Status: of course it's not reallll dudes

Living with Psychos

Chapter 3: SOS

Chapter 3: SOS

Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love?
I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good

So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me
S. O. S.
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me
S. O. S.
When you're gone
How can I even try to go on?
When you're gone
Though I try how can I carry on?

-SOS by Abba

A week came by too fast. I gave Sophie a total make over. She now had chestnut highlights and black nails with sliver designs. Chance gave me permission to bring her outside and let her tan a bit. All of her bruises have healed and she has been fattened up a bit so you couldn’t see her ribs. I did her make up and gave her some clothes. It was too soon to let her go though, I mean like I don’t want her to go. I found out that she is wicked nice and not fake. She likes the same bands as I do and even the same clothes I wear.

Tears flooded my eyes as I stepped in the shower. This really sucks. I mean imagine that you are one of my brother’s victims. You get beaten if you talk when not spoken too or beaten if you do something wrong. Dude and I have seen and experienced one of those beatings.

Once when I was fifteen I spoke to Robbie wrong and he got his bat out. Yeah I know my own brother, beat me with a bat. Sucks. I ended up with two broken ribs and a concussion. Chance and James were beating up Robbie and I mean so bad…I felt guilty yeah, but he beat me up first. Karma is a big bitch, and Robbie experienced that. He got way more than I did. Four broken ribs, a broken nose, and a broken wrist later…he was in pretty bad shape.

But we all healed and got better…and forgot about it. Now Robbie holds his bat to himself, and whenever Chance is around he hides it…not very cleverly, but he hides it.

I emerged out of the fog and wrapped the towel around me. I blew my hair dry and straightened it, yet added some body.

I walked out to see Darrin. Great, piss ant’s here. I walked by to bump his shoulder, very hard making him turn around fully. His iron drip wrapped around my waist. “Not so fast,” He chuckled, “Oh and nice towel,”

“It’s ‘cause I just got outta the shower nimrod!” I groaned, kicking.

“I can see that,” His breath tickled my shoulder. I shivered, but he didn’t notice sine I am still kicking like a mad person. So what did I do? I screamed loudly. He put his hand over my mouth. “Dude, I just wanna talk, chill for like 5 minutes alright?”

I nodded and he removed his hand, “Where has that been?” I fumed. Nasty fucker.

“I could show you if you want,” He started tugging on his belt.

I swatted his hands away, “How predictable are you?” He yanked me into his bed and sat me down. It smelled really good, like axe. Eh! Head in the game Sid. Gotta getcha getcha getcha head in the game! Okay last time Amber sits me down to watch that movie.

“Sid…I am sorry.”

“For?” I drawled.

“For everything…like what has been happening to us for the passed years…I mean it was hard for me to be mean at first but it kinda sank it,”
“Bull, if you were sorry you would have said it a loooong time ago,” I spat out harshly.

“Have we ever been alone? Like just you and me? No, so how could I apologize with you hanging out with everybody?”

This bitch has a good point, “Okay, I get your point…I guess…you are forgiven, on one term,”

“Holy fuck, please don’t make me cut off my dick,” He put his hands together like he was praying to God. I cackled. His eyes widened, “Seriously, no please! Me and Ron have been through a lot together,”

“Okay first of all you are so fucking retarded if you thought that and who the hell names their dick Ron?” (Sorry if I offended anybody with a dick named Ron)

“Eh shut the fuck up! Now on with the term, woman!”

“You can’t rape anymore girls,” I stood up. His mouth dropped, “Catching flies B~”
“Don’t ever use my real name, got it?” He threatened.

“Oh I am so scared!” Sarcasm coated with every word.

“You should be…and Jesus Christ fine, I will stop raping girls,” He used air quotes with the word ‘rapping’, “But what do I get out of it? Just your friendship, Sid, I am gonna need more than just friendship here,”

“If you are implying that I am your new ‘sex buddy’ you are mistaken. Friendship comes first…than maybe if you are good I will get Amber to sleep with you or some shit,”

“Amber, nah she was a one time thing,” Darrin shook his head.

“Um…how about Jenna?” I asked.

“Um, Robbie would kill me,” He said like it was obvious.


“Hell no, Rose is a bitch and she is too demanding plus Chance would stick a cap in my ass if I did,” Darrin rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“Than I will get you a girl, drug her, and then you can have your way with her,” I said nonchalantly. Darrin looked at me wide eyed and I did the same when I realized what I said. Jesus! They are rubbing off on me.

“You sound just like Robbie,” Darrin laughed lying down on his back. I straddled him.
“So deal?” I asked. I felt something hard against my thigh, “Dammit Darrin, what the fuck?” I got off of him. Yup, Ron is awake. I thought I saw a pink shade grow on his face but he quickly smirked.

“Shut up, Ron is sensitive,” He turned around so he was on his stomach.

“I can tell,” I scoffed. “So deal or no deal?” God, I feel like Howie Mandel.
Darrin scratched his chin pretending to think. Don’t hurt yourself too hard Darrin.

“How about you are my sex buddy?” He asked.



“Pft, fuck no…yes or no?”

“Ugh, fine…bestie,” He rolled his eyes. I waved him goodbye and walked out. So I guess Darrin and I are friends again. I wanna hold up an SOS flag, he better not try anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
aw old friends reunite!