Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Pyro's Letters

I sat on my bed on a late summer's morning reading a book on how animals in the muggle world can sense a witch or wizards magical powers. Through my open window flew my phoenix, Pyro, who proceeded to drop a letter in my lap and then sit on his perch, cooing contently. Placing a bookmark in the crease of my book I set it aside and picked up the letter. Gingerly opening it, I found two letters, instead of just the customary single letter for a list of school supplies. Placing the second letter and envelope beside me, I read through the first letter.

"Dear Merlin's Academy Student,
We regret to inform you that due to the rise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in the last few years, Merlin's Academy is being forced to close down. All of our students will not be forgotten though, and will be either sent to Beaxbatons Academy of Magic, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning. Whichever school you are sent to, you will be garbed in your Merlin's Academy Uniform. Because the students will be split up and harder to find, you will have more adequate protection. The supplies needed for this year of schooling in whichever school you attend will be the same is it would be in Merlin's Academy. We thank you greatly for your cooperation in this matter, and wish you well in your second school enrollment.

Shrugging, I switched letters. I would write to my friends later to ask them what schools they got sent to. I'd also go and tell Mother and Father once I finished this letter.

Dear Miss Tonks,
As you were previously informed, Merlin's Academy is ceasing to exist. Due to this, your enrollment for your second school has been accepted by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
To get to Hogwarts, you must go to King's Cross Station on September 1, in time to catch the train at 11:00 am. Once you arrive at the school, you will be sorted with the 1st Year students. You will be sorted into either Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or Slytherin. Who you are sorted with decides where you sleep, who you have classes with, and many other things that will be explained latter on. The head master of this school is Albus Dumbledore, one of the greatest wizards known to all time. We look forward to seeing you in September.

I sighed and rubbed my temples briefly. Getting up off my bed I tossed Pyro a snack and took the letters downstairs. Mother and Father would be proud I'd been accepted into Hogwarts, but who knows what house I'll be sorted into. I remember when Dora went there, and she would tell me all about it, and how someday I would be there. But when I got my acceptance letter to Merlin's Academy, she was ecstatic. She couldn't have been prouder of me that day, and would take every chance she got to dote on me. All in all, since Merlin's Academy is such a hard school to get into, it usually only takes in about 10 students a year through out the entire world. It was considered a great honour to be accepted into the school and a chance to go there was never turned down.
I already know that Dora and Father were in Hufflepuff when they attended Hogwarts, but Mother was in Slytherin. That still left two houses I could be sorted into. And what if I wasn't sorted into either Hufflepuff or Slytherin? Would they be mad? I shook the thoughts from my head and sound Mother and Father in the sitting room. Father was reading the Daily Prophet in his lounge chair, and Mother was busy charming the family portrait to show all of Dora's hair colors in turn. A job that was never really complete in her eyes as it consistently got stuck on fussia.
I smiled, shaking my head at her. Someday's I think the portrait purposely did those kinds of things just to get Mother riled up. I cleared my throat quietly before saying to them, "Mother, Father, I got my letter from Merlin's Academy today."
Mother, who was getting very frustrated by this time simply muttered a, "Very good, Dear." through clenched teeth and kept charming the portrait.
Father chuckled at Mother's behaviour and set down the paper. He stood from his seat and walked over to me. He then proceeded to lead me into the kitchen and sat me down at the island. Tossing me an apple he said, "We'll just give your mother some room to work before she all out starts hexing the portrait." we both laughed briefly before he continued, "So, what does your letter say this year, Esie?"
I then proceeded to tell him about how Merlin's Academy was closing due to the threat of Voldemort, and that it's students would be dispersed to the other three schools.
"Did they tell you what school you're going to?" he asked me curiously, leaning on the counter behind him.
"Yes, Father. I'll be attending Hogwarts for the remainder of my education." I replied to him.
"That's wonderful, Esie. You're sister can take you supplies shopping too. I'm sure your mother and Dora will be just as proud of you as I am now." He exclaimed with a grin on his face.
"Thank you Father. I'm going to go write to my friends now." I said before prancing up the stairs and into my room. Sitting at my desk, I then proceeded to write a short letter to my closest friends: Scarletti Bone; Dustin Alessread; and Shaine Cooper. Once I was finished, I gave all three letters to Pyro and sent him off. Putting my quill and spare parchment back into the drawer I had taken them from, I lightly stepped down the stairs and into the fireplace with a handful of floo powder. Once I was on a clear patch of cement, and not in soot or ashes I shouted, "Hog's Head!"