Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

From Durmstrang to Hogwarts

I awoke to crisp ringing coming from the alarm clock beside my large bed and turned off the source of the annoying tune. Pulling myself from the bed I dressed myself and placed Viktor's coat on after to help keep out the cold in this place. Even the warmest looking places in the school were still enough to give someone goose bumps, so I hoped that Viktor's coat could keep away the brisk air that brough the goose bumps on. Tying my hair back I deemed myself ready for the day and was just opening the door to leave when someone was getting ready to knock. The boy looked flustered, but curtly bowed anyway, before extending his arm for me. I smiled curtly and took his arm. I knew him a little because he was one of Viktor's friends that I had brieffly met last night. The walk to breakfast was quiet, but his presence was still warmer than Dustin's had been. In the back of my mind, I started to worry. The worry was soon replaced as we sat down near Viktor for breakfast. I could tell already that him and I were going to become very close friends. Once I sat down between him and my escourt he greeted me, and inquired on how my night was. We continued to chat through the meal as I we ate, and then were walking to an unused classroom where I would talk to the men and boys coming to Hogwarts, and explain to them exactly the things that I had explained to the students at Beauxbatons.
Quickly I had gotten through the introductions and was done filling them in on the necessary information and we were milling about, getting to know eachother. I noticed that though I knew Dustin was here, I couldn't seem to get to him to talk. Every time I left one student another would come and talk. There were about 15 students from Durmstrang coming on the trip, and 2 of them were from Merlin's. By the end of the day I still hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Dustin, but I had talked to Jacob who had attended Merlin's. It seemed like he was avoiding me, and that crushed me. Prof. Karkaroff came to retrieve me from the room, and dismissed his students to their dorms, and as I was about to leave, my had was clasped gently by a larger, warm hand. I turned and was face to face with Viktor. "Have a safe trip back Essie, and I'm looking foreward to seeing you again." he said as he gave me a quick hug. Viktor and I were deffinitely friends now, so I smiled and hugged him back.
"I can't wait until you come to Hogwarts, be sure to write me until then though. And thanks again for the coat, it's wonderful." I said to him before we let go and I left with Karkaroff. The quiet man first took me to my room where I grabbed my few things, and then we proceeded to his office. I briskly shook the man's hand before stepping into the fireplace and flooing into Prof. Dumbledore's office. Before the flames could turn hot and lick at my feet and legs I stepped out of the soot and ashes.
Before me was my smiling headmaster, who looked at my newly acquired jacket for a moment and then motioned me to a chair. I relayed the new information to him, and then he dismissed me to my common room. I still had a while until it was curfew, so I took my time walking there.
Once I reached the Gryffindore common room and said the password to the fat lady I took a seat in front of the fireplace on the surprisingly empty couch. Everyone else must still be at supper I though to myself, seeing as with the time change it was much earlier here. I set my bag down beside me, and removed Viktor's coat from my shoulder's. Unlike at Durmstrang, Hogwarts was fairly warm so the fur coat began to make me sweat. I just now started admiring the nice, soft dark brown fur, and how deleicate it looked for someone to large and rough. It made me smile thinking about my time with Viktor Krum, and I started day-dreaming, until I was pushed over by a very curious Hermione, with Ron and Harry in tow.
"Where have you been for the past four days?" she asked me, sitting down on one side of my, Harry on my other and Ron in the arm chair.
"Oh," I replied, "well, Dumbledore sent me to run a few errands for him, and it took a little longer than expected I suppose." I was all smiles despite that I was usually a closed off person. I was happy that I'd seen Scar, and Viktor and Dustin barely even crossed my mind.
"Well where'd you go? Had to be somewhere interesting to need a coat like that." Ron pointed out.
"No, this isn't really mine. A friend of mine gave it to me yesterday." I said, neglecting to answer where I was. Harry looked at me oddly trying to figure me out, and I bid them all goodnight going up to my messy dorm. I had scrolls of parchment and books laying about everywhere, half of it dedicated to my locket-penseive, and the other half for my mirror project. I wasn't overly in the mood to work right now, so I stepped over the mess and went to the small table beside Pyro. Speaking of the bird, he was looking rather down, I suppose it was about getting to his time to rebirth. Petting the birds head lightly he cooed, and I picked up my mail. Waiting for me were letters from Dora, Mother, Shaine but nothing from Dustin. I sighed and picked up the letters, then lied down on my bed. Mother was wondering how school was, Dora was asking if I'd met any cute boys yet, and Shaine was wondering where I'd gone. Apparently he'd come looking for me my first morning at Beauxbatons, but no one seemed to know where I'd gone so he'd gotten a tad worried about me.
Effortlessly I wrote them all back, telling them mostly what they wanted to hear instead of the bland truth, except for the past few days. I'd just told Shaine that I had gone on an errand of Dumbledore's, same as I had told Ron, Harry and Hermione. After that was done I got out some blank parchment and started writting to Dustin. Maybe he'd actually answer this letter.

Dear Dustin Alessread,
Dustin, durring my stay at Durmstrang I couldn't help but notice how cold and distant you were. It scares me to think that you would rather not be around me, and instead would avoid me, and lead me on to believe that the years we've spent together mean nothing to you now. Viktor, Jacob, Tomazh and all the others that I met were warm and welcoming to me except for you.
Also, why haven't you responded to my last letter yet? Durring the summer months you would usually respond to me the same day, or at least the day after... you've never made me wait over a week to hear from you. Dustin, I miss you. You're my bestfriend, and I want you back. Please respond to this letter.
Estika Lynn Tonks

I didn't want to chance the letters with Pyro seeing as he was looking so dreadful, so I sent them away by magic and lied back on my bed, falling into a dreamless sleep.