Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Seer's Intuition

After I flooed to Hog's Head I went to Dora's house in Hogsmeade to tell her about my acceptance into Hogwarts and to ask if she would take me shopping the next day. After that, we would be leaving for the Quittich World Cup the day after.
I finally reached her house and knocked, "Dora open your bloody door." I yelled when she didn't answer immediately.
Faintly from inside of the house I heard her reply, "Damn it, I'm coming!" Not three seconds later she appeared at the door slightly out of breath and soaking wet. "Esie, what do you want?" she asked sounding and looking aggravated.
And just to annoy her, I took that and went with it. "Oh, well I guess if you want to be that way, then I won't tell you my special news." I said folding my arms across my chest and turning slightly away from her as if I was going to walk away.
She chuckled behind me and pulled me inside the house. With a grin she said, "Take a seat, you pain in my arse. Now what brings you to Hogsmeade today?"
"Well I was wondering if you would take me supplies shopping tomorrow for school. After the World Cup there won't be time to get them."
"Well I guess I could do that. And then after that we can drop it all off at Merlin's--"
"Dora, Merlin's doesn't exist anymore. The threat of Voldemort has forced it to close down and disperse it's students to other schools."
"What? Oh, well then I guess it was for the best. I would hate to have had my baby sister taken by that monster, or worse."
"Yes. So for the remainder of my education I'll be attending Hogwarts."
After I said that Dora couldn't praise me enough. For the rest of the day, we sat and talked about Hogwarts and everything that I would want to know.
That night we got so caught up in talking, we missed dinner at Mother and Father's house, so to make up for it we went to Madam Puddifoot's and continued our talking there.
Once we were done, Dora apparated us both to Mother and Father's. Once she did that, I bid her and our parents a good night and went up to my room. As expected, once I was in my room Pyro cooed melodically and stretched her wings. Using her foot, she pointed to the three unopened letters sitting on my desk. I opened the first envelope which was from Scarletti.

Dear Esie,
Hey, I got my letter today too. I'm due to be finishing my courses at Beauxbatons in France. Good thing my Grandmother insisted on me learning French! But after I read the first letter I kind of suspected this. My family is natively French, and everyone's always gone to Beauxbatons. Plus, the headmistress, Madam Maxime, is really good friends with my Great Aunt Merrill! It sucks that we won't be in the same school for our last years together. I'll miss you so much! But we can always write each other, and on holidays we can try and visit and such. I'll see you next summer for sure though!

I smiled at Scarletti's constant positiveness. I was sure that she was the only person in this world that would be able to pull off such a feat and burden. Moving onto the next letter, I found that it was from Dustin.

Hey Esie,
Looks like I'm going to Durmstrang this term because my cousin goes there. Lucky me. I haven't seen him in two years and honestly, I'm not looking forward to this at all. I really wish I was with you in Hogwarts. Anyway, I have to get going. I'm going to spend the rest of vacation with my cousin's family so that I can go to the school with their son. I'll talk to you some time soon. I promise to write you weekly. And Es, school won't be at all the same without you.

A tear fell silently down my cheek. I knew what Dustin meant. We were usually attached at the hip, and couldn't get enough of each other. Sure, he was a year older than me, but that didn't really matter to us. Then again, Scarletti was a few months older than me, and Shaine was a year and a half younger than me.
Sighing, I opened my last letter, from Shaine.

Estika Lynn,
Esie, I'm glad that you are going to Hogwarts this year. I am as well. But we won't see each other much. I have to take all 5th year classes, even though I'm supposed to have a few 6th year classes also. And you have your NEWTs, and I have my OWLs to worry about. We'll find time eventually, but it won't be the same. I heard from Dustin and Scarletti also that they aren't attending Hogwarts. Things are changing Esie. And unfortunately, I don't see a very bright future for you. I'm sorry I had to tell you now, but by the time I see you next, it will be too late. Good luck, and try to keep a low profile. We all love you and would hate to see anything bad happen to you Estika.

With the end of Shaine's letter, and joy I had gotten from him being in Hogwarts as well was vanished. He was an extremely accurate seer and if he said something was going to happen, it happened. There has never been once in the four years I've known him that he was wrong. So when he said that something bad was going to happen to me, I got bloody scared.