Status: of course it's not reallll dudes

Living with Psychos

Chapter 4: Charlie

Chapter 4: Charlie

So much more than
Charlie's waking me
To my core and
Charlie's shaking me
Tell my story
Charlie's making me
And Charlie's making me smile.
Oh oh now
~Charlie by Red hot chilly peppers.

That night screams kept me up. My guilt felt like somebody was twisting my stomach. I wanted to keep her so they wouldn’t get her but you can’t mess with Chance once he makes a decision. It’s hard to change his mind once it’s made up…but it isn’t impossible either.

I put my pillow over my head trying to drown out the screams. It didn’t work. I tried to plug my ears with plugs but that didn’t work either. I blasted my stereo but I still heard the whispered screams. I began singing off key, loudly, but again nothing worked.

I finally got the courage to get up and knock on Chance’s door. I heard him groan in anger. Chance opened the door, “What?” He hissed. My breath caught in my throat.

“Stop…tell her t-to keep it down, I am trying to sleep,” Fuck, I chickened out.

“Of course,” He nodded and slammed the door. I shook my head in disappointment. I walked down the hall into the kitchen.

I saw Charlie with his head down. I studied him for a minute. He had sweatpants on but no shirt. His back muscles were moving as he took deep breathes. His hair looked messed up or he just got up. “Couldn’t sleep either?” I asked making some coffee. His head snapped up. I looked into his tired green eyes.
“No…to much screaming,” He shook his head.

“I know…I tried everything to drown it out but I just couldn’t so I told Chance to shut her up…but the real reason I went to him was to tell him to stop,” I looked down at the coffee pot.

“You aren’t like the others,” His velvety voice sounded caring, “You are different…you have a heart,”

“Yeah, I do…” I shook off the statement he made.

“Why are you here?” Charlie questioned.

“Robbie is my guardian until I turn eighteen,” I said softly.

“Oh…so it isn’t by choice,” He didn’t ask…just assumed.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Robbie to death…it’s just what he does that I hate,” I took out two mugs.

“I can’t really stand it either to be truthful,” He spoke lower than a whisper, “I wanted to make my father happy by becoming what he was…”

“You are different.” I echoed his comment from before, “You have a heart,” I smiled pouring the coffee. He beamed back as I put the coffees on the table. “People are good, but it’s the actions they do that are bad,”

“That is a good way of putting it,” He blew on the coffee before taking a swig. We locked eyes. His were a piercing green with specs of blue in them. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. He held the back of my neck, tenderly, bringing me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I put my hand up caressing his cheek and the other one in his hair. Our lips moved in sync. His tongue begged for enterance and I granted him access. Our tongues crashed together.
I felt like there were firecrackers exploding in my stomach. I had never really officially kissed a guy before…I know, living with guys and never kissed one. I was tempted but always chickened out since they have Rose, Amber, and Jenna…so why would they want me?

Charlie pulled me onto his lap, so I was straddling him. His hands moved to my lower back as mine tangled in his hair, pulling a bit. I heard him moan into the kiss so I kept on with the light tugs.

We broke apart both breathing hard, my heart was beating fast like a humming bird. Charlie just looked in my eyes. I felt my cheeks get a bit red and I saw a light shade of pink appear on his.

I quickly got off of him and walked back to my room. I took a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit. That was my first kiss and it was the best ever.

I heard a knock on my door and I opened it. Charlie pressed me against him and kissed me passionately. I put my legs around his waist as he kicked the door closed with his foot.

Sophie POV

I felt tears stain my cheeks as I looked at my pretty dress on the floor. It was ripped, more like shredded, into pieces. I looked at the bruises on my thighs and arms. I whimpered a bit. My throat was dry from screaming and my body ached. I hated when the guys did that…well only Darrin but he wasn’t as horrible as Chance. Chance didn’t even care what I was doing! I could have been choking and he would still fuck me.

I pulled the covers up to my chin and tried to close my eyes without seeing the images for what just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Charlie and Sid? Who woulda thunk it?