Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Durmstrang; Part 2

That night while I slept I had a most confusing, ominous and terrifying nightmare. All around my I was surrounded by darkness. I could barely see my our hands in front of my face, just their outline in the black fog. A slithering, snake-like voice called out things from the distance in all directions. The voice was calling names, many names, most of them I'd never even heard of. Some names, I knew all too well. I heard the names of one of the Weasley twins, my parents, my sister, several of my school mates, Scarletti, Dustin and Prof. Dumbledor among so many others that I didn't recognize.
The list of names seemed to go on and on, the voice echoing over itself, and talking over the echoes. Then it stopped. The voice quietted long enough for the last name's echo to go dead silent. After a moment of the silence, I couldn't even bring myself to move, the voice came back stronger than before. This time, it only said one word. It seemed to shout, at the top of it's raspy voice only a single word.
Throughout the entire dream, if it could be called that, I had been searching, moving through the black fog to find the voice but I could never find it, or even get close to it. But with that last word, I could almost feel the voice inside of me, it was all around me and so close that I nearly thought that I was the owner of the voice, or that it was in my mind.
I shot upright, and saw on the clock that it was nearly time for me to be awake anyway. Changing into proper clothing I got myself ready for today, and also took a notebook with me. I wasn't sure if Prof. Karkarof would send someone to my room to retrieve me, but I hoped he would because I would never find my way back alone. I waited, and waited but eventually I had to leave to the Headmaster's office on my own, if I didn't then I would have been late, and that is msot deffinitely not a good impression to leave with him of Hogwarts.
After retracing my footsteps from last night I found myself surprisingly at the Headmaster's office. Shocked and pleased with myself I knocked on his door and recieved a heavily accented grunt, instructing me to enter the chamber. I pulled the heavy door open with all of my might and then shut the door behind me. I wasn't particularily weak or anything, but that door could have very well weighed a ton!
The door shut with a great boom, and I turned to the Headmaster, straightening myself before smiling and walking towards him. He gestured a chair for me to sit in across from him, his large desk between us. We started discussing the details and such of his stay. He informed me that him and his students would be arriving from the lake, in a ship. They would stay their nights on the boat, and would also be attending their own classes in their lodgings, much like Beaux Batons. However, the French school was staying in the castle, instead of their transportation. I informed him that his students would be eating at a shared table in the Great Hall with the ladies and gentlemen of Beaux Batons, and what hours the classes at Hogwarts would run. Dumbledore and Madam Maxime had already both informed me that this tournament was not just a competition, but also to bring together Eurorpe's young wizards to unite and form bonds. because of this they wished that schedules be as cohesive as possible, and that students from all schools be allowed to be together. Karkaroff agreed gruffly to what I had said, with little complaint but it seemed as though he would rather have his students separate. I could tell that he realized he was out numbered though, so wouldn't debate the matter.
When we finished all of the scheduling and informing each other of important matters, he caled for a student to take me to the dining hall. We'd finished early for the day, so he allowed me to eat with his students, and then afterwards I would be allowed to spend some time talking to and getting to know them tonight before curfew. A moment after he'd explained this to me a rought, burly looking man in Durmstrang uniform came to the door, opening it with seemingly no effort. He bowed to myself and to his headmaster before offering me his arm, much like Dustin had last night and escourted me to dinner.
We reached a table, much like at Hogwarts but these ones seemed to be separated by year instead of house. He sat me down then sat down beside me. I stuck my hand out to him before grabbing food, and before he had done so too. "My name's Estika, pleasure to meet you." I introduced.
He clasped my small hand in his own large, strong one, "My name is Viktor. Viktor Krum." he replied with a smile. I thought I had recognized him from the Quidditch World Cup, but I wasn't going to embarass myself with asking, or barate him with questions either. I'm sure he enjoyed privacy as much as the next person. I kindly returned his smile and we both turned to eat.
The food seemed somewhat barbaric as the majority of it was meat. Steaks, half and whole chickens, ribs, pork chops and practically anything else you can imagine piled onto large plates, with men grabbing at it fericiously. I was almost scared to try to grab myself some food, but instead of getting in the way of their meat I opted for some of the vegetables and potatoes that were laid out. There weren't very many of the side dishes at all, but I managed to get enough to hold me over until morning.
The other boys around me didn't take much notice of my presence, but I did talk a little to Viktor through out dinner, and once we were both done he kindly escourted me to the court yard. I hadn't brought a coat with me, so he offered one of his, to help keep me warm in the cool wintery weather. Blushing, I accepted and he wrapped a large fur coat around me. It barely fit me and the arms were too long, it was almost dragging on the ground. He chuckled seeing his coat on such a tiny girl before using a shirnking charm and adjusted it to the proper size. He had many other layers underneath the fur coat and didn't complain of the cold once.
Through out the night I spent a great deal of my time talking to Viktor and once engaged him in a snowball fight, also talking a little to his friends who were very kind like Viktor. The warm smile looked almost out of place on his gruff face, but it made him look charming and comforting. Though I'd made a friend, and possibly more with his friends, I still couldn't help but always look over my shoulder from Dustin... but I never saw him. It hurt that I couldn't see him, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and enjoyed my time with Viktor.
Too soon was it time for us to retire to bed. Viktor escourted me to my room like a gentleman, smiling and talking with me the whole way there in low voices. When we reached my lodgings he smiled and gave me a hug which I gladly returned. I started to take off his coat to give it back to him, but he refused, holding it on me saying, "I have plenty more coats like these, you keep this one. It's yours now." with a smile on his face. He then took a step back and bow to me before turning and walking away to his own dormitory.
Excited to pack away Viktor's jacket I turned and entered my temporary dormitory, but once I was inside something stopped me in my tracks.
All night Viktor had been so kind to me, giving me his coat, escourting me to dinner and outside to relax and enjoy myself. He smiled at me so easily, and talked so freely. Yet, just last night Dustin, my long time best friend, had been colder than ice except for the single hug, and kiss on the cheek. Frowning, I slid Viktor's coat off and laid it gently on the chair that held my other belongings. I got changed and crawled into bed, my thoughts haunting me about how Dustin had acted towards me. Silently as I drifted to sleep I wished that I could find out why, and have my Dustin back. The one that I was never apart from for too long, and who I could trust anything with, the boy who could always make me smile. And the last thing I remember thinking, was how I didn't even feel void of something when I was with Viktor, unlike the past few weeks. I didn't feel like I was missing something even though I was away from Dustin... Viktor could fill that empty space too. And then, I was sleeping.