Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Am I Losing It?

Days had passed and since I wrote them I couldn't keep my mind off of Dustin. Of course I thought of Scarletti and Shain too, but you know how things with Dustin and I were. I became even more hermitted into my work and only ever left my dorm for classes, rarely leaving for meals. Don't judge me, I'm not annorexic or anything I'm just not hungry that often.
I was working on a charm that is to be used on mirrors, kind of like the Mirror of Erised, but different. Instead of showing you what you desire most, it will show you the person whom you desire to see the most at the time of you holding the mirror. I wanted to make it so that once you held the hand mirror in your palm all you had to do was think the person's name and it would show you what they were doing at that exact time. Not an easy task, but with no reply yet from Dustin, I was growing desperate to see his face again.
I'd gotten word from Scarletti yesterday about everything. She was just as excited as I was that we would all be able to meet once again, and she'd also sent a letter to Shaine and Dustin. Still though, I presume no reply from either of them. I'll write her tomorrow if I still hear nothing and ask if she'd heard from them.
Now that I think about it, not hearing from Shaine is rather troubling too, but he could be getting ready for a big test. I don't know, I just know that I haven't heard from him or Dustin and I don't like it. At all. I sighed physically. Maybe they just hadn't gotten the letters yet. Or, they didn't want to open them. But that simply made no sense to me at all.
If I don't hear from them soon though, I know I'll assume the worst. I mean, I can go looking for and hunt down Shaine and talk to him. It would be a chore, but it's possible. But I can't really leave Hogwarts and go all the way to Durmstrang, now can I? Or... Maybe I can actually.
I set down the parchment I was looking at absent mindedly, and the trial mirror I was using. Standing from my seated possition on the floor, I walked out of the room My step was so fluid, it was as if I was gliding down the stairs and through the common room. It was late in the evening, but many were still milling about. Hermione was scolding the boys again and Harry was looking at me confused. I'd not really talked to them since that night when I went for a walk with Harry. But that made me stop cold. Maybe one of them knew how to get to Dumbledor's office. I certainly didn't, and wasn't really wanting to stumble through the school frantically because I had a proposition for him. That would be simply mad.
I changed my direction and glided towards the group, not look at any of them in particular, just looking on. By now, they were all looking at me in a very perplexed fashion. They probably thought I hadn't wanted anything to do with them lately. Well, I can't say that's a lie. With my concern for Dustin I've becom very anti-social and it must seem like I'm falling into a depression or something. I'm not... well I'm not going to say that just yet. We'll wait a while more before we make those bold assumptions. I mean, it's only been four days. Four days of waiting...
I stopped in front of the group, still thinking, but asked all the same if they knew where Dumbledor's office was.Shyly, Harry volunteered to show me where since he'd been there most and knew the way off by heart. I thought nothing of it until we got into the corridor and started walking. It was about that time that the awkward silence hung in the air like hard butter.
"So why do you need to see Dumbledor?" Harry asked trying to break the ice.
"I have a proposal for him. And I hope that he doesn't reject it, or atleast has another idea for obtaining the end result." I said shortly. He was on a need-to-know basis, like everyone else. The only person that needed details was really me. Sorry to sound selfish, but some things just require privacy.
"Oh." he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down realizing that I wasn't about to tell him any more than that on the subject he'd brought up. But then again, if he hadn't already noticed I wasn't really huge on disclosing information not important to unrelated parties. It was unneccesary and in some instances could lead to complete disaster. I mean, take Voldemort for example. There's one painfully obvious case of an unrelated party simply know way too much.
It was really interesting, if you look hard enough and search deep enough you can find things that most people can't, so I've amost completely unraveled the story of "The Dark Lord" and almost completely understand it now. It's not very complex, you just need the right pieces of information which can only be obtained by a lot of digging and then it all fits together like a nice, easy puzzle. I was actually rather disappointed that it was such an easy task, I had been looking for more of a challeng at the time. Oh well, what's done is done.
And look at me, I'm off topic again and my head's in the clouds. Geez, that's not going to get me anywhere in life, I'm afraid.
I came out of my mind and looked at Harry. We were standing in front of a gargoyle who looked to be guarding a staircase. I had to assume that this was the entrance to Dumbledor's office. "Do you know the password?" I asked figuring that it would be like every other selective room in this place.
He gulped and lowly mumbled the name of some candy or other. The gargoyle spun and revealed the ascending staircase. Harry looked as if asking me if I was going up. "Thanks." I muttered and started my trek up the stairs. It was silent the whole way up, and when I reached a door I was just about to knock until Dumbledor's voice called out, "Come in Ms.Tonks."
I was shocked, but quickly regained my composition and walked through the door with my head held high. If he was going to even consider my proposition, then I had to act as though I truly believed it was a marvelous idea. "Professor Dumbledor, terribly sorry to bother you this late and close to curfew, but I have a proposition for you." I explained.
"And what might your proposition be Estika Lynn?" he inquired.
"Since the Tri-Wizard Tournament is vastly approaching, I was wondering if you would wish me to go and speak to the other two heads of school about approximately how many students they plan to be bringing with them along with other such details and perhaps when they arrive show them around the school and the grounds?" I offered. I'd be more than happy to do so, so long as Dustin and Scarletti would be there with me.
"Well, I suppose now that you mention it Estika, I really haven't had much contact with the other headmaster and headmisstress. Well, I suppose I will send letter to them tomorrow letting them know of your arrival this week. You shall stay one day at each school to talk to the head of school about preparations and also talk briefly with the students attending. It would be nice for them to know one person when they arrive and not be complete strangers. I will take care of your school work and come back tomorrow night so we can arrange for you to be in the schools the rest of the week." he said with a thoughtful face.
"Oh, thankyou for this wonderous oppertunity Professor." I said trying to keep my excitement under wraps.
I was just about to leave through the door, when the most peculiar thing happened. "And Ms.Tonks." Dumbledor called as if in an afterthought, "that will be a most wonderous and helpful mirror once you have succeeded what you have set out to do. I wish you the best of luck with it."
I just looked at him gobsmacked and nodded, my composure completely vanished and slid through the door and down the stairs. How could he have known about the mirror? I could see maybe information getting leaked about the pensieve I was working on, but I had kept the mirror under very tight wraps I thought...
Or maybe I was simply just losing my touch of mystery and exclusiveness...