Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

do you care at all?

Cambri was an unfocused mess. She was the only one who knew who would be coming. Brady knew Cambri had went somewhere for help, he had no idea who though. She looked around, she hadn't been home so she had no idea if the person Brain had sent is home right now.

Shotgun sinners, wild eyed jokers, got you in my sights, gun it while I'm
holding on

Cambri looked down at her phone, the caller ID read Brain. She took a deep breath then answered her phone.

"Hey, Cambri?" Brain said as the butterflies hit Cambri.

"Yes sir, what wrong?" Cambri could hear in his voice that something wasn't right.

"Well the person I sent, is sitting on your back porch, I'm no expert but bi don't think that's a way to get My Chemical Romance to your house. But you know, I'm just saying.." Brain laughed.

"You ass, I'm leaving now." Cambri said before hanging up on Brain" Hey, Jordon, uhm, I have to run back to the house, OK?"

Jordon nodded giving her sister a weird look. Cambri looked around at the others, they all looked warn out, and needed sleep, on a real bed.

"OK, I'm so bringing everyone back some real food. I'll be back soon. Don't get into any trouble" Cambri looked at Veve with a narrowed eyes.

"Hey! that's not nice! I'm doing fine not getting into trouble!" Veve squeaked.

'That you are. Just keep it that way." Brady said as before Veve got up smacked him on the head, and just sat down on him.

"Bye guys." Cambri laughed walking away.

She used the car ride home trying to figure out who they could have sent. The more she thought about it the more she thought it was probably just a representative for the record table. As she pulled into the house she saw a white mini-van in the drive way. Her eyebrows scrunched confused. She turned the car off and looked at her self in the mirror. She looked like crap, trying the best she could to look awake and not tired she got out of the car.

"It's about damn time!" A muffled voice cam from the back, Cambri has heard that voice before but she couldn't put her finger on who it was.

Slowly she walked through the little gate, only to fine a very good looked guy sitting on a chair. he had brown black hair, with long sideburns. He had a bag sitting next to him with a shirt on top of it. That's when Cambri saw he wasn't wearing it. Her breath caught in her chest, as she took him in. She couldn't believe this random amazingly good looking guy was staying in her house, not to mention she had no idea who he was.

"You can close your mouth now!" Cambri heard Brain's voice but didn't put the two together. She shook her head and looked around.

"My mouth is closed!" She said crossing her arms.

Brain stood up and walked to her, " I bet I could get you to open it..."

As soon as he said that Cambri knew that was Brian, "But you wont, now why didn't you just walk in, the key is in the same place it was when Donna lived here." Cambri shook all thoughts about how good looking Brain was and opened the back door.

Brain followed like a lost puppy dog. he gasped as he entered the house. "It hasn't changed."

"Well duh, why would we change Gerard Way's mom's house, duh." Cambri laughed.

'Oh it's so big!" A girl gasped as she walked in.

"Uhm, who are you" Cambri said glaring at her.

"I'm his..." The girl started before being cut off my Brian.

"She's Trish, she works for the label." brain said giving Trish a look.

Trish smiled at Brian yet her face had a tinge of glare in it, "I'm also his girlfriend, so back off. I don't like nasty on my men.'" Trish glared at Cambri.

"OK. I don't know who you think you are, but don't ever talk like that to me, or anyone of my friends." Cambri said looking at her.

"Oh, who do I think I am? I think I'm the one that says if your little friend, gets to meet My Chem, oh and did I mention, I'm his girlfriend. So watch who those Little blue eyes of yours look at!" Trish just laughed as she walked around the kitchen.

"I'm the one who gets to decide if Ellyy meets My Chem, not you! You're only here because I had to bring someone. And you wouldn't leave me the fuck alone!" Brian said as he walked to Cambri, " And as far as being my girlfriend, yeah no, you're the one who fucked that one up!"

Trish's mouth hung open, and Cambri laughed, "Well do you want to see the house, or Ellyy?"

"Uhm, I have to use the little girl's room..." Trish said walking to Brain's side.

Cambri just pointed in the direction of the bathroom. She hadn't known her five minutes and she hated her. This is going be fun.


Cambri had brought them the food and they were sitting in the hospital cafe. Everyone just looked around. No body was up stairs with Ellyy, everyone hoped she didn't wake up to no one being there.
Veve just wanted to tackle Ellyy, but was scared to even touch her, she had kissed her on the cheek. Her skin felt cold and paste like. Veve hated that, and she knew everyone else did too.
She looked around at her friends, Jordon was playing with her chicken salad, Tiffii was poking at her hamburger, Brady was just looking at his food. When she looked at Cambri, she looked like nothing was wrong, she looked like it was a normal day. Veve looked at Cambri with eyes that could kill, Cambri didn't even notice.

"You don't even care do you?" Veve whispered to Cambri.

Cambri looked up and her eyes got wide. She grabbed Veve before she could say anything else. Cambri dragged her to the corner of the cafe.

"Don't touch me! you're all happy and chipper. With your best friend up stairs in a fucking hospital bed!" Veve's voice wasn't loud but the friends were all looking at them.

"It's not that! I called---" Cambri started but was stopped by Veve's hand.

"Who? who did you call? your mom? what who is it?" Veve asked putting her hand on her hip.

"My---" Veve cut her off again.

"Unless the rest of that sentence is Chemical Romance, I'm done speaking to you!" Veve said looked up to Cambri.

Cambri laughed awkwardly, "Well uhm, that's funny, because uh.."

"Spit it out women!" Veve said hitting Cambri on the back.

"Because it is My Chemical Romance...." Cambri looked at Veve's face, for a sign of anything.

'Don't lie!" Veve shook her head.

"I'm not, Their manager and some bitch named Trish are up stair right now making sure everything is legit! If they say it is then the boys will be here like ASAP" Cambri said watching Veve's mouth drop and her eyes get big.

Veve started to sequel and jump around, "No way! No way!" Veve said as Cambri tried to shush her.

"Shh. It's a surprise, you tell anyone i will ban you from coffee for two weeks." Cambri said giving Veve a fake serous look.

"That should be illegal! No taking Coffee from Veve!" She wined. Cambri gave her a look."I wont tell!"

"Good now keep them down here, while I go find out if they are coming or not." Cambri said gesturing to her friends.

"Got it!" Veve said giving a thumbs up and going back to the table. Cambri turned and walked up stairs.

"What was that all about?" Jordon asked Veve when she got back to the table.

"Oh nothing, just a misunderstanding. That's all." Veve smiled biting her apple. Veve knew that My Chemical Romance would soon be here.

Back at the room.

Cambri walked down the hallway and say Brain on his cell phone. Trish looked at her and rolled her eyes.

Cambri sighed and said "OK, look, I don't know what i did to make you hate me. But I'm not in this to get Brain or anyone else for that matter. I'm in this because this is the only way that Ellyy even has a chance of getting her life better. If you don't like me fine, but don't let that sway your decision! And if it does, well if it does you can go ask that doctor over there, exactly how far I will go to keep Ellyy safe!" Cambri said getting closer to her face.

"Whatever," Trish mumbled but the look on her face showed she knew Cambri was serous.

"Good news!" Brain beamed as the girls looked at him "They are on their way here!"

Cambri screamed and dived into brain's open hug. He spun her around in a circle. When they stopped their eyes met and they both laughed as he set her down.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kind of a long filler.
Can you guess what comes next?
ohh yeah. My Chem.
If i get hmm 4 comments
i'll put part 8 up.

