Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Things Were Changing

After the feast and speeches and everything in the Great Hall, I followed some other Gryffindors to the common room just to know where I had to end up in order to sleep in a bed tonight. I overheard the password, and as soon as they were inside, I wrote it on my wrist with my wand. It was a special charm that I'd created because I was known to forget things. So I would spell the word or words onto my wrist or arm with the tip of my wand, and then if I forgot them, I would touch my wand to where I'd written it and they would appear. Once all of that was over I wandered around the halls of the mighty castle, familiarizing myself with my surroundings.
As I continued on my walk, I occasionally met up with some other students, not once did I see a fellow transfer student though. I rounded a corner and heard rather loud and almost obnoxious gabbing in deep tenor and bass voices. In the dark shadows of the tunnel like hall, I saw the owners of the voices after a few steps around the corner. They were a group of Slytherin boys looking about my age, some of them a year or two older. One of them, the one portraying the leader of the group had an arrogant air around him, and looked beautiful. He had blond hair, pale skin and stony grey eyes. Just from the way he carried himself, you knew that he descended directly from a noble pure bred family line. Everyone of the boys in the group wore Hogwarts robes with green ties and crests, signifying they were Slytherin students.
I continued walking past them. To tell the truth, my thoughts on the Slytherin house were still mixed, but something deep in my gut told me that I would be sorted into their house. I know the hat had contemplated it, and to tell you the truth, I only confunded it into switching it's intentions. I just happened to hint that I would do well to follow Sirius' path also. After all, no one ever said that all prodigies had to use their talents for good. Quite often actually, I rather use them for my own selfish tendencies. I was directly beside them when one of them called me out.
I stopped, the clicking of my heels on the concrete ceasing for a moment in time. I turned my head towards them, my long pony tail trowing itself over my shoulder delicately. My eyebrow was cocked up with question. "Who are you?" the white blond one asked. His accent was prominent and he had a baritone voice.
"My, how rude are we. Asking others names before giving our own?" I inquired him.
He scoffed. "My name is Draco Malfoy. And how dare you address me as if I am lower than you."
"Well Draco, my name is Estika Lynn. I'll not both to allow you my last name, just know that I will address you as I see fit. Pure blood or not, to me, you are scum." I held a growl in my last few words, looked at him hard and continued on my walk around Hogwarts.
When I finally made my way back to the Common Room, I saw only a few figures lingering about. Most people had gone to bed after the busy day. I scanned the faces, hoping that I would know someone. Over by the dancing fireplace I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione chatting away. Slowly I walked over to them, my heels making no sound against the carpeted floor. As I walked I reached my hands up and freed my long ringlets from the holder they had previously been confined to.
When I reached the trio I smiled lightly at them and seated myself on a spare arm chair. "Oh, congratulations on getting sorted into Gryffindor, Estika!" Hermione greeted, a smile on her face. I nodded in her direction, indicating a thank you and they then returned to their conversation about something Ron's elder brother, Charlie had said. Something about bringing dragons to the school this year, from what I gathered.
After a short while of this, I turned in for the night, going up the correct stair case and looking at the list of who would be rooming where and with whom. They had stuck all of the transfer students in one room, so, lucky me being the only girl transfer into Gryffindor, I had a room to myself. This would work out quite nicely seeing as I would get bored with the slow paced classes. I could already see myself doing many experiments this year.
I entered my solitary dorm and noticed a few letters on my bed. Before I looked at them, however, I took a second to magic Pyro's stand together by a desk against the wall, trying to make it as much like home as possible. Once I finished, I released him from his confines, and opened a window for him to leave should he so wish to. And after I was done that and organizing my clothes and uniforms and other belongings around the room, I sat on the ancient bed which shockingly still felt decently comfortable. I picked up one of the letters from beside me and letter by letter I read my way through the pile. Eventually, late in the night I fell asleep with a letter in hand, and crusty tear stains running paths down my cheeks, chin and throat, being absorbed by my shirt.
When I awoke the sun was shining painfully in my eyes from the window of the room that I had left open. Pyro was busy picking at her feathers on his perch, and dragonflies and butterflies had made my lonely dorm their new home. I didn't mind, because from where I sat it all looked very peaceful, someplace I could willingly be for periods of time. I stood from my bed and left the letter on my pillow. Stretching, I then wiped the dried fluid from my skin and began to change my clothes into something clean. After I'd re-outfitted myself in a new uniform, I stepped into my heels and began to tame the mane that was my long, golden brown hair.
Hacking through the tumbleweed mess I thought back to what I'd read the night before. It was from Shaine again, and he'd had to warn me of some upcoming occurrences, but he didn't know in what order they would happen, or when the first would come.

Dear Esie,
I'm sorry to say, that I have more bad news. I would rather tell you in person, but I don't know when I'll see you in a secluded enough location to relay it all to you then. So until we can do that, post will have to be enough, I'm afraid.
Soon, I can't know when and in what order though, the people around us are going to start falling. I've seen a war, and it's not pretty Estika. Your father, sister, future brother-in-law, one of the Weasley twins, a Hufflepuff student, Prof. Dumbledor, And more nameless faces are going to die. I saw countless graves and fallen bodies, and a war with almost the entire magical realm. I'm not sure who, but you will have a lover by the time the war comes to us, and you will be very happy with him. Though, you must leave him. I'm not sure why exactly, but I figure it might have something to do with your sister and her husband dying and leaving their small baby behind. It could also be for other reasons, of which I am not certain.
Please Esie, watch out. Look after yourself and those around you, and whatever you do, cherish the time we all have left. Any day now, could mark the first death, and after that, they all just start falling like rotten apples from an unharvested tree. Don't take our precious time for granted, sooner than we'd like, it may mean all we'll ever have.

Things were changing, and the change was marked with the day the prestigious Merlin's Academy was shut down. It was marked with the fall of a more long lived school that had taught only the most promising of students since the first wizard Saint Merlin walked the Earth.