Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

And I'm Off

The next day I went through my classes in a breeze, and for the first time in a long while attended all three meals in the great hall. My mood was all smiles and I'm pretty sure I got more than a few odd looks. I mean, I hadn't been this happy since, well... I don't think I have been this happy yet at Hogwarts. But that's besides the fact. Once classes were done for the day, I packed myself a small bag with two extra uniforms and something to sleep in, and a book to keep all the information I learn in it. My wand was in a haulter on my thigh. I tied back my hair to look a little more professional, and but a simple head band in to manage my bangs. Without even bothering to look in a mirror, I double checked that I had my wand, and slung my bag over my shoulder before leaving my dorm and making my way to Prof. Dumbledor's office. On my way out of the common room, I saw Ron and Harry talking about something and slowly heading towards the boys dormitories. I qiuckly stopped them and asked for the password to Prof. Dumbledor's office seeing as I'd forgotten to get it the other night. The were both shocked at my mood and openess, but needless to say they did tell me that the password was "lemon drops".
I all but skipped out of the common room after that, and I'm sure they gawked at me as though I had three heads, but I didn't mind. I would either be going to see Scarletti or Dustin tonight. And that thought alone cleared everything negative from my mind.
When I reached the place in the wall that the Gargoyle guarded the stairwell, I said the password in a low tone. I wasn't sure about everyone in this school, but you never know if someone's going to take a piece of information and use it for the worst. The gargoyle spun around and revealed the staircase, and I climbed it with pride. I was doing myself, and the three heads of schools a favor in doing this, I told myself. But, I was a tad nervous. This was very out of tradition, but in my words, traditions were set to be changed. This, could become a tradition for all I know in the future. The bounce in my step carried with me all the way until I knocked on the Prof.'s door and was invited inside.
"Good evening, Prof. Dumbledor." I greeted.
"And a good evening to you also, Ms.Tonks." he returned. "Are you ready to go to your first school?" he inquired.
"Yes, sir." I replied.
"Very well. First you will go to Beauxbatons and meet with Headmistress Maxime. From there she will help guide you through the rest of your task while you are there. You will return here at the end of Thursday, so you will be gone for two days and two nights. When you return, you will repack and then leave again for Durm Strang and be there for another two days and two nights. Does that sound suitable, Estika?"
"Of course Prof. I believe that will be adequate time to do what I am going to do."
"Perfect. Now, if you wish you may leave. Your transportation will be by floo powder, the fireplace in my office. Your first destination is Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Headmistresses Office. Have fun." he wished me as he ushered me into the fireplace with a handful of floo powder. He dropped the powder at my feet and the flames turned green and became much cooler, nolonger licking heat at my skin uncomfortably. Fortunately, they did nothing to my shoes as I charmed them to resist the flames.
Cautious not to mispronounce anything, I repeated what Dumbledor had told me, and found myself whirling through the flames and landing with some sense of poise in another fireplace that after a few seconds started to heat up to be equally as hot as the first one.