You Could Call Gerard Bad, but I Would Call Him Evil

[001] The Start.

I could sense his fear, but I didn't care. I could feel his emotions, he was scared for his life I still didn't care. I restrained him back. Like I would to many other poeple. His eyes were pleading for a second chance. Nothing would stop me now. As I shoved the piece of metal closer to his head, I put my finger on the trigger. He moved his free hand and tried to swing at me I ducked and jolted him a bit to remind him that I was in control, I was always in control. I had done this heaps of times before. "say good-bye" I muttered before I fired a bullet through his head, making blood splatter all over my body. I kicked his cold and heart broken body closer in the alley-way. So any civilians who are still up at this hour would not notice him.

It was 3:00 am and I had just shot an innocent man for nothing but a few dollars, I was coverd in splats of blood and I had his wallet now. I put the gun in my pocket and walked quickly out of the alley-way and too my home, if you could call it that.

Opening the door and nearly falling over. I smelt the stench of the room after being in the clean air and coming home to a place where it's trashy and there are booze and cigarettes everywhere, the smell was toxic. I was addicted to killing poeple and also I was an alcoholic and smoker and on occassions I took drugs but I never got caught - so why stop?.

I had an attitude and loved it. I haven't been true to myself and I don't know who exactly am. I know my name is Gerard, but what's inside of me? - I am helpless!. I am lonley, no wonder!, I keep killing everyone. I'm not killing everyone because I am lonely, I am lonely because I keep killing everyone.

I washed my hands in the kitchen sink, watching the blood drain down to where it would never be seen again. I loved the blood it attracted me to it's smell, taste, feel and look.
I hid the gun in the lining of the lounge where I then layed down and drank my poison for a while - alcohol!.

I slowly fell asleep. It was nice sleeping except for when you were woken. Now that made me get pissed of so much. I tried to ignore the knock at the door which woke me up, but it just kept knocking. I got up, I balanced myself to the door. When I got to the door I asked who it was. "It's the police is there a Gerard Way home we've had some complaints about some noise problems" I tried to figure out what noise, I didn't have a T.V. or a stereo or any electronical devise or machine that would make so much noise for someone to complain about. I opened the door and rubbed my eyes. There stood two police men, young ones, they stood a bit shorter then me. "How the hell could I make any noise?" I asked because I was very sure that I bloody didn't know.

"Oh! it isn't music, it's a gun fire this morning about 3:00 am" the first pig stated.
"yeah and your going to have to come downtown and write a statement for us and we might let you go, but I doubt it with all that blood over you" the second man chuckled. The first police man got out some cuffs and walked over to me turning me around roughly so he could put the hand cuffs on me. "you didn't put them on propaly!' The second man sacastically said walking over to me tightning the cuffs, I think it stopped the blood circualtion. He dragged me by one arm out the door and down the couple of stairs and into a police car. I was carefree. I was going to tell them what I had to.

A few minutes later the other police man came in the car and drove away. We drove for a while whilst I was acting all happy taking in the scenery being calm and quite and trying to spit loogies at there heads. When we got there they got out the car and the driver opened my door and dragged me out. They were really angry poeple. They took me inside and into a room chucking me down on a seat.

They left me alone in that room and they did uncuff me but I knew I was defiantly a gone-rr!
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I am editing all of my stories, so yes they may be slightly different from the original but they all have the same key plots.