Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Soon To Reunite

I took the long way around the school, ariving at my first class, Potions only 10 minutes before class was set to begin, and by then Prof. Snape was in the class room and permitted me to enter. After I took a seat he casually conversed with me at my desk, waiting for the class to start. The only reason he tollerated myself, a Gryffindor, was because he knew I had confunded the Sorting Hat, but not why I had done so. He also had strong beliefe I was naturally to be placed in the Slytherin house.
"Estika, have you heard of the Tri-Wizard Tournament?"
"I've heard breifly what it is about, Professor. Why do you ask?"
"Because, this year Hogwarts is to host it. Now that Merlin's Academy has been split and sent to the other three schools, the Ministry of Magic believe that if you are taking the classes to qualify for being a Seventh Year student, you can enter the Tournament. I strongly reccoment you do so, Miss Tonks, you would do well in such an event." he said to me lowly.
"I shall consider this Professor, it is a great honour to know that you believe in my talents to such a high degree."
He nodded and walked away towards his desk. Few seconds later, other students started pouring in through the doors and took their seats. This was a N.E.W.T's level class, so there weren't very many people, and they were from all houses.
Time passed and so did my classes. Potions led into Charms, which faded into Arithmacy, that then blurred into Ancient Runes. Before I knew it, I had went through all four of my classes and was on my way back up to the common room, and then to my dorm to complete my scrolls of homework. Hours later there was a knock at my door. I'd gotten so caught up in my research that I'd not payed attention to what time it was.
Flicking my wand towards the door, it opened and the person who'd been waiting there was pulled through the door way and to my side. I looked up from my scroll and saw Hermione looking back at me. "Good evening." I greeted her.
"Estika, we missed you at supper and lunch, have you not attended your classes today either, like you haven't attended the meals? Professor Dumbledor made an important announcement that you should have heard at supper, and Harry's been looking for you. He was really looking forward to spending time with you tonight." she lectured. Very few of her words actually made sense in my ears, I was lost in the ancient scroll my hands cradled.
"The announcement was about the Tri-Wizard Tournament, I qualify as a student from Merlin's Academy, I plan to enter, Harry didn't specify when he wanted to hang out, any I've attended all of my classes today Mother." I said back in a slightly monotonous voice.
"Well Harry wants to spend time with you now, your scroll can wait for later." she said pulling the fragile and very old scroll from my gentle grasp. My eyes shot open and I looked at her apauled.
"Be careful with that! It's 32,000 years old! Merlin himself wrote it!" I exclaimed, shocked that she would treat such an artifact with so little care. I tended to take my research and information very seriously.
"Fine, but only if you go downstairs and meet Harry." she commanded.
"Hermione," I started, exasperated, "you're worse than my mother. You're even worse than my sister and that in itself is a task to be defeated." I said as I stood and followed her out of the room after she put down the scroll. Shutting and locking my door behind me, I sighed and led myself downstairs to where Harry was waiting for me, and I couldn't bare what was going to happen.
When Harry's face appeared in my vision I gave him a light, kind smile. "Good evening Harry." I greeted him as he gave me a worried smile back.
"Esie, I was almost getting worried. I didn't see you today at lunch or at dinner."
"Oh, it's nothing bad, Harry. I just wasn't hungry is all. Look, I was thinking about going for a walk about the school, would you care to join me?" I offered knowing that he would jump at the task.
"I'd love to Esie." he said back.
With his simple reply we headed for the exit and started roaming the halls talking amongst ourselves about things that we hadn't gotten a chance to talk about before school. Soon before long, he brought up the announcement from tonights dinner. "It's a shame you missed dinner tonight. Dumbledor made an announcement that I know you would have just loved to hear." he said.
I decided to play dumb and let him tell me it, instead of telling him I already knew and didn't want to bother hearing about it again. "Well, that does sound like a shame. Say, Harry do you think you would mind telling me? You've gotten me frightfully curious now." I encouraged gently.
"Well sure, you see this year Hogwarts is hosting this Tri-Wizard Tournament. It's where select students from Beaux Batons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Magical Institute come here and one student from each school competes in the tournament. Before, the students of Merlin's Academy weren't allowed to compete in the tournament, he didn't say why, but now that the school has been disbanded and the students are recieving their classes elsewhere, if they have the required expirience they are invited to enter as a Merlin's Acedemy student. To qualify all of your current courses need to be at a seventh or higher year level."
"Wow that does sound exciting Harry. And by the sounds of things I'm able to enter in. And with all the other students coming, who knows, maybe you'll finally get to meet my old friends Scarletti Bone and Dustin Alessread. Dustin goes to Durmstrang now and Scar goes to Beaux Batons. Oh, and it would just be terrific if you could finally meet Shaine Cooper. He's a third term student here at Hogwarts and he's like a little brother to me, but he got sorted into Hufflepuff and takes all fifth year courses so I don't really get to see him often. But we write to eachother whenever we can. Oh, I'm so excited now." I exclaimed thinking of all the good things to come.
"That does sound very lovely, and yes, I think I might fancy meeting your old friends from Merlin's. Expecially Shaine, he sounds like quite the character."
"Oh you have no idea Harry, Shaine is wonderful, but most importantly and foremost, I can't wait to see Dustin again." my voice at that sounded dreamy, even to me and usually people don't notice when their voice takes an unnexpected tone like that.
"Well, you'll see him soon. Both schools are arriving this weekend." Harry said, either ignoring the tone in my voice, or pretending that it didn't hurt to hear me talk of another boy in such a manner.
"Oh, that's so lovely. I'll be sure to write to them tonight when we get back to the common room. But that's enough about me, we've never really talked about your school life and we just spent ages going through mine."
"Oh, really it's nothing special. I've just got Ron and Hermione, and now you, and that's who I'm closest to, and after that there's Fred and George, Ginny, Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom and a few others."
"Oh, well I'm honoured to be so high up on the list, Harry. So, do you have any girls your interested in, or are you too busy saving all of Hogwarts every year for that?" I joked as almost painful as it was for me to say that. But then again, now that I think about it, my heart did jump at the thought of Dustin and Scar coming to Hogwarts, but there's no way, I don't like Dustin like that. We're just best friends, that's all. It was just because I'm excited to see him again. Yes, that's why.
"Well," Harry started, "I guess there is this one girl, Cho Chang. She's a fifth year in Ravenclaw, but she'd never like me." he stated.
"Oh, but Harry, any girl would be lucky to have you. You don't know how great of a guy you really are. And plus, maybe Shaine knows her and could help you out. I mean, it's possible, they would take the same classes and are in the same house. I'm just not sure if he talks to her all that often or not. If you'd like I could find out?" I offered to him.
"No, that's fine Esie. But we'd better be heading back to the common room before we miss curfew. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to have a detention this early on in the year."
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." I said back to him as we started in the direction of Gryffindor Tower talking still all the while.