Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

The Arrival

Days passed and nothing really changed. I went to my lessons, a few meals when I was hungry, and then spent my time writing to friends and family who would write back, and working on my projects. Today, the other schools would be arriving finally. I could hardly bear the wait to see Scarletti and Viktor, I ached to talk to Dustin, and I just ached to be around friends that I wasn't scared to fall in love with and hurt.
Hermione had gone into a stage of ignoring me, but I can't say that I didn't deserve it. I had been cruel to my friends, but I just wish that I could tell them why, have them know why I am so distant from them now. I can't do that though, if I do that then I will hurt them more, and I have no way of explaining to them that I knew their family and friends were going to die, and keeping them from interfering. My decision was, in my opinion, the best choice for all parties involved.
In a rare excited jog I exited the common room and down the stairs. I could see the Beauxbatons carriage in the distance and I knew that Scar would soon be here. I was unsure of when Viktor and Dustin would arrive but Scar was more important at the moment. A large smile plastered itself on my lips as I watched from behind a tree, seemingly hiding, as the large powder blue carriage roughly touched onto the ground bouncing a few times from impact.
Out of the rather large compartment emerged a large, stern looking woman with a fair amount of make up on her prominent face. She wore what looked like velvet and some fox fur, whether it be faux or real I couldn't tell. Once her body had cleared the doorway she stood aside in a professional manner. I straightened out my clothes and hair quickly before walking up to the lady. "Hello Madame Maxime, welcome to Hogwarts." I said kindly. The woman was kind and nice despite her strict and rough looking exterior.
The large woman looked down and shook my hand, a smile gracing her face. "Hello Miss Tonks! What a pleasure it is to finally be here."
"The ride was well I assume?" I asked.
"Yes of course. We are all a little tired from the journey over, but I assure you we are all very excited to be here and in very high spirits." the woman assured me. I smiled and released her hand from the greeting.
I looked around noticing that it was late in the afternoon, and observed that most children would be at supper. It was arranged to be this way as I was to give them a short tour and then lead both foreign schools to the Great Hall. "We'll just be waiting a few moments for the men of Durmstrang to arrive, then I will escourt you shortly around the school and to the Great Hall where you will be introduced." I said to her and the rest of the girls that had by now all piled out of the large carriage. The beasts that pulled it were resting in the grass, eating and cleaning their feathers.
I saw the girls try to peer around me, and from behind me I heard the Black Lake starting to stir. Turning I saw it spit first a sail and then the rest of a mighty ship from the depths. A few seconds passed before a multitude of men left the ship in furrs and heavy clothes. I smilled seeing the two men that I was anticipating. First after Igor Karkaroff was Viktor, and then nearing the end of the heard was Dustin.
Turning around I said to Madame Maxime "Please excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back to show you the castle." the kind woman nodded and I walked over to the men that had just finished exiting their ship after anchoring it in the lake.
"Good afternoon Prof. Karkaroff." I greeted, extending my hand for a simple hand shake. He accepted and firmly grabbed my hand for a short moment. "I trust that you had a well journey?"
"Yes, we did." he replied shortly. I had already gathered that he was a man of few words though, so this did not bother me.
"Very well, if you would like to follow me, I will now take both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons on a short tour of Hogwarts." Both heads nodded and they follwed me through the castle. I didn't take them through the entire thing, just the main floor, and then from there explanied what was on each floor both upwards and downwards. After some time, it was getting to be about the time when dinner would be served after all of the anouncements we arrived at the Great Hall.
Through the thick wooden doors I heard Dumbledor talking. Briefly I explained to them that Dumbledor would call each school out separately before I took a deep breath, straightened my blouse and opened the doors. I walked through them proudly and with my head held high. I could hear some whispers as I walked up to the teacher's table where Dumbledor made his announcements. He gave me a knowing look and gestured for me to stand with him. "Without further adieu I would like to introduce the beautiful ladies of Beauxbatons and their Meadmistress Madame Maxime." Dumbedor said and the doors once again swung open revealing the girls clad in blue silks and doing their routine they had prepared for their entrance. Once they all made their way to the front of the room and stood on the left of Dumbledor he cleared his throat to regain the attentions of the student body. "And now, the proud sons of Durmstrang and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff."
The door once again flew open slamming against the walls more harshly for their entrance, which was also much more dramatic. At the end of their fire routine (which left marks on the floor, might I add) they too stood up in front of the school on Dumbledor's right. I briefly caught a smile from Viktor before he looked straight ahead again. He was so close I could almost touch him and give him a hug, only Prof. Karkaroff between us... but that would wait.
The Goblet of Fire vaprized behind myself and Dumbledor as he went on to explain more about the competition and our visitors. I looked attentive but I really wasn't listening to a word he said, I was thinking about other things; I already knew everything he was saying.
He gave the word that supper was over, and the rest of the dishes from the tables disappeared. I smiled at Viktor and motioned for both of the schools to follow me and I would take them to their rooms. Prof. McGonagle and Flitwick had rearranged a few classrooms that weren't in use for them to stay in, putting beds and other things of the sort. Durring meals there was also an extra table for them to sit at in the middle of the hall where there would usually be a walk way.
I first showed Beauxbatons to their room, since it was closer and most of them went to retire for the night but a few went to wander around and Scarletti stayed with me so we could catch up before curfew. I then took Durmstrang to their room and lingered for a quick moment. As I stood by the door Dustin walked in without sparing me a glance nor a friendly smile. He was the last in before Karkaroff, and Viktor stayed out a moment. After his headmaster retired to the room he stepped closer to me. "It is good to see you again, Esie. I do hope we can get some time together while I'm here?"
"Of course Viktor, I would love to make time to spend with you." I said with a bright smile. He then bowed slightly, took my hand and kissed the back of it like a gentleman. I blushed just a little before he stood up straight and with a smile walked into his room. Once the door closed behind him Scar turned to me with a wide grin.
"You and Viktor Krum, the famous quidditch player? How come you didn't tell me?" she exclaimed excitedly.
We started walking away, just wandering and talking. "Well there really isn't much going on between us. We're just friends Scar." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"That didn't look like just nothing to me Esie, now come on, tell me everything!"
"There's not much to tell, after I left Beauxbatons I went and did the same thing at Durmstrang after reporting back to Dumbledor. When I got there Dustin showed me to my room the first night, and the second day I spent mostly with Viktor when I had the time." I said saddly. Talking about it made me think about how strang Dustin's been acting. It all made me long so much to be back at Merlin's and to have his friendship.
"What's the story with Dustin anyway? I've never seen him act this way. I mean, he's out right ignoring you!"
"That's why I spent most of my time with Viktor. Dustin was giving me the cold shoulder and even now will barely look at me. It's been killing me since school started that I can't see him or talk to him... but when I was with Viktor it didn't matter that Dustin was being like that. It was almost like Viktor could take Dustin's place and I wouldn't have to hurt so much anymore."
Scar put an arm around me, rubbing my back in a comforting motion. We came to the courtyard and sat on a bench for a while unaware that we were being spied on and our privacy was being invaded.
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This chapter is dedicated to This War Of Mine.