Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison


"Woo! lets have another round!" Ellyy yelled slamming her newly empty vodka shot glass down on the bar.
She knew she was getting close to 'double feature", which is when she saw double and switched to tonic water. She also knew that she would push the feature as far as she could.
Her friends looked at each other with worry written all over their faces. Out of the five close friends only two of them were still drinking, Ellyy and Brady. Brandy only had a three fourths full beer sitting in front of him. While Ellyy had the waitress cleaning off three rounds for five people off the table. If you can't do the math thats 15 straight vodka shots in less than thirty minutes(thats one every two minutes).

"Ellyy, Hun, I think it's time you stopped drinking." Tiffani said kinda of cotous. She knew how it would end, but Tiffii had to try something.

"I'll stop fucking drinking, when I say I want to stop fucking drinking. Don't fuck with me!" Ellyy yelled downing another shot ans standing up fast. She felt it as soon as he butt was off the stool.

"Ellyy! Ellyy! Ellyy! Whats wrong?!" Veve said as Elly swayed as Brady caught her just before she fell. Fear shot through the four friends watching her do this to her self.

"OK, Ellyy. darling. Let's go home." Cambri said handing Jordon the car keys. "Come on babe. Lets go, Come on, Lean on me, walk."

"Veve, what are we going to do? She's getting worse." Tiffinaii whispered, as she help the door open for Elly and Cambri.

"I have know idea. But we need one and fast, it's hitting Cambri and Jordon hard." Veve shut her eyes and looked up. Rain, she smelled it before she felt the drops.

"Ellyy!" Brady screamed as she threw up all over.

"Get her in. Jordon. just take us home. please."Cambri said letting Elly fall on her, as her tears fell from her eyes like rain.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is my first like 3rd person, bare with me pleaseee.
It's short. i know.
It will turn into a my chem fan fic.
leave love, or hate.