Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Durmstrang; Part 1

After I had repacked with clean clothes, and reported everything to Dumbledor, I was sent back into the flames.
This time when I stepped out of the fireplace however, I wasn't met with a happy room and a cheerful woman. Before me stood a man decked in furs with a scowl planted firmly on his face. "You are Estika Lynn Tonks, correct?" he asked. I nodded in return keeping my most professional air. The man walked around the desk and sat behind it motioning for me to sit in the chair in front of him. "I am Prof. Igor Karkaroff." he said in his heavily accented voice. "Tonight, I will have one of my students show you to your room for the next two days. Tomorrow you and I will sort out the details of our stay."
The rough man clapped twice, and in came a boy that I knew all too well, but I knew I had to be professional, and mature and not a bubbly girl. The Headmaster voiced his thoughts, "Mr.Alessread, you are to show Miss Tonks to her lodgings, and then turn in for the night. I expect you will have no quarrel or difficulty?" he said, as though he was challeging Dustin to have an issue and not be able to complete the task.
"No Sir, I will see to it that Miss Tonks safely reaches her quarters in a timely manner and then be off to bed." Dustin said. He stood still, stiff like a board.
"Very well. Off with you both, and good night to the both of you. Miss Tonks, I'm sure you'll find your accomodations quite satisfactory."
With that Dustin gave me his arm like a gentleman would to a lady, and escourted me from the room. He didn't say a word as we traveled from the headmaster's office to my room, he just looked straight ahead. Very few students passed us by, and would curtly nod to us, and Dustin would return the gesture without stopping. When we reached the room, I placed my luggage on the ground and wrapped my arms around Dustin. "You looked like you needed a hug... and I really miss you Dustin." I whispered into his chest. His arms found their way around me quickly, but then he pulled away.
"I miss you tonnes too Esie, but I have to be getting back to my dormitory. If I could I'd stay the night with you, but it's strictly forbidden. If I see you tomorrow, then we'll speak then. If not, I'll see you around Hogwarts once we arrive." he said softly. Before he left, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, his lips lingering for only a moment, and then he straightened himself and walked away to where I assume his dorm was.
I picked up my luggage and stepped out of the hall and into my room. It was quaint and well represented the school. The furnishings were much different than those at Beaux Batons, and instead of a dainty, light room with bright windows, I was placed in a darker room with crimson red walls, dark hard wood floors and dark, almost depressing but warm furnishings. Even though the furniture gave off a warm resonance, the actual temperature was almost ice cold. After we left the headmaster's office it took everything for me to not shiver, but goosebumps don't lie. And I was covered with them.
Sighing, I placed my bag on an arm chair in the corner by a painting of a very important looking man and shimmied myself out of my uniform and into some PJ's. Once I was ready for bed, I crawled under the covers of the rather comfortable and warm bed and drifted off to sleep.
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I'm so sorry for the long wait, there's been somethings going on in my personal life that have just made writing more of a hassle than a pleasure. But, I've finally gotten motivated again, so hopefully I can get this series back on track (as it's my favorite one that I'm doing right now) and I really hope that none of my subscribers are too mad at me and will still read because there's a lot of story left to tell. And one last thing, I think I'm going to make the chapters a little shorter so that I can post them more frequently.Write me with feedback please!