Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Best Intentions

In the morning I awoke to the sounds of a baby pheonix chirping and shaking the ashes off of it's almost featherless body. Pyro was so cute as a hatchling. Seeing as it was fairly early and I didn't have much else to do I got started on the homework from the last few days. I knew that it wouldn't take me too long to complete it, I just wanted to get it out of the way so I could work on my side projects and hopefully get some progress on them too.
As I worked the baby pheonix hobbled it's way over, just barely flying a few inches off of the desk and perch. Looking up from an essay I was writing, I smiled softly and stroked his soft cranium. He cooed and leaned into my touch making me smile more. Pyro was without a doubt my best friend... other than Dustin, but I knew that my bird would never leave me.
Sighing, I turned back to the meaningless paper I was writing and finished it up, then stared on the next few assignments. There really was only a few papers to write, and then I was done. I figured that I didn't really have to read the text that most teachers had assigned me because I'd read most of the books before. What I didn't understand, I would brush up on after next class.
At around lunch I gently placed Pyro back on his little perch and replenished his water with the Aguamenti spell, and placed some feed in a little bowl beside his water before leaving my dorm to get myself some food. I was still in fairly high spirits when I reached the Great Hall, causing more confusion yet with my Gryfindor schoolmates. However, rather than pay them the attention that they wished, I ignored them and ate my food. Some soup, a roll and then I gently dabbed at my mouth wit a napkin before I was bombarded again. The same three, every time. Looking up from my empty bowl I questioned them with a glance. "Can I help you with something?" I inquired.
"Where did you go? You're happy and carefree, and you haven't barely acted at home here since... well ever." Hermione exclaimed. I was beginning to really worry for their social lives. I mean really, if you have so little to do that you have to invade my social and personal life, you should take on a class or two. Maybe find a hobby?
"As I told you before, I was running some errands for Prof. Dumbledore. Now if you'll kindly excuse me, I have some matters of my own to attend to." I said curtly, the smile disappearing from my face. I gracefully stepped over the bench, adjusted my skirt and walked away from the trio with my head held high, and heels clacking on the stone floor.
I reached the portrait in no time at all, but before I could enter the opening a hand was tugging at my wrist. I turned around only to see Harry there, looking at me like a lost puppy. "Please Estika, I'm not trying to invade you're space... I just want to get to know you more. If you could just talk to me?" The boy said shyly. I knew that I felt something for him. It was small, and insignificant at the moment, but over time if I let it, it would fester into something more meaningful and something potentially dangerous I'm sure. I couldn't let it grow. I had to smother it now while it was manageable.
"Harry, I wish I could. I really do but there are some things that just can't happen. Right now, it's probably best if we don't get to involved. Someday though, eventually we can be closer. Just not today." I said kindly, trying not to hurt him and turned into the common room, and all but flew up the stairs trying to get away from him. I don't like to hurt people, but I know that getting involved with him will only lead to trouble.
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Comment with your prefference! Should Essie be in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, or no? You decide!

Also I'm going to start dedicating chapters to those who comment. First to comment after I post a chapter gets the dedication, and I won't post until I get at least one comment.