Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Platform 9 and 3/4

That night when Harry had to go home, go back to the Burrow, the only other place besides Hogwarts that would ever be home to such a broken boy, I was sad. In the many hours we had been together, we had weeped for eachother, and laughed together. We had developed a very close relationship that I don't think would be destroyed anytime soon. And I knew that with that friendship, also came the knowledge that no matter what, he would be there for me and help me through it, as would I be there for him.
The next morning I garbed myself in a pair of simple jeans with rips in the knees from wear, and a white long sleeved t-shirt with a dark brown wife-beater over top. Brushing out my curly hair I decided I was ready to go and added a brown and grey stripped touque over my hair. I slid my wand up my sleeve and grabbed my trunk, dragging it down the stairs. It made a loud thumping sound as it hit each step, but I didn't worry about waking anyone. Mother and Father would already be awake to bid me farewell, and Dora would be here to take me to the station.
Sure enough, when my trunk hit the last step, the floor, I looked up and saw them all standing by the doorway. A small smile crept onto my face and I walked forward, becoming enveloped in a hug from my father. He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Good luck Baby Girl, have fun in Hogwarts" before releasing me and giving me a slight nudge in the direction of my mother.
I looked into my mother's teary eyes and enveloped her in a warm hug. I would miss her, but we would be in touch and I would see her on vacations. Her shaking voice said softly, "Have fun, Dearest Estika." to me, and I knew that she was upset. She did the same thing every other year when I was going to Merlin's and also when Dora was attending school. She's come to terms that Dora's all grown up, and now showers me with the mass majority of her affection.
I whispered back to her, "We'll be in touch, Mother. I promise you." and pulled out of the hug. If I had any chance of making it to the station on time, I had to get going. Placing my fingers to my lips, I whistled loudly for Pyro. He swooped down the stairs and landed on my outstretched arm, then shuffling to my shoulder where he stayed in place. I grabbed the handle to my trunk and went to the doorway with Dora. Taking one last look at my parents, I blew them a kiss and said, "I love you both." and with that, Dora and I apparated.
When the whizzing pull at my belly button ceased, I sasw that we were in a bewitched phone booth outside of the muggle station. Somewhere inside there, there was the entrance to Platform 9 3/4 where I would be boarding the Hogwart's Express. Following Dora's lead, who's hair was now a mousy brown as to not raise suspicions from muggles, we quietly and unnoticeably entered King's Cross Station. From there we walked past innumerous platforms until we reached the divider between Platform's 9 and 10.
"Right then," Dora started, "Watch what I do and then do the same. You take a slight run at the wall, and once you feel like you should have collided with it, slow down. You don't want to run into anyone on the other side, it's never a pleasant meeting." she said to me matter-of-factly. I saw her walk towards the wall briskly and then dissappear into it. Muggles just kept walking by as if she had not just walked into a wall and vanished, as if there was a sort of charm on this area to keep the entrance hidden from non-magical veiw.
Licking my lips, I did the same. I took an easy jog to the wall and then when I saw myself in a different surrounding I slowed. I saw Dora standing off to the side talking to, most likely, someone that works in the ministry with her. Pulling my trunk behind me, I stroaked Pyro's fiery feathers, thankful now that Mother had placed a charm on him when I got him so that Muggles could not see him. They just saw empty space.
Dora turned and smiled at me, beckoning me to come to her and the red haired, plump woman she was talking to. "Mrs.Weasley, this is my younger sister, Estika Lynn. She's the same age as your son Ron, I do believe." Dora introduced me. I then recognised her as the Weasley's mother and Arthur's wife.
"Oh, hello Dearie, I've heard so much about you from Hermione, Ginny and Harry." Mrs.Weasley beamed at me with a kind and bright smile.
"Oh, yes Harry, Hermione and Ginny are friends of mine. I met them at the World Cup last week, and entertained Harry's company for most of yesterday." I said to her. "Now, I really am sorry, but I must be boarding the train. It's schedule'd to leave soon." I urged to them. They then ushered me into the train and bid me farewells.
When I got on the train, I was fortunate enough to find one last empty compartment. Settling down, I retrieved my uniform from my trunk and cast a blinding spell on the windows. I changed quickly and lifted the spell, then got my book out of my trunk, placing my clothes back in it. Curling up on the seat, I moaned in my head, that this was going to be a long train ride. No more than 10 minutes later the train set into motion, and we laft the station. I was on my way to Hogwarts, and there was no turning back now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get out, life's been hectic/hell lately. I'm starting sophmore year in my highschool and I've been sick a lot. Not only that, there's been some other issues that you don't need to know about.
So I hope you enjoy the chapter, and [;ease if you have the time, comment/rate/subscribe/anything else I forgot. :D