Status: of course it's not reallll dudes

Living with Psychos

Chapter 2: Emergency

Chapter 2: Emergency

If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong
Cause I won't stop holding on

So are you listening?
So are you watching me?

If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong
Cause I won't stop holding on.

This is an emergency
So are you listening?

-Emergency – Paramore

This morning I woke up to shouts and crashes. Sophie stirred next to me. Yeah, I let her sleep in my bed for the night; I mean it was better than the pillow and sheet that Darrin kept her in.

I quickly rose up, not caring that I was in a lace top and my black briefs. I tip toed into the kitchen and saw Darrin punching James’ face. It looks like we have an emergency. “Hey!” I yelled and jumped on Darrin, startling him and making him stop for a minute to let James get a punch in. “ENOUGH!” I yanked Darrin and threw him to a chair. I could see that he is pissed at me for many reasons: 1] Pulling him away from a fight, 2] Being alive and 3] Taking away his toy.
“Thanks,” James panted, as I got him some ice. Robbie came into the room with a baseball bat. I laughed at his stance. I gave James some ice and he winced a bit when I put it on his eye.

“What the fuck was that?!” Robbie asked putting his bat down.

“These two got into a fight and I broke it up,” I said getting out some band aids. I placed one over James’ eye and cheek. I went over to Darrin and got him some ice for his knuckles. Just for a brief glance I saw sorrow and disappointment in his eyes, but that soon just went into a nod for a thank you.

“Why the hell were you two fighting?” Robbie growled.

“Over Amber,” I heard James mumble.

“Over her? Listen, we agreed not to get too tied to those girls…I mean Jena and Amber are great and all but they bounce from guy to guy,” Robbie sat down and put a comforting hand on James’ shoulder, “Darrin, just chill alright?” Darrin nodded. See nobody messes with Robbie or Chance. Robbie is sorta like the mini me of Chance. Chance taught Robbie everything he knows…and I mean everything from punches to kicks.

“Alright,” They mumbled.

“Listen guys, how about I make chocolate chip pancakes?” I offered taking out some ingredients. That is there favorite thing to eat. They can’t say no to chocolate.

“Hell yeah!” I heard James exclaimed, “Bring on the chocolatey goodness,”

I rolled my eyes and got to cooking. Amber walked into the kitchen and the atmosphere went from peaceful to awkward. I started humming Emergency by Paramore. “Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (alive),”

Rose walked into the kitchen with Chance, “Ugh, quit singing that voice is disgusting!”

“Oh like you could do better?” I heard James scoff. “Her voice is like a fucking angel, yours is like a cat in heat,” I shot him a thank you smile and continued making pancakes. Jena came in last with her mini skirt and low cut shirt.

“Morning,” She yawned and sat next to Robbie. I guess you could say they are dating. She only sleeps with him now; she used to sleep with Darrin too. But ever since she has stopped, Darrin started raping and abusing those girls. Everything was different before that though, Darrin and I, believe it or not used to be best friends. We used to do everything together, even go out in public together. We would always stick up for each other and be nice. We would talk to each other about our problems. Then he became an asshole, and barely talked to me unless it was an insult. He even teased me about my weight problem. See when I was younger I was sorta pudgy but I hated it when people made fun of me. I soon took up some sports and started going to the gym, but when I became toned that was when he got more and more distant. I used to think it was because he was wrapped up with other things but he started to ignore me and I noticed it. When I confronted him, he told me off saying all these things about my weight and how gross I am now. It really hurt me, I lost my best friend and I am not gonna lie – I used to like him too.

Now we only exchange insults or glares now. Sometimes I wish that things were the way they used to be. We could be best friends again and look out for each other. It just sucks getting a whole part of your life taken away.

I plated a huge stack of pancakes in front of everybody. “Here yeah go guys,” I got out some milk and orange juice. “Thanks,” I heard Darrin say when I gave him some milk. I know almost everything about him, from what he likes with his pancakes to what he sings in the shower. I was a really good friend to have.

I plated some pancakes with some milk and brought them to my room. Sophie woke up when I nudged her a bit. “No,” She whimpered.

“It’s Sid, I brought some breakfast,” I put her plate on the night stand next other, “I will be back,”

I rushed back into the kitchen to see Chance and Rose fighting, “WHY CAN’T I SLEEP WITH OTHERS CHANCE? I MEAN THE NEW GUY REALLY IS A HOTTIE!”

“Because you are too good to do that!” He yelled. I turned around quickly and made it to the closet room. I closed the door and sighed.

“Um hello?” I turned around to see a new guy; he had a gorgeous English accent and pretty eyes with messy light brown hair. My breath caught in my throat. He was a god.

“Oh, sorry, Chance and Rose were fighting in the kitchen and I didn’t want to intrude – are you new to the group?” I asked.

“Yeah, I am Charles…but you can call me Chuck,” He offered his hand.

“I like Charlie better, so Charlie it is,” I smiled and shook his hand. He grinned and gripped my hand a bit tighter before releasing.

“So…are you one of those~” He gestured.

“Sluts, no…I am Robbie’s sister,” I informed.

“I wouldn’t call them sluts,” Charlie chewed the inside of his lip.

“Do you always do that when you lie?” I asked, pointing to his lip.

“Wh-what?” He blushed.

“Well, some people do little things when they lie,” I suggested.

“Well… matter of fact I was lying. What do you do?”

“Nothing,” I smirked as I walked out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Songs to listen to:

Hollywood undead - Undead

Skillet - Rebirthing

I set my friends on fire - Milkshake

Lollipop cover - Framing Hanley