Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

And give me all your hopeless hearts

"What are we going to for Ellyy's birthday?" Tiffii asked Veve slamming down on the bed next to her.

"Hmm...a ball pin full of skittles!" Veve said putting her hand up like she just solved the equation for the square root of the square root of pie. Tiffii's mouth dropped as she just looked at Veve wide eyed.
"Ohh! A few smaller ball pins of all;the same color!" Veve gasped not even paying attention to Tiffii.

"Veve!" Tiffii said as Veve snapped out of it.

"Sorry. We have to keep her away from the a-l-c...uhh...a-l-c-oh-hall." Veve pushed through the spelling of alcohol with a smile, which soon turned upside down.

'Well duh, but how? Hmm...we have to keep her mind away from it all together. Like we could have a party and tell her that the bubbly water is champaign. and make it like a..uhm.." Tiffi said thinking hard. She was always good at planning things, and she knew what she needed to do.

"We can have like a ball, but only the people closest to her are invited. Have it be like a list type deal. ya know?" Veve said as she got really excited. They both were very happy that Ellyy had realized that she was getting very bad, and she would have to stop. They went over ever thing for the party, and really couldn't wait.

"One rule! No alcohol!" Veve said turning serious.

When Cambri cleans she thinks, thats why she hates it so much. As she went around grabbing the dirty clothes from everyones room she thought about random things. When she stepped in the door way of Ellyy's room she thought of the moment she head Ellyy realize that she was as bad as everyone knew she was. the only thing is, when drinkers realize how bad they really are, they just drink more, to try and numb the guilt. Ellyy was about to get much worse! She knew it, Jordon knew it, and they both knew that the other one knew, what was right around the corner.


Ellyy's 22nd Birthday party
around 12:00pm

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" Tiffii practically yelled as she saw alcohol bottles everywhere. Someone had snook them in, and Ellyy was happily taking it. Shock with disappointment was allover Veve and Tiffii. Jordon and Cambri were trying to get people out, as Brady watched Ellyy very closely he didn't have a drinker, besides Ellyy, that was close to him, but he wasn't surprised that Ellyy was getting worse.

"Where's the birthday girl?" The DJ asked was all of the friend's hearts fell as they watched Ellyy stagger up on to the mini-stage.

"I'm right here! In all my 22 you old glory!" She yelled leaning on the DJ, "What's your name?"

"My name?" The DJ asked with a look in his eye Brady did not like. Ellyy nodded. "Jason."

Ellyy knew the double feature had past a long time ago, but she didn't care. She wanted to forget everything, but no matter how many times she but a bottle, or cup, or shot to her lips, she couldn't forget the looks on Veve's and Tiffii's faces. How happy and proud they looked. then she looked harder at the hazy memory, and saw the pained looks on Jordon's and Cambri's faces. She shook the painful memory from her head, grabbing Jason's drink and downing it.

"Want to see my room?" Ellyy asked Jason putting her hand in the pocket of his skinny jeans.

"Sure!" He beamed as they walked to the house and Brady wanted to go after them but stopped himself.

The friends stood there looking at each other from different parts of the room. Fear shot through them all. Cambri couldn't handle this. Her brother on her mom's side was bringing his kids down for the week, tomorrow and she needed time to think before they got there, which meant, she would clean.

"Ok! Everybody out! I don't care where the fuck you go, just get the hell out of here!" She yelled as everyone just looked at her and continued dancing. Cambri looked over to Brady with a pleading look.

"Did you not hear what she said. Get the hell out!" Brady yelled, "I'll call the cops on everyone here!'

The girls couldn't help but smile a little. Brady always came to the rescue. As every one hurried out, everyone let out a heavy sigh.


The next day.

Ellyy rolled over to feel another body on the bed next to her. She couldn't figure out who he was or what was in the little baggies on the bedside desk.

"Well good morning lovely." The strange man known as Jason said, leaning in for a kiss.

Elly quickly pulled away, "Who are you?" she asked getting off the bed, and covering herself with the blanket.

"Ohh, baby. You don;t remember me? I'm Jason. And may I say, last night, was amazing. ohh and as for paying me for the coke, don't worry about the cash, you covered it last night." he said getting up and pulling his boxers on.

"Huh? Coke? what?" Ellyy asked going to her closet and grabbing one of Brady's shirts and some shorts.

"Coke, as in cocaine. you loved it last night. You asked me for two baggies." Jason said pointing to the baggies on the desk.

Ellyy couldn't think straight. She ha to do something with the coke, but she didn't know what. As she picked them up and threw them under the she didn't even think about the kids being down stairs.

"I think you need to leave." She said walking past Jason and down the stairs.

Cambri heard the talking from the kitchen as her and Veve listened rudely, but only heard the last sentience.

"Good Morning!" Veve chimed as she saw Ellyy enter.

"Hey." was all Ellyy said. she was scared that they heard about the Coke. Sh poured her own cup of coffee, black. She sat down next to Veve, thats when she heard the kids running down the stairs. Her heart began to race as she forced her body to stay still.

Cambri smelled it instantly. She didn't know where it came from but she didn't like it. She looked at Veve who's eyes were wide. They both knew that smell, and they both hated it.

"Bye ladies/" Jason said walking out the door, the hoped the smell would go with him, but it didn't.

Cambri heard the gagging form the living room and ran out there to see the kids covered in the white powder, she couldn't believe her eyes. She screamed with out knowing it. "Where did you get that, she asked the oldest, Marrissa.

"Aunt Ellyy's room, under her desk." Marrissa cried coughing.

"Go up to the bathroom, get in the shower with your clothes on. then wash as good as you can. Both of you go!" Cambri's voice got louder every word. She turned to look at Ellyy. Her eyes were big and blood shot. Tears ran down her cheeks.

"How could you!" Veve cried as she looked at Ellyy.

"Why did you do that? you should know better, even when you're smashed!" Cambri yelled as tears ran down her cheek.

" I didn't mean to i swear. I didn't know what it was! Jason." Was all Elly could get out before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell to the ground.

Veve screamed as Cambri dropped to her knees. Tiffii, Jordon and Brady came running down the stairs, their hearts and their faces fell as they looked at their friends limp body.

"Call 911!" Cambri said as Brady go the phone.

No! Not again! No! This isn't happening! No!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if there's some type-os
i did it fast.
leave love.

