Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison


Elly had woken up once, only for a few seconds, but it was better than nothing. The doctors had made everyone go home after Veve had dived onto the bed clutching Ellyy like there was no tomorrow. Everyone smiled as they knew that they had to do what they were told. They sat in the living room just looking around. None of them would look at the spot where Ellyy had fallen; they were too scared to see what was there. Veve and Cambri kept looking at each other weird, making the others silently question them. Cambri jumped at the sound of Brian's door opening. She smile slightly as she got up and walked fast to him.

"You. You have to stay in here. Well until the boys get here that is." Cambri said putting her hands on his chest
and pushing, making him walk backwards.

"I'm kind of liking this," Brian said stepping closer to Cambri.

"Oh really?" Cambri said biting her lip and looking up at him.

"Really." Brian said leaning closer to her.

Cambri reach out, putting one finger to his lips and pushing him away, "Stay here, be a good little Brian, Keep your bitch under control!" Cambri said walking away.

Brain was left there, mouth in a gaping smile. That girl drove him crazy.

When Cambri got back into the room everyone was laughing. Cambri gave them a funny look, "You guys are odd."

Brady burst out laughing, "We're the odd ones? You're the one in there making your voice like a guy’s and talking to yourself."

Her eyes got big as her head slowly turned to face Veve. She was laughing but stopped quickly when she saw the look that Cambri was giving her. Veve Shrugged and mouthed 'sorry I had to say something.' Cambri rolled her eyes, shrugged and went to sit on Brady as the phone rang.

"I got it!" Tiffii yelled getting up to het the phone, "Donna Way?"

Cambri jumped up, "Its about the house..." She took the still ringing phone, "Hello."

"Cambri!" Gerard smiled.

"Oh, Donna! How are you?" Cambri smiled pointing to the hall and walking to Brian's room.

"Donna? This is Gerard! What are you on?" Gerard said in a questioning voice.

"I know, you idiot! Why didn't you call my cell phone?" Cambri asked pushing Brian's door open. She gasped seeing him walking out of his bathroom facing the other wall, stark naked.

"Don't people fucking knock around here?" Brain almost yelled coving himself with a pillow.

"Shh!" Cambri demanded shutting the door "Put some damn clothes on!"

"Who? Me? I do have clothes on!" Gerard squeaked.

"No, Gee not you!" Cambri laughed turning around so Brain could cover his member.

"Who? Oh! Brain is there isn't he! Oh! You two are making like rabbits, aren’t you!" Gerard laughed.

"No one here is making anything!" Cambri said glad she was facing the opposite way from Brian, so he didn't see her face get red, "What do you want?"

"Making what? You can turn around now." Brain said falling into one of the many bean bag chairs.

"We're leaving like as soon as we get done talking. Where do we go?" Gerard said as someone in the background yelled for him to hurry up.

"What time are you going to be here?" Cambri said as she plopped down in another bean bag chair next to Brian. Her blonde hair flying as she fell, when she hit the chair her brass knuckles around her neck clinked. Her exposed legs laid across Brain's lap.

"Private jet, hmm, around two hours." Gerard said thinking out loud.

"The hospital, we'll be there by then. Oh but stop here and grab Brian, then you have to go the hotel to get the bitch when you get here." Cambri examined Brian more closely as they sat there.

"Why is Trish---you know, never mind. With you, I don't even want to know. Anyway, see you in like...well soon. Ow! Frankie stop! Bye Cambri." Gerard said hanging up the phone.

"Two hours." Cambri said as Brain traced shapes on her leg.

Her body tingled as she looked at him. His tan chest was broad and had a few tattoos. His arms were built with about a sleeve and a half of art. Sparkling brown eyes met Cambri's ocean blues.

Cambri looked away and said "I'm tired."

Brain just looked at her with wide eyes, "Then sleep."

"I can't..." Cambri said sighing and looking around the room. The room used to be Taylor’s, but she bailed about two weeks after they bought the house. The room still looked like Taylor, but Brain made it his, in the short time he had been here.

"Why not?" Brain said after some silence. He was confused to say the least.

"If I go to my room they will never leave me alone, and if I pass out in the living room, I will wake up with something on my face. Something that doesn't belong there, and I will get very mad and hurt someone. There for, with the lives of others on the line, I choose not to sleep." As Cambri spoke, her eye lids begged her to let sleep take over. She blinked long and slow trying to shake the heaviness away. She opened them when she felt her legs being picked up and set back down, with no Brian under them. Brain walked to the bed and laid down on the side at the wall.

"Come lay with me," Brain said as he patted the bed next to him.

"With you?" Cambri said standing up.

"Next to me, beside me, to the side of me, whatever, just lay down," Brain glared rolling his eyes, laughing.

Cambri kicked off her loosely tighed neon yellow chucks and climbed in next to him. The bed wasn't that big so their hands touched. They just laid there letting silence take them over.

"Why did they send you?" Cambri asked turning her head to look at him.

Brian sat there looking at her like he didn't know what to say, "It's cliché. It's not even worth it..." he said shaking his head and looking away.

Cambri rolled over onto her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows. She searched his face for a clue to anything in his head. "So...cliché' can be good..."

Brian groaned, "It's no big deal. I'm here. That’s it." Brian said rolling over avoiding her eyes. He was embarrassed, he didn't want her to know that he had to beg the label to let him be the one to come.

"Brain, come on. It's just me. Little Cambri-Ray. Nothing to cheer about." Cambri said moving closer to him.

"That's the thing!" Brain said turning to look at her. "You. You drive me crazy. When you called I thought...well i don't really know what i thought but i know i liked it. Your voice, your laugh, and then I met you. It all came together, the way you put your hand on your hips when things don't go the way you want them to. They way your touch gives me goose bumps. The way you drum on your knees when you get nervous. When I saw you, they way you looked. It drove me crazy, you seemed like you didn't care about anything but Ellyy..." Brain ended with a heavy sigh. Cambri looked at him, eyes wide and vibrant. Brian kept his eyes locked on the wall.

"Brian..." Cambri whispered looking for anything at all.

Brain's eyes met hers and he looked away fast, "Those eyes! Those damn blue eyes! They should be considered a damn weapon!" Brain laughed uneasy.

Cambri didn't know what to say, she just looked at Brain. She couldn’t think of anything to say, but she wanted to.

“See! Cliché! I told you!” Brain said rolling over, and looking away from her.

“Cliché can be good…” Cambri whispered before kissing him softly.

“Cliché can be good…” Brain whispered against Cambri’s lips.

The kiss turned hard, and rough. It was long and neither of them wanted to end. It felt like they could never end it. Though when Cambri heard yelling she pulled away smiling.

“I have to go.” Cambri said as Brian kissed her again. “Mmm, no! I’ve got to go, text me.” Cambri said getting up and unlocking the door, then turning around to give him one more kiss.

Cambri opened the door and shut it, making very little sound. She turned around with a victorious smile on her face. Her smile was met by Jordon's questioning face.

"What were you doing in there?" Jordon asked as Cambri linking arms with her's and they started to walk to the living room.

"Oh, nothing. What's up?" Cambri said as they walked down the stairs.

Jordon's face lit up, "She's awake!" Jordon knew something was up with her sister, but let it drop.

Cambri's heart jumped, "Well then lets go!"


At the hospital Ellyy had woken up and was talking to the built male nurse.

"Ellyy, you could have died!" he said looking at her chart while scolding her.

Elly shrugged and smiled, "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" Ellyy knew that the My Chemical Romance reference made no sence to him, but it did to her.

"If life ain't just a joke then why are we dead?" He said raiseing his eye brown at the stunned Ellyy," I know My Chem. when I hear them."
they both laughed at the surprise in Ellyy's eyes.

Everyone else sat in the hallway that they have became all too familiar with. they all couldn't sit still with the thought that they could soon talk to Ellyy, so They talked about random things. they all had smiles on their faces, but they fell when they heard a girl scream come from down the hallway. their heads turned quick to see what it was, Cambri's face lit up as she saw Brain jogging to her.

"It's like 'I'm not ok' all over again. Only I'm not in some dumb suit." Brain laughed as the boys turned the corner.

They walked down the hallway as they had in the Video, but Bob was here this time. Cambri's friends gasped seeing them. Everyone stood up as the girls squealed.

'Why are they here?"Tiffii said looking at Ray,

Veve laughed as she resisted the urge to tackle Mikey. All the boys were serous, looking straight ahead, not blinking. Until Frankie saw Cambri.

"Cambri!" Frankie yelled In a school girl voice as he started running.

"Frankie! Frankie ! No!" Cambri yelled as she tried to prepare herself for the hit.

"Yay!" Frankie said as he hit her and they both fell to the ground. Frankie hugged Cambri and would not let go.

"Frankie!" Cambri gasped, "Can't...breath..."

"Sorry,' Frankie mumbled getting up and help cambri to her feet.

cambri let out a breath, "My Chem, my friends. My friends, My Chem.' Cambri said falling back onto Brian."The one that's looking at Mikey, two inches from his face, is Veve. They one poking Ray's hair is Tiffii. The guy that's looking at Bob odd, I always knew something was weird with him, well thats Brady." Cambri stopped feeling a poke on her back.

Jordon was behind her motioning for cambric to lean closer to her. Cambri leaned In a little scared.

"That's frank Iero!" Jordon whispered pointing to an unsuspecting Frankie.

"Go ahead!" Cambri laughed as Jordon tackled Frankie to the ground. "And that's my little sister Jordon."

"Where's Ellyy?" Gerard asked looking at Cambri.

Cambri pointed to the room as Brian draped his arms around her shoulders. Cambri closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking in his sent.

“What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay. So long and goodnight. So long and goodnight. Came a time when every star fall brought you to tears again” was what Gerard heard being sang when he walked into the room.

“We are the very hurt you sold and what's the worst you take…” Gerard sang.

Ellyy’s mouth dropped as her breath caught as she saw the person she had been thinking about the last few days. He smiled and waved shyly. They just looked at each other for a minute.

“Hi. I’m Gerard…” Gerard started before being cut off

“Way. Why are you here? Not that it’s a bad thing. I don’t want you to leave or anything. It’s just…hi I’m Ellyy.” Ellyy gasped all in one breath.

Gerard laughed, “A friend called me. I’m here to help…if you’ll let me.”

“Yeah, wait who called you? To help me with what?” Ellyy’s mood changed when she realized what he said.

“Cambri. You know what I need to help you with. I won’t do it unless you let me. If you don’t let me, I can’t help you.” Gerard stepped closer to Ellyy, changing his tone a little.

“I don’t know what you are talking about1 I don’t need help from anybody. I’m doing just fine!” Ellyy almost yelled, getting tenser with every word.

Gerard knew how she felt, and he knew he had to push her to get out of the state of mind she was in, he didn’t know how he would do it but he had to.

“Can I ask you a question?” Gerard said as he sat down in the chair next to her.

“It doesn’t matter wither I say yes or no. You’re going to ask me anyway.” Ellyy rolled her eyes.

“Like I said, I can’t help you unless you let me.” Gerard said as he began to get iterated.

“Whatever…” Ellyy mumbled.

“Why are you lying in this bed?” Gerard calmed himself down quickly. He thought back to the phone call with Brian.

Ellyy thought about it for a minute. She didn’t know why she was in here. The last thing she renumbered was the party and Jason.

“Jason…” Her voice was a low hushed whisper. She looked passed Gerard and saw the man who had given her the drugs that had put her in here.

“Yes. Do you remember what he did to you?” Gerard was trying to get her to remember it.

“I remember…I had hot boiling sex with her! I made her scream my name as she gasped for air!” Jason husky voice said from behind Gerard.

Gerard’s head spun around as his eyes met the dark green of Jason’s. Anger ravished Gerard’s body.

“I think you need to leave.” Gerard said through clenched teeth.

“Are you going to make me?” Jason said as he stepped to Gerard.

“I will if I have to!” Gerard stood up looking down a few inches to meet Jason’s eyes.

“He’s not going anywhere!” Ellyy said as she didn’t take her eyes off Jason.

“Then I am. I told you. I can’t help you if you won’t let me. This is not letting me.” Gerard stood up and walked to the door. “Goodbye, Ellyy. I guess Cambri was wrong. You’re weak!”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its been a while without posting
i've been busy.
and sorry its alot about Cambri.
and the type-os.
mikey was rushing me.
well here you go!

