Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Beau Batons

I stepped out of the burning flames quickly and whipped the ash from my shoes on the mat in front of the fireplace. Looking up, I saw a very tall woman smiling down at me. "Welcome, you must be Estika Lynn Tonks." she greeted.
"Yes I am, Ma'am. And are would be Madame Maxime?" I questioned, returning her kind smile.
"Oui." she answered, "But, it is much too late tonight to get properly acquainted. You'll have to excuse me, I'll show you to your room and then be off to bed."
"That's plenty fine Madame Maxime. We can start tomorrow morning?" I asked. I had a deal of things to get done, and I would love to have time to meet with the students who are going to go to Hogwarts and try to compete for the cup. Just to explain some things or answer any questions they might have.
The next morning when I woke up, Madame Maxime and I got straight to work. We got everything squared away for where her students would be staying, meals and quite literally everything. She was a lovely woman, and I adored talking to her. Unfortunately by the time we'd finished talking and planning everything, it was late so I just headed to bed. Tomorrow I would be able to talk to the students who would be coming to Hogwarts, and hopefully, I'd see Scarletti. And if I didn't, well I probably wouldn't see her until the holidays or summer is that was the case. At the end of tomorrow, I would be coming back to Hogwarts.
As soon as I awoke in my quarters the next day, I got ready for my day and went to Madame Maxime's office. Knocking on her door, she beckoned me inside.
"Good morning Ms.Tonks. I trust you had a well sleep?" she greeted.
"Yes Madame Maxime I did. And good morning to you as well." I said back.
"Well, enough waiting around, this is your last day and you must go and talk to my students today, as is my understanding."
"Yes Madame. I've been instructed to tell them some basics about Hogwarts and to talk to explain vaguely how the tournament is going to work. Then, after that if there's time left I thought I'd talk to them one on one so that they could have a friend and familiar face at Hogwarts if they should need anything while they are there." I explained to the tall woman.
"That's a marvelous idea," she said leading me to the room that they were already situated in. I could pick out the few of my class mates that were going because they, like myself, were wearing their Merlin's uniforms.
As Madame Maxime introduced me, I surveyed the room, mostly though the two faces who were familiar. One was a boy who I vaguely remembered from Merlin's and the other was Scarletti. I knew I could count on her to be here. She wouldn't miss this for the world.
After Madame Maxime had left myself to them in the unused classroom I got straight down to business.
"Okay, So here's the deal. I'm not going to waste much time here, because I have to leave tonight and I want to have a chance to talk to most of you one on one so that I can get to know you better individually." I started out. Seeing no objections, I started into my completely made up as I went speech about what they'd need to know about Hogwarts that they might not have, and just some over all rules that if broken, would not be tolerated.
Once I was done, I asked for any questions. There were none. "Okay, so seeing as this is probably a big school, you might not all know each other. So, if there's someone you don't know, take this time to go and talk to them, and if there isn't talk to a friend. You're all going to be together for a while now, so you might as well get used to each other." I said. With that, they all got up and walked to different places in the room. The first person to be by my side to talk to me, was Scar. I gave her a hug and we quickly talked about things that we'd missed, but promised to go more in depth to everything once they came to Hogwarts.
After that, I talked to a few more people who wanted to talk to me, and then it was unfortunately time to go. I wished I had more time with the group of students, but I'd be seeing them again soon. Before I left, I made one last announcement to them.
"Before I go, when you get to Hogwarts, if you need anything feel free to talk to me or ask me. And you now have at least one familiar face to reckon with." I said smiling at the students before going with Madame Maxime and saying my fare well to her.
My things were already in her office, so I just stepped into the flames and was transported back to Prof. Dumbledor's office where he was awaiting my arrival.