Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

So Far From You

Cambri looked around standing in the corner, her friends all dressed in black, their eyes glassed over. Noticing they were all crying she asked Tiffii if she was okay, Tiffii looked away as if she hadn’t even known she was there. Cambri grunted looking around; her eyes fell on a big black box in the center of the far wall, where Brian stood facing it, his back to Cambri. Walking toward him she noticed people around her not even look at her.

“Brian, what’s going on?” Cambri asked putting her hand on his shoulder, only to find her hand went right through.

“What the…?” Cambri tried again, calling his name attempting to place her hand on his should again, failing once more. She finally fallowed his eyes to the box in front of her, one half open. She let out a gasp as she stared herself in the face; her eyes shut tight, her lips closed as well, her fingers interlocked with a single white rose in her hands. Cambri looked at herself lying perfectly still in the soft white cushion, her hair softly curled, a smile forever on her lips. As Cambri came to the realization of what she was looking at she began to scream, looking around her she saw everyone she had ever known and loved, crying. She fell to the ground and sobbed, knowing she would never have the chance to hug her baby sister, fight over who got the purple skittles with Ellyy, share the last cup of coffee with Veve, wrestle in the grass with Brady, share books with Tiffii, see any of the guys again. She would never have the chance to be held in Brian’s arms again.


Brian stood looking at the lifeless body of the one he loved. If he had just run faster when he heard the screaming, if he hadn’t gotten up to go to the bathroom, he would have been there, and Cambri would still be alive. Leaning down he kissed her cold skin, a silent tear ran down his pale warn out cheek.

“I love you, Cambri Jo.” Brian said pulling the small red box from his coat pocket, rubbing his thumb over the velvet.

“If you asked she would have said yes, you know that right…” Ellyy said standing next to Brian, he eyes never leaving his hands.

“You think?” Brian asked looked up at her.

Nodding Ellyy walked away, he took the small single stone ring from its place, and placed it on her left ring finger.

“Always, my love.”


Jordan stood in the middle of the room looking everywhere, but the direction of her sister’s body. She hadn’t cried much, but she hadn’t had time to. She had been dealing with her sister’s final arrangements for over a week now, and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Many times she thought of what she would normally do, all her questions were answered the same, ‘go find Cambri’. She’d played the role of the well composed sole family member very well, smiling when need be, shaking hands when she met someone new, giving hugs to people she knew, but didn’t really remember and thanked the ones who said ‘sorry’ with a soft smile. She didn’t know what to do, she wanted her sister back, she wanted to run to Cambri and just hold her one more time. Jordon shook her head as she felt like she just wanted to run. Closing her eyes she saw Cambri’s big blue ones, looking back at her.

“I’m alright, Jordon. I promise, I’m okay. Please don’t cry for me, I love you baby sister, forever.” Cambri smiled, before Jordon opened up her eyes and gasped.

“Jordon, you okay?” Frankie asked looking at his girlfriend, “I know terrible question, but you acted like you couldn’t breathe, babe.”

“Yeah, Frankie, I’m fine, just lost my breath for a second there.” Jordon said smiling taking his hand, “I’m going to go see Cambri.”

Walking up to the black box that now contained her sister, she sighed. She couldn’t believe that she would never see her sister again. Reaching up she put a hand on her sisters, feeling the ring she smiled to herself, knowing Cambri would be so happy. Sighing she turned and walked away, back to pretend she was okay, without her sister.


Brady curled into Bob’s shoulder, welcoming the scent. He had been the one to find Cambri and Gerard; Cambri with blood coming from her abdomen covering everything around her, Gerard clutching his leg screaming for her not to go. Brady sighed wishing he could get the last image of his best friend out of his head. Jason had gotten away, but showed back up after hearing that she hadn’t made it. Brady looked up at Bob, kissing his cheek, and walked to the casket. Looking at his best friend, he sighed, remembering the day in the car, when he thought Ellyy was going to be the first one to leave them, he never even thought about Cambri; she was so strong, and controlled. He sighed wishing he would have spent more time with her, wishing he could trade places with her. His hand went to his chest where he felt the bandages covering his new tattoo. She would always be close to his heart; kissing her cheek he walked back to his boyfriend, looking back at his best friend he sighed knowing that would be the last time.


Veve fixed her green dress, and looked at Mikey leaning against the wall. Sighing she slung her arms around his neck, and kissed the side of his mouth. Looking in the direction she had been avoiding all day she sucked in a deep breath. Dropping her arms she turned and smiled at Mikey, before walking to Cambri.
“Hey Cam, I miss you; more than anything. Do you remember when we were younger, you stayed at my house when there was that bad storm, and the lightning came in through the window? You were scared shitless; I always thought you were just a wimp, now I know you’re nowhere near a wimp. You’re mom’s here; I never thought I would see her face, after she left. She’s trying to be the grieving mother, who never got to say goodbye. None of us got to say goodbye.” Veve’s words got slurred as tears blurred her vision. Shaking her head she leaned down and kissed Cambri’s forehead. “I love you Cambri Ray.”


Tiffii sat in the corner in a soft chair, reading Cambri’s favorite book; Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. Tiffii had read this book her senior year in high school, never realizing the meaning of it. Cambri had always wanted a living funeral when she got older always saying; “When I get old and wrinkly, when I’m about to kick the bucket, I’m going to have a funeral, when I’m alive and haven’t stubbed my toe on said bucket. I want to hear what everyone has to say about me, then when I do eventually stub the bucket of death, I can look back and be like told you you’d miss me after said bucket has been stubbed.” Putting the book down Tiffii stood up, and walked across the room to her kid sister. She stood back and just looked at Cambri’s body they had chosen what she would be buried in very quickly; although everyone agreed that Jordon should have her necklace. A small rubber duck with another small stone; their father had gotten her it, right before he died, the last time he was ever sober. Cambri laid in her favorite dress; black lace with a big bow and her favorite heals; while the other girls wore their favorite dresses as well. Tiffii couldn’t remember the last time she had seen Cambri and it broke her heart, she tried to be the strong older one, but she wasn’t very good at it. She had no idea what she was going to do after she said goodbye to Cambri forever. A small tear ran down her cheek as she brushed it away and ran out the door. Never glancing back at the ones she loves and the one she lost.


Ellyy stood in front of the casket that contained the rest of her hero. Rubbing her growing baby bump she smiled down at the growing girl inside of her; Cambria Jo.

“You would have loved her, everyone did. She would have loved you too; with everything she had.” Ellyy said as she felt her belly flitter.

Laughing Ellyy pulled out a sonogram picture of her baby, and placed it under the white rose in Cambri’s hands.

“Thank you, for everything. I never got a chance to tell you that. I love you.” Ellyy whispered as she took one more long look before walking away, into her life without her best friend.


The boys walked up to the casket together not wanting to face her alone. Gerard stood directly in front of the casket, moving his crutches to one arm, reaching out and putting his hand on hers.

“I remember the day we met her, I felt like I’d known her all my life. She’s my best friend; what are we going to do?” Frankie asked never taking his eyes off her chest, waiting for it to rise with her breath.

“We’ll do what Cambri would have done, we’ll remember her, we’ll stick with her friends and family, and making sure they know that we are here.” Gerard said taking his hand from hers.

“Look, Brian finally got up the balls.” Mikey said gently touching the ring.

“She’d be ecstatic.” Ray said with a smile.

“She would have hit him…” Bob said laughing.

Everyone besides Gerard looked at Bob with questioning looks.

“She wanted it to be when they were at home in their sweats, when they both look like shit. So they both knew that even though they looked like they hadn’t showered in days, the other one wanted them for the rest of their life.” Gerard smiled kissing her hand.


Cambri looked around her at the faces of her loved ones, how much they loved her, and thought of how much she loved them. She knew wishing would get her nowhere, but knowing what she took and what she gave to the world was enough. Though her family would never see her she would always be with them, watching as they grew; always there, always smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Ring
Brady's Tattoo. If you knew the person Brady is based off from, you would understand it.

So, this is it.
There's going to be a short epilogue.
But after that, it's over.
Thanks for the love.
It was a good run.

