Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies

Take Caution

That night I tried to push Shaine's concern to the back of my thoughts, but no matter what it always seemed to come forward again. It was times like this that I wished I had a pensieve. Unfortunately though, those were very few and far between and only a mere handful of witches and wizards possessed one. But, lucky for me, Scarletti was currently working on trying to create a pensieve. Once she figured that out, she would tell me how, and from there is would be my job to find a way to make it more portable. Because let's face it, we're not always going to be in one room our whole lives. So I'm going to make it something like a time-turner. And just for a bit of a personal touch, I planned to transform my pearl locket into a pensieve.
The next day I awoke much later than usual, the sun already high in the sky. Sighing, I knew that if I were to get any of my school shopping done I had to get a move on. Usually Dora and I would be leaving around this time, but I guess we might have to stay a bit late tonight to get everything done. After stripping of my night clothes, taking a very short lived but hot shower and dressing in some fresh clothes I lightly pranced down the stair case and into the sitting room. I left the sitting room for the kitchen where I grabbed a juice box from the fridge and a couple of waffles from the freezer. Placing them on a plate I magically toasted them. Once that was done I buttered them and smothered them in syrup. Satisfied with my sweet and no so healthy breakfast I grinned at the plate before me and then devoured it like the "lady" I am. Once done, I heartily burped and lounged back in my seat with a pleasant look plastered on my face.
"Estika Lynn Tonks, where are your manners?" Mother scolded me like a small child.
I simply looked at her and said cheekily, "Canada!" in the end though, a short lived glare from her was all it took for me to cower and mumble out, "I'm sorry mother, please excuse my very unlady-like manner and my lack for manners."
She smiled triumphantly at me before chirping, "That's better Esie." she then returned to her conversation with Father.
Slowly I finished my juice box and then levitated my dishes to the sink, and my garbage to the waste bin. Sighing, I called out, "Mother, Father, I'm going to get Dora and we're going to go get my school supplies. I'll be back sometime tonight!" and without waiting for their responses I stepped into the fireplace and flooed away to Hog's Head, where from there I would walk to Dora's house and then we would apparate to Diagon Alley. Unfortunately, this trip might just end up to be a bit more trouble than it was worth. And maybe if I knew that, I would have gone with someone else, and not my sister. But, we all make mistakes, and we all learn from them. So this would just have to be another learning experience I guess.
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Okay, so if I am correct, I have 9 readers, 3 people subscribing, and 1 comment. Do you think we can raise these numbers and maybe add in a few stars? I wouldn't mind having 8 by the time the series is done, even though we're just starting. Thought I'd let you know where I'd like to end off with statistics.

Night Clothes
Fresh Clothes