He Doesn't Look Like a Monster to Me

Victoria Alexis Breen is a freshman at VCU in Richmond. She's shy, easily flustered, and one of the most sincere girls to ever live. One night as she was walking home something horrible happed... but that something led to her meeting her "angel." But with a friend like Ashlee and an enemy like Rebecca, can the lovers make it through?
  1. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me - 01
    The two future lovers meet.
  2. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me - 02
    Rebecca joins the cast, making a dent in James and Victoria's budding relationship.
  3. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me - 03
  4. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me - 04
    Now enters Ashlee who may not be as good a friend as Victoria thought.
  5. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me – 05
    Victoria learns just how important she is to James, and how much a waitress can piss a girl off.
  6. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me – 06 - Part 1
  7. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me – 06 - Part 2
    At the beginning of Winter Break things heat up.
  8. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me – 07
    Sometimes is seems like there are more downs than ups in James and Victoria's relationship, but they always make it work in the end.
  9. He Doesn’t Look Like a Monster to Me – 08