Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

Your Eyes Shut Tight On The Way To The Hospital

Jordon's thoughts weren't clear as she sat with her friends in the hospital hall way. She didn't know what to think, or if she even could think. Her eyes were focused on the window that went into Ellyy's room. The damn doctors wouldn't tell them anything because they weren't family.

Cambri's mind was a-wall. She hated hospitals with a burning passion. Although she was there a lot, she always gets hurt, but she still hates them. Especially why she was there this time. Ellyy's parents are on there way from New York. They are the only people the dotors would tell anything to, But they wouldn't say over the phone, which made the friends think the worst.

Brady was trying to be the brave one, but that's a very hard thing to be under the circumstances . He hated seeing Ellyy like that and he hates seeing the rest of the girls like this. He would take it all away if he could, but he can't and that kills him more than anyone knew.

Tiffii was the oldest of them all, 26. She was not handling this as well as one would think. All she's every wanted is the best for her friends. She had told the doctors about the kids being exposed to the drug. they had taken them and cleaned them very well, also gave tem an anti-dote. They weren't her blood but she loved them like they were. She didn't know she was worried about more, the kids, or Ellyy.

Veve couldn't help but think it was partly her fault which it really wasn't. She had chose the DJ, but a replacement showed up. She never meant for this to happen. Jason! Oh, if she saw him again she promised she would hurt him!

The doctors came out with looks that no body liked.

"Is she going to live?" Cambri said standing up.

The doctor looked at them with glares, "Are you family?"

"No, but I don't give a fuck! You will tell me what is going on!" Cambri yelled getting closer to the overtly gray haired man,

"I'm sorry miss, It you're not family we can't give you any information." The doctor remained calm as he stepped back.

"You're going to tell me what the fuck is going on! If I have to beat it out of you I will!" She yelled grabbing him by the front of his shirt, shoving him into the wall, and getting inches from his face.

The friends stared with knowing looks. If he didn't tell her soon, he was going to be hurt,

"Release me!" He demanded.

Cambri pulled him from the wall then slammed him back into it, "Not a chance!" She growled narrowing her eyes.

"I'll press charges!" the doctors voice was shaking from fear.

"Do it! See what happens!" Cambri's temper was almost blown/ With every word he said the more she wanted to put him in the hospital bedd.

"Cambri!" Jordon said with no emotion.

"Fucking tell me!" Cambri screamed. slamming him again.

"Fine! Fine! She'll be fine. Maybe not normal Ellyy but she'll be fine! The doctor said closing his yes.

"Thank you, now was that so damn hard?" Cambri said throwing him to the grund. He got up and pretty much ran away.

"Cambri," Jordon said walking to her as her arms went up to Cambri's eyes, wiping the tears away.

"Jason, is fucking dead!" Cambri chocked out looking straight ahead.

"Excuse me, Miss..." The nurse looked down at the clip board in her hands, "Miss Cambri Coxx?"

"That's me." Cambri said shaking the tears away.

"Your nieces are ready to go home,. Give them lots of fluids and a soft place to sleep. Their little body's are weak.' The young red haired nurse pointed them to the room. Cambri looked at her friends for help.

"We'll take shifts sitting here, and waiting for her parents at the airport. When she wakes up we will take turns seeing her." Tiffi said looking around to her nodding friends.

"Come on, I'll help you with the girls." Brady said putting his arm around Cambri.

"We need help!" Cambri whispered into his shoulder.

"From who?" He looked at her with a questioning face, with hopeful eyes.

"I know a guy..."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's very short.
but I have like three more parts ready...
that is if i get some coments.
Mikey, your hug is coming.

