Not Worth The Trouble



The weather had been heavy for the past three days, reflecting my mood in full. The girl I was to marry had sent me a letter three days earlier letting me know she’d gone to Italy with a man named Antoni. Italy, what was he thinking? What was she thinking? I squeezed my hand tight into a fist; the pressure used broke the pencil I was holding. With anger I threw the two pieces across the room. I got up from the small kitchen table, which often times doubled as a desk, and retrieved a new pencil, ignoring what I’d thrown to the floor. Sighing heavily I sat down and stared at the paper before me.


I had to write this letter. It was embarrassing, degrading, and disgustingly difficult, but it had to be done.

My childhood best friend, Katharine, had told me this would happen. I didn’t listen. She told me Anna would end up hurting me. It was the one time I had chosen not to listen to her bluntly honest ways. I should’ve known she was right. She had always been right, about anything and everything.

This time I was just so damn stubborn I couldn’t let myself believe her. Now I had to write a letter apologizing, telling her I knew my mistake.

I have to write a stupid letter because you blocked my number, you ass.

It’s kind of ridiculous since you live right across town, but then again I suppose it’s no stranger than your usual antics.

I smiled a bit to myself. The gesture felt strange upon my face. I hadn’t smiled since I’d received the letter from Anna.

Anyway, this letter does actually have a purpose.

I’m letting you know you can prepare the ‘I told you so’ parade and get ready to do your happy dance.

I’m single.

Katharine had always hated when I was with a girl. Somehow, I always picked the morons.

Anna left me. She sent a letter telling me she was going to Italy with another man.

Can you believe it? A letter. I guess it’s a step up from a text message, though.

I’m sorry I didn’t listen. You were right, Katharine… as usual.

I groaned inwardly, knowing I’d never hear the end of it.

Well, at least you’re not the only single one any more.

It’s gonna be just you and me again.

Please unblock my number when you get this. I’d like to hang out and my carrier pigeon is a bit under the weather, so I can’t get in touch with you quickly.


You’ll hit me for that one, I’m sure.


I folded the letter neatly and slipped it into a white envelope, sealing it with clear tape. I penned her name and address onto the front, once again thinking how absurd it was that I was mailing her a letter.

I waited three days before I got a response, which came in the form of a text message. Up until that point, I had been moping.

You’re unblocked now, loser.

I rolled my eyes and called her.

“Yes, dear?” She said with no emotion. Her usual greeting.

“Are you going to come over and throw confetti? Maybe wave around sparklers?” I joked.

“Nope. I was thinking of hiring a blimp to put it on the marquee or something. It should be pretty epic,” I could practically see her smirking.

“Sounds good. When you get done with that, you should come hang out with me. I feel like watching movies with you. We can die alone, together.”

“Do you realize how stupid that last sentence sounded?” She chuckled.

“Yes, yes I did. Now get over here,” I demanded and hung up.

Not ten minutes later, I heard the front door open.

“Gee, come in! Make yourself at home!” I sarcastically greeted her.

She dropped her bag on the table and looked around the house. It was pretty much trashed.

“Obviously, you’re not doing too great,” She sighed.

This is what I loved about her. No matter how immature and sarcastic she was most of the time, at the end of the day she was an amazing friend. She really cared about my feelings and my well being.

“Obviously,” I sighed as well, collapsing onto the couch.

“Let’s just both die alone. Love isn’t worth the trouble,” I resolved. She smiled widely.

“I’ve been telling you that for years. I can see you’re hurting, but don’t sweat it, man. It’s over now and you can start sleeping around again,” She patted me on the back.

“Even if I wanted to, I don’t know anyone who would be willing,” I laughed lightly. If nothing else, she could always make me laugh.

“Want me to buy you a hooker?” Her voice held all seriousness and I fell into a fit of laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was actually very easy to write, because my best guy friend and I have been through this in a way.

Hisbitch girlfriend dumped him, via phone call, and I had to pick up the pieces.

So... I hope you guys like it!