Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

Love it, or leave it, You can't understand

Elly moaned in pain as she tried to figure out where she was. She looked around the room.

"Cambri." came out from her lips as a whisper, as she saw the pile of blankets on the floor where Cambri had slept. "Ow! Fuck!" She yelled as she stood up.

She felt the pain instantly. She has never felt this much pain from a hangover before. He fingers were clenched and her stomach ached as she gimped down the stairs.
"Yeah. Why am I in your room?" She said as she came into the kitchen.

"You said you wanted to sleep in my room last night, so we put you there. I went for your room, but you said you didn't want to sleep alone, so I stayed. Brady stayed in your room. I hope you don't mind" Cambri said pouring a cup of coffee and setting it down on the table. "Drink."

Elly sat down at the table in front of the coffee, and just looked from it to Cambri. She doesn't like it black.

"Drink it!" Cambri ordered turning around, "It's black, you don't like black. It makes you sick. After you get sick you will feel somewhat better." Cambri knew a thing or two about this sort of thing. Her and Jordon's father had drank for years. With no mother and Jordon being younger by about three months, Cambri took care of him.

"But it's ewwy!" Ellyy complained as she scrunched her nose.

"Just drink the damn coffee!" Cambri said dropping the dishes she was washing."Please just drink it."

Cambri hadn't yelled but the look on her face said it all. Ellyy picked up the cup and sipped the bitter liquid.

"Morning." Veve said walking into the kitchen "How are you doing babe?"

"As good as I can, I guess. Uhm. How bad was I last night?" Ellyy asked, she knew the hard truth was coming. She was scared to hear it, but she knew she should.

"Well, you yelled at Tiffii when she tried to get you to stop..."Veve said looking down.

"And you almost fell. Brady caught you.." Cambri said looking turning around from the sink.

"Then we got you to the car...where you threw up..."Veve said looking up just as she did the night before.

"We got you here and you passed out...and well here we are..." Cambri said sighing, she hated to think that Elly could end up like her father had.

"I might bake cookies tonight!" Veve burst, smiling. Her friends stared at her in shock.

"We just bought this house, for alot of money. Hell we still owe money on it. I will not let you burn it down." Cambri stopped to think for a second, "Why don't you and someone else go to the bakery and buy some. You can take my car. you hurt it, you die."

Veve's face lite up, " I can drive your car!" she beamed in a gasping voice.

Cambri's mouth dropped, she hadn't realized that she said Veve could drive her car. She wasn't the best driver, and she had major road rage." Whoever goes with you can drive." Cambri said quickly.

Veve's face dropped as she stuck her tongue out at Cambri, "Meanie head! Ellyy you might want to cover your ears, this will be loud."

Ellyy did as she was told, with a smile on her face. She already felt a little better knowing her friends were still the same.

"Fire!" Veve yelled at the top of her lungs up the stairs.

Brady shot up in bed gasping. He ran down stairs and out the door. He stood on the grass out of breath. He has never been so scared in his life. His hands were resting on his knees as he was doubled over. He stoop up and looked around. He saw no one out side, thats when he heard the laughing from inside. He walked slowly back in side mumbling under his breath.

"Bitch." He sad flipping Veve off, and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Thanks doll, I'll save that for later." Veve said catching it and putting it in her pocket.

Tiffanii and Jordon came slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Whats with all the yelling?" Tiffii said sliding up on the counter and taking Brady's coffee. He looked at her with a fake glare and waited for her to give it back.

"Whats going on?" Jordon asked leaning on Cambri.

"If there was a fire you two would be the ones who didn't make it out." Ellyy said with a smile as everyone just looked at her. They just stared mouths hung open until they realized that she was kidding and burst out laughing.
Everyone was laughing like old times when Ellyy just stopped laughing and her hand flew up to her mouth. She had that tight feeling in her throat, she ran to the bathroom and let it all come out with her gags.

Cambri grabbed a towel and a cup of cold water. She ran up stairs to the bathroom. She found Elly with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head in her lap crying.
"Make it stop! Please just make it going away!" She cried as Cambri sat down and pulled her into a hug.

"Shh. Come on now. Breath Elly. Just Breath." Cambri soothed silent tear ran down her cheek, as she had flash backs to her father.

Back in the kitchen the friends just stood there listening to the hushed tears of their friend. Jordon stood there thinking about Cambri and their father. Hot tears ran down her cheek as she remembered Cambri going into her fathers bathroom and finding him laying there. his face sunk in, skin white from death. She couldn't help but wonder if Ellyy understood...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you Gee Gee Bear
Check her out! She is amazingg
i hope you like the update,

