Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies


When I arrived at Hog's Head, I knew then that it would be a very off day for me. Instead of landing gracefully like I always did, I stumbled and my clothes were full of soot and ash. Sighing, I left the pub, slightly crestfallen that the day was starting out like this already, and brushed off my clothes vigorously. As I then walked towards Dora's house, I cursed myself in my head. I knew that no matter what world you were in, Muggle or Magical, talking to yourself was not a sign of good mental health.
This time once I finally got to my elder sister's home, I neglected to knock, and just walked in. Calling out in an aggravated voice I shouted, "Dora!" before allowing myself to fall into her arm chair and just sit there until she arrived. The sound of medium heavy foot steps met my sensitive ears as Dora came down the stairs to greet me.
"Oh, you're here Esie. Took you long enough, well any ways. Let's go, better late than never." She sighed. She was always a very punctual person and I was more leaning towards care free. I stood from my seat and grabbed her arm as we side-along apparated into Diagon Alley. I never was too fond of apparating and disapparating, but today it would be better than flooing I'm sure, so I made no complaint.
When I opened my eyes again I was looking dead on into the busy market street of Diagon Alley. "Okay, so you're taking 7th year courses right?" Dora asked me.
"Yeah, do you remember what all you needed for that year? They must have skipped out on sending me a supplies list or something." I said back to her as we joined the people on the street and walked towards Gringotts Wizarding Bank to make a withdrawal from the family vault. And fortunately, because so many people use and share this vault, we have the type of vault that requires no key.
"Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what you need. I mean, I was only shopping for the same things about four years ago." Dora replied, curtly.
A couple of hours later, we had nearly everything that I would need for the coming school term. We had quills, ink, plenty of parchment, a medium sized cauldron, a couple sets of new uniforms and all of my textbooks. And surprisingly, we got it all done before dark. By now we were just walking around, trying to find something to pass the time. "Hey Dora, do you want to go and browse Quality Quidditch Supplies?" I asked. I knew that both of our brooms could use upgrading. She hadn't gotten a new one since she had been sorted into Hufflepuff. Then, it was like a gift to her from Mother and Father, and them wishing her good luck in her Hogwarts years. Though, after almost eleven years of riding, it wasn't exactly anything too special, but was still in good condition. My broom however, had bit the biscuit. It was ready for the dump. You see, unlike Dora, I used to be a die-hard Quidditch player and on more than one occasion had I collided and also flew right into the ground among other things. After my second term in Merlin's Academy I'd given up the sport to play the muggle game of Rugby, but I still flew whenever I went somewhere within a certain distance. It was by far my preferred transportation. Due to lots of use and many many crashes, let's just say my broom was lucky it had survived this long as it was cracking in some places and starting to splinter at the handle.
"I guess it couldn't hurt. I mean, with that wreck of a broom you're riding, Mother will probably praise me to no end if I get you a new one. She's so worried about you riding that old, broken thing. But then again, she worries more that you insist upon playing that muggle sport, rugby." Dora exclaimed sighing. What she said told me that yes, Mother worried a bit about my broom and my rugby, but Dora worried most. You see, Mother knows that I'm stronger that is to be expected and that I can take the danger, and that without some form of danger in my life I'd probably wither away to dust. But Dora on the other hand, always thought that she should be the one with the dangerous job and that I would always be just the sweet, and innocent little sister. Unfortunately she had it all wrong.
I giggled while shaking my head as we walked into Quality Quidditch Supplies and headed for the latest, fastest broom. Dora just followed me and stayed quiet. Knowing her she would just get something average because she didn't need anything extravagant. I beg to differ. I need speed and danger otherwise I bore myself to tears and then find a way to have one or both of them.
After checking out the broom I went off to find a shopkeeper so I could get what I wanted. In my peripheral vision I saw many other young teenagers crowding the viewing window to get a glimpse at the firebolt. Giggling again I shook my head and made my way to the front counter. After purchasing our brooms (and a rather heated argument with Dora about her getting a firebolt too) we left the shoppe with our brooms in hand.
We were just back to walking around again when I head a voice yell out, "Tonks! How are you? I haven't hardly heard from you in the past week!" the voice was male and sounded very happy. We both turned when he had said, "Tonks" as it was both of our surnames. I saw the man to be in his early 50's perhaps, thinning red hair and a kind face. The clothes he wore depict that he was neither a rich nor a poor man, but wasn't on the higher end of the middle class-men.
"Oh, Arthur, yes I've been around. Just getting some things ready. I start a new mission tomorrow and my little sister, Estika Lynn will be starting Hogwarts this year." Dora nearly bragged.
"Ah," said the man named Arthur, "So you're on security for the Quidditch World Cup are you? I happen to be taking three of my sons, my daughter and two of my son's friends with me to the event. Maybe we'll see you there."
"Hopefully we will. I wouldn't mind running into a friend. Plus, I would love to meet these sons of yours and you're daughter. I'm assuming you'll be taking Ron, Fred, George and Ginny?"
"Yes, and Hermione and Harry, Ron's friends, are coming with us. And this must be you're sister." he said then directed his attention towards me, "Hello, I'm Arthur Weasley. You must be Estika Lynn Tonks, that Tonks talks to highly of. But you don't look like a first year, you look more Ron's or Fred and George's age." he said puzzled.
I smiled sweetly, "No Sir, I'm not a first year. I'm a fourth term student from Merlin's Academy transferring into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But I'll be taking all seventh year courses." I said smartly.
Dora looked down at my slightly short figure and smiled. "She's my little prodigy." she beamed.
"I can see that. Well, good luck to you Estika Lynn, I hope to see you again sometime. It was a pleasure meeting you, and seeing you again Tonks, but I must be going. If I take too terribly long Molly will throw a fit. Farewell." he said.
"Pleasure to meet you also Mr.Weasley." I called to him.
"Yes, please say my greetings to you're family. I hope to see you at the tournament!" Dora called to his retreating form. She then looked down at me again and smiled. I didn't have to ask the question, she already knew my confusion. "He's works at the Ministry of Magic. Once in a while I'll see him when I'm at base." she said pausing, "Oh, and from what I've heard, his sons and daughter go to Hogwarts too. But please, do not get involved with Fred and George. You're school record is much too good to have them tarnish it with detentions." she pleaded.
"I'll try my best, Dora." I said to her, softly. It almost pained me some days just to see how much she cared about me. Hell, some days it almost seemed like she loved me like her child. But it was saddening because she worried about me much more than was necessary and it was evident that it caused her stress.
I shook the thoughts from my head and thought back on Mr.Weasley. Maybe I'd see him and his family and friends at the World Cup tomorrow. I hoped so, I'd like to have at least a few friends going into Hogwarts. Because we studied so much in Merlin's Academy we almost never had time for social lives. So the three friends that I had mentioned before, were the only friends I had right now except for Dora. I just hopped that it would change once I went to a new, less strict school that required much less of a work load.
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So the last time I checked my status was probably like... well about 12 hours ago most likely. it always seems that something comes up, right when I'm in the middle of trying to write something. So, 12 hours ago the statistics were, 11 readers (+2), 3 subscriptions (no change), 2 comments (+1). But guys, the comment was from the same person. Don't get me wrong, I love her support, but I wouldn't mind having just 1 more person comment on it. Even if you have something bad to say, it's still something that I can work off of. :)