Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Two is Better Than One

As soon as we got back to the common room I bid Harry a good night and very eagerly jumped up the stairs to the girl's dormatories and into my own dorm room. There I sat myself at my desk and began to write to Shaine, Dustin and Scarletti. I told them all about the people I was making friends with and everything that was happening. I'd also requested that when they get here that they write me and we find a place to all meet up and catch up in person. To Scarletti and Dustin I told them about people that they should look out for, those not to be associated with and where the best places to be were. It was hard for me because of the very minimal contact that we had, but I knew that they would be here soon and that we'd then have ages to fill eachother in on everything. Especially Dustin and I. He was, without a doubt, who I'd missed the most.
To tell you the truth, before hand when Dustin was always there, people thought we were going to be married someday with how close we were and how we looked at eachother adoringly. It was never like that though, we have alwasy been best friends ever since the day we met. I honestly never used to bury myself so far into my studies that I had problems trying to dig myself out, but I was always very serious about them. So was Dustin. We'd had an agreement that for an hour a day we would do nothing but study or work. That and sleeping were the only times that we weren't together. Even still that wasn't always the case. During my second and his third year on term at school I had horrid nightmares, and since everyone had their own rooms and they were all intermixed between boys and girls and all the ages due to the very small number of us, I'd often slip into his room just down the hall if I ever found myself unable to sleep or too frightened of my own imagination to even close my eyes. It carried on through the rest of our years until this year. And whenever we were together, he'd have his arms around me, holding me gingerly, and we'd just be like any other teenagers. And everything felt normal. Now nothing feels normal. I'm confined into a single space and stuck in that what was singular hour but was now multiple.
Really, completely truthfully, once I saw Dustin again, and if anyone ever tried to take him away from me... I know I couldn't give him up. Once was hard, twice is unmanageable. And if he really did have to leave me, or if when I saw him he didn't want me anymore... I don't know what I'd do with myself. Half of my being revolved around his, but without him in my existence my entire being doesn't know how to function. That's how I've gotten through these many days. Painfully, and trickingly.
To be short because I'm sure you're through with my ramblings, my mind has been subconciously tricking itself that days on end are merely hours. The hours that I don't see him or that we're both busy. But to be in his arms again, would be heaven. I know that, and I truly hope and wish everything is just as it was months ago.
Without another thought on the matter, trying with everything in me to not think about the void in my life that was filled with Dustin, I sent off the letters with magic. Sure, I have a pheonix, but I need someone here for company during these long days. With a simple enchantment charm I can send off the scrolls, rolled and tied with a smalle piece of ribbon to whom they are to be recieved. What's even better about using magic to send them, is that I can be assured that no one besides who they are addressed to will open them. Anyone else can try, but the ribbon won't untie, and the parchment won't unroll. Quite a tricky spell that one was to master and create. it had so many finicky little issues that took forever to tweak out.
Once the rolls vanished out the window, I closed it behind them and lie down on my bed trying to will myself into unconciousness. But no matter how I tried, it just wouldn't come to me...
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I understand that this is very short, but I ended it for a few reasons. If you wish to read on either stay subscribed or subscribe. But if not, please feel free to leave. I'm not holding you here by any means.
I also understand it's been a while since I updated... a very long while. I was going through some hard times and I still am, but I'm forcing myself to do the best I can because I simply cannot keep not writting. It's simply a passion that I can't let go of, so I'm here and willing to let it take over me once more. I'm ready for my arts to reclaim me.