Status: It's done. Thanks for Everything. <3

Give Me All Your Poison

Give me reason to believe

As everyone stood in the hall way admiring their favorite band, Veve couldn’t stop looking at Mikey. She had always thought he was hot, but now she felt something more; she wanted him to look at her and smile. Which of course he did, he didn’t know why he felt this way about a complete stranger but he liked it. They stood in the hallway with the other for around five minutes before disappearing around the corner. They walked down the bright hallway, smiles curved on both of their lips. When they reached the elevator, they looked at each other for the first time. Veve saw his green-brown glasses framed eyes, and thought she was going to melt. Her knees went weak as she almost fell to the ground. Swift callused hand quickly grabbed her before she hit the ground.

“Thanks, I don’t always just fall over.” Veve laughed, looking away.

“Oh, yeah, you’re fine. I live with Frankie remember. I catch things often. But uhm, maybe I should hold your hand…” Mikey looked at Veve holding his hand out and hoping that his cheesy line worked.

“In case I fall again.” Veve said grabbing his hand, right before her knees gave out again, “Damn! I don’t mean to always fall, it’s just that...”

“It’s all good. I have that effect on people sometimes. They just get weak in the knees.” Mikey laughed shaking his head.

“Wait what? I never said anything about you being the reason. Nothing about the way your smile gives me tingles, or that I think you’re really, really hot!” Veve gushed as she soon realized what she was saying, “I mean… wow did I just say that?”

“You did…if I do all that to you and we haven’t even kissed yet. I want to try something…” Mikey said as he pulled her arm making her stop.
Her breath caught in her chest as his lips brushed hers. She had never felt this before, and she didn’t know if she liked it all that much. She soon forgot whatever she was thinking when his lips collided with hers and she felt like the world was going to end.
“Hello! You can’t do that here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” A voice made them break apart.

Mikey turned around coming face to face with Ellyy’s big nurse. “Yes sir. We were just leavening.”

A scream that didn’t seem human came from the 6ft man. “You’re…you’re Mikey Way! Brother of Gerard Way! Both of which are in a band with Frank Iero, Bob Bryer, and Ray Toro formally managed by Brian Schechter! Oh my god! You’re My Chemical Romance!” This was said all said in one breath, before he fell to the ground.

Mikey and Veve stood there not knowing what to say. People began to gather around thinking the two had done something to the man. A little red headed nurse hurried over with a look on her face that said she was pissed. Kneeling down next to the man she yelled at the two.
“What did you do? How did you manage that? You need to leave! Now!” she waved some smelling salts in the front of his nose and stood up, “What did you---ohh---you can stay…”
“Me?” Mikey asked pointing to himself.

“Yeah, you, but she has to go!” the nurse smiled standing up. She looked from Mikey to Veve, as if she was waiting for Veve just to walk away. “You can leave now; I and this gorgeous man have…things to get too…now leave!” The nurse walked up to Mikey rubbing her, breast on his chest, putting her hand on his neck and thrusting her hips to him.
Mikey stood there, but soon pushed her away.
“Look! I don’t know who you think you are! But I know for a fact, that I’m not going to just leave! If he wants to stay with you, that’s his problem. My best friend is upstairs in a hospital bed! I’m not going anywhere! You or anyone else can try to stop me! But I’ll tell you right now, I’m not going anywhere!” Veve yelled getting really close to her face.

“leave! Or I’ll call the cops!” The nurse yelled backing up a little.
“Call them, I’ll be waiting!” Veve yelled, walking back to the elevator.
“Ok look here, you will not push her around like that, it wasn’t her fault that the man passed out, it was mine so if you have a problem with it, you need to take it up with me. Not her! Got it! Now if you call the cops, I will have you charged with sexual harassment. I have a lot of money, and really good lawyers for this kind of thing, do you really want to push me?” Mikey said turning to look her right in the face.
“I wasn’t going to call the cops in the first place, I know who you are, and I know who she is, it’s been going all around here, we know they got you here for some girl who has a problem. I understand, I’ve just liked you for a really long time, or, liked you in a music, cuteness sense. Hah. That’s kind of weird, huh? Well oh well. You might want to go catch her, you love her, I can see it in your eyes…”
“Thank you!” He said, before kissing her cheek and running to the elevator.
“Do you really love me?” Veve asked, as she pulled her hand back, letting the doors close.
“More than you could ever know, but if that’s creepy, I understand…” Mikey Way was flustered, while talking to a girl; for the first time sense junior high.
“Shut up and kiss me you fool!” Veve said as he lips crashed to his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait.
Uhm, i found out today, that Brain, no longer is MCR's manager.
he got fired.
inow have to add that into this. just lovely.
hah. this one is for the Mikey!!