Running Away From You

Chapter 1

Running for the door Kelly fumbling for her phone, panic and fear washed through her body like it had done every other time this would happen. He hit her again and again she try's to run, just wanting to escape it for one moment to feel like he wasn't in her life. It wasn't like this from the start, he made her feel safe and loved, he would give her roses weekly and make romantic dinners as well. Their love was strong, but now its abusive and she no longer feels safe and the love disappeared soon after.

Endless lies about the about the marks on her body, the fractured bones and endless cuts. In fear she lived with him, he wouldn't let her go when she wanted it to be finished and file a divorce. He wouldn't let her go he made her his on their wedding day and now she was his prisoner in this trap he coaxed her into into like a mouse.

"Please Greg, not tonight I can't keep lying about the marks, please I beg you" She said crouched on the floor shielding herself from his anger and rage.

"Shut up you stupid bitch, pleading gets you no where" Smirking he kicked her so she was sprawled out on the floor. The smirk sickened her, the pit of her stomach twisted and turned at knowing what he was going to do next, tightening up as he kicked her in the side.

The pain was like every other time, brutal and pain full, apart from when he broke her rib.
Watching him as he spat violent words at her she cowered on the floor. Once he had finally walked away she crawled her way to the bathroom and quietly closed the door. Lifting her shirt she could see the bruise forming already, huddling at the foot of the door she sat in silence.

Why is this happening she asked herself like she did every other night. She knew the answer was only for him to tell but with every night that passes by she would wonder endlessly for the answer.

She wasn't a bad person, she was an A grade student at school and trained to be a nurse. She came from a well set family and always strived at everything. She loved being with her friends and loved having the time of her life. She had loved Greg from the moment they met he was charming and kind. Now these days he makes it his mission to break her heart at anytime.

With endless tears that fell from her eyes like warm salty ran, she stayed in the bathroom all night not wanting to face him till it was a new days with hope he would be the same once again.


Sorry its short, just need to know if people like how it is so far comment's are appreciated