Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

You have to have a lie, to spell believe

“Holy Fuck!” Frankie gasped when he got air back in his chest, “Cambri! Your like…twin just almost knocked me out!”

Cambri laughed as she looked at her baby sister and Frankie roll around on the floor laughing, “That would be Jordon, she’s my sister.”

“Well Jordon, sister of Cambri, I think I love you!” Frankie said before he kissed her, well more like a peck.

“Whoa!” was what came out of both Frankie’s and Jordon’s lips before Jordon squealed like a thirteen-year-old Jo-ho fan.

Suddenly they just stood up, waved to the rest of them and walked away, leaving all of them with odd looks on their faces. None of which were surprise or shock.

They walked fast down the hallway, right down the stairs and out the door.

“Where are we going, Frankie!” Jordon asked as she was being pulled behind and excited Frankie, “If you rape me, my sister will kill you!”

Frankie stopped, turned to look at Jordon and said, “It’s not rape if its willing…” Then smiled and evil smile.

Jordon froze, letting out a very short ugh, “How do you know if I’m willing or not!”

“Hun, I’m Frank mother fuckin Iero! Why on earth would you not be willing?” Frankie almost yelled as he turned around to look at Jordon.

Jordon dropped his had and crossed her arms on her chest, sending him a glare with a touch of hurt in her eyes.

“What? It’s true! I am who I am, can’t change that. Now, come on! The driver will take us back to the house.” Frankie said, not seeming to notice the hurt in her eyes, as he turned around.

Jordon didn’t move, she just stared at his back as he walked away, “Yeah, I guess not…”

“What? Why aren’t you walking? The fast we walk, the sooner we can get naked!” Frankie said thrusting his hips in Jordon’s direction.

“You jerk!” Jordon said as she turned to walk away.

“Jordon! Jordon!” Frankie yelled.

Jordon could hear that he was running to catch up to her, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to get to her sister. She’s the only one that she could always trust, completely. Jordon has had many men in her life, but she never once had sex. Even though Frank Iero, was Frank Iero, she would not give in. She was who she is. She knew this was too good to be true.

“Jordon! Wait!” He said as he skidded to a stop in front of her. “What’s wrong?”

“God, I can’t believe that I trusted you! I just met you, there’s no such thing as love at first site! I can’t believe I let myself hope!” She yelled into Frankie’s stunned eyes.

“Wait! What are you talking about! You can trust me! Love at first sight does happen, its happening right now!” Frankie said as he searched Jordon’s face for anything at all.

“No! It doesn’t! This, us, is not, love. I don’t know what it is. But it’s no love!” Jordon said as she fought back tears. She was so sick of guys just trying to get in her pants. She has never had sex, and she was not looking to change that anytime soon.

“Jordon, what’s wrong? What did I do? Or say? Tell me, and I’ll fix it!”

“Just, don’t Frankie…please. I just can’t do this right now…” Jordon mumbled as she turned around to hide her tears. She had out of there, she has never cried in front of any man besides Brady, and she didn’t plan to change that.

“Jordon, wont you listen to me? I love you. I don’t know why, I don’t know how it happen. Or why. All I know is that it happen, and I’m loving every minute of it!” Frankie yelled as he ran to Jordon. He tried with all his will to find what he was missing. He never thought that something like this could hurt this much, in a way he just wanted it over. He shook the thought of losing Jordon as far as out of his had as he could. Although the thought buzzed in the back of his head.

“…Frankie are you even listening to me?” Jordon screamed pushing Frankie slightly.


“What’s your deal? You Don’t care so, why do you have to pretend and act like you do! It’s not working! So just stop! Ok?!?” Jordon screamed as she ran in the opposite direction as fast as she could. “Never, ever will I trust someone. Do you here me!” She wiped around and screamed in Frankie’s direction.

Frankie was left with a tear sliding down his cheek.


Jordon ended up on the bus, which she thought was the worst possible place to be. She found the closest bunk and just fell into the welcoming batman blankets. She had to think of a way to get around this. She loved him and she knew it. Though she didn’t know why.

“That’s a lie!” Jordon spoke allowed.

She knew why she loved him already. They way he laughed when she tackled him. The way he was so bubbly he could make the whole room smile. The way he tried to make everything better, when nothing was wrong. The way he hurt Bob every show. She just loved everything about him. And she hated it. Soon she felt sleep take her over.

Frankie had no idea where Jordon had gone, but he needed to sit down and figure out what he had done. Frankie sluggishly walked to the bus, thinking if he slept he would figure out where he went wrong.

“Davey…you on here?” No answer from the bus driver. “Okay, alone. That’s fine.”

He crawled into his bunk and just stared at the ceiling, which would be the bottom of Gerard’s bunk.

Thinking of Jordon, he let sleep close his eye lids. He dreamed of getting Jordon to listen to him, not of them being together but her just listening to him and giving him a chance to explain what words could never account for.


Jordon felt a sudden felt a jolt of comfort and curled up to the warm embrace that was curled next to her.

Wait! Warm embrace?!?

Jordon opened her eyes just a little to see who she was being held by.

Of course! It was Frankie, why would he…Oh my gosh, he’s not breathing..

“Frankie! Oh, Frankie!” Jordon yelled looking at Frankie.

“What…” Frankie asked sleepily “Whoa! Jordon! What are you doing in here?” Frankie shot up and smacked his head on Gerard’s bunk.

Jordon dived into Frankie’s chest, instinctively Frankie’s arms wrapped around her.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Frankie asked as he held a crying Jordon.

“I thought, I thought…Oh, Frankie. You didn’t look like you were breathing. I thought I’d lost you!” Jordon yelled into, his bare chest.

“Hey, I’m here. I’m alive. Shh. Come on now.” Frankie hushed, into the top of her head.

“Don’t ever leave me!” Jordon said bringing her bright blues meeting his hazel eyes.

“I’m not going anywhere!”

“I love you” was said in unison before there lips collided.
♠ ♠ ♠
And here's another.
Off to write the next.
leave lovee

