, she is probably scared shitless right now. Especially when she is staying in Darrin’s room, never knowing what he is going to do next.

I tipped toed out of my room and down the hall. I walked up to Darrin’s door and put my ear up to it. I only heard a girl’s cries – good. Well not good but it’s better than him yelling at her or groaning or whatever.

I opened the door and I heard the girl plop off the bed and hide in the corner. She was a good looking girl. Her light brown hair messed and pointing in different directions while her lips looked swollen...she had bruises on her thighs and arms, “P-please, n-no more…” She whimpered curling into a ball.

“Oh, no…don’t worry. I am not here to do that. My name is Sid,” I walked closer and bent down to her, “I am probably the normal one here…I don’t want you here with…Darrin. If you want, you can stay with me,” I offered.

“Is this some kind of trick? D-Darrin had this one girl…Rose come in here…she was horrible…they both were horrible,” She shivered at the memory.

“I don’t play tricks…I don’t wanna see you get hurt…I mean I have seen enough girls get hurt by him and I wanna help you out.” I extended my hand. She looked at me up and down then grasped my hand. Her fingers were chapped and cold.

I snuck her into my bathroom and let her take a shower. I laid out some clothes and a note telling her to hide out in my room for a bit.

I walked into the kitchen and got her some left overs. I left them on my nightstand and traveled to the living room. Chance was watching TV. “Hey Chance can I ask you a question?”

“Shoot,” He patted the cushion next to him without taking his eyes off the TV.

“You know that girl….”

“Sophie,” He prompted.

“I think it would be better if she stayed in my room…I don’t…” Then an idea snapped in my head, “She needs some days of rest to make her stronger. She is just weak now and I know you,” I poked him in the chest, “Would want to keep her longer. So why don’t you let me take care of her for a while, make her stronger and more ready for you or Darrin or James or hell even Robbie.”

“This is asking of a lot…I am not sure Darrin would like it,” He shook his head.

“Chance, she could be strong and well and ready for anything,” I wiggled my eyebrows. Ugh, I almost vomited when those words came out of my mouth. Chance stared at me for a while and I thought I saw a smirk start to form.

“You have one week,” He nodded, “But after that…I have a turn,”

“Deal boss! Thanks!” I smiled and hugged him tight.

I skipped back to my room to see Sophie wrapped in a fluffy bath robe sitting on my bed eating bacon. She smiled weakly, “Thank you for the food…Darrin only gave me breath mints and water,” She shook her head.

“No problem…you can stay with me for a week so you can get better,” I grinned, “Now how about I give you a girls week, like gossip…painting nails…and a nice make over,” I shrugged.

“I would like that, thank you.” She rested her head back.

“Don’t worry this week you are on my radar,” I reassured.
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New story...don't know where it's going, but i have a lot of ideas for it =]