Status: On Hiatus

Mannequins: Heroes and Prodigies


That night I tossed and turned through premonitions of the next day. I wasn't a seer, but I did sometimes have dreams of something that would happen soon. I saw random flashes of the occurrence. Someone was trying to keep this a secret. They didn't want anyone to know.
Marches of people in dark robes. Fire. Camps are destroyed. A green smoke in the sky. Screams of terror. My scream of terror.
After that, I shot up in bed and wrote down exactly what happened. I didn't get a very clear picture of what was going to happen, but I knew it was tomorrow. I saw the stadium. And the only time I'd be there was tomorrow. When Dora picked me up tomorrow, I would show her this. She's doing security. I needed to know that she was prepared to handle this. But I wouldn't worry about that. I probably knew enough spells to help them fight off this attack. Pushing this to the back of my mind, I magically induced myself in sleep.
The next thing I knew, I was walking around the grounds of the Quidditch World Cup. The teams weren't here yet, and neither were any of the spectators. The only people here were me, Dora and her partner, Kingsley Shacklebolt. Being bored, I went and got my new broom that I had ridden here on and just rode around the arena. Every once in a while I would do some sort of trick. And when I did Dora yelled at me for being reckless. As if her job wasn't reckless enough.
After being yelled at I descended low enough to talk to her without magnifying my voice. "I'm going to go ride around, see what all is close by. I'll be back when people start arriving." And without leaving her room to argue I ascended and flew out of the arena.
About fifteen minutes of riding later, I found myself at a small forest. I landed and shrunk my broom to fit into the pocket on my pants. Because I didn't know what would happen today for sure, and that I was positive something was going to happen to me, I had brought my ebony, basilisk venom core wand. With-drawling my wand from my sleeve, I cautiously entered the forest, curious of what creatures awaited my there. I had never seen any magical or non-magical creatures before, besides pictures in books, so what I was about to discover was a surprise.
As I walked in the small wood I saw many owls, a brief centaur, and a few small spiders. Nothing really too spectacular. That is, until I heard a hoarse, hissing voice behind me call out, "Who goes there?"
I replied back, in a hissing fashion. "It is I, Estika Lynn Tonks. Descendant of the Black family." I turned around to see that there was no person behind me at all. Looking around, the only animal I could see was a snake.
"Apologies, Miss Tonks. Thydel did not realize that you were a parseltongue, and a descendant from the noble Black family." the snake hissed out. I couldn't believe my ears, I was talking to a snake, and I could understand it!
"It is no problem. Could you show me the way out of this forest? I seem to have gotten lost." I said, noticing that I could not see any daylight at all around me. And that I should probably be getting back to the tournament, Dora would be getting worried again. She knew what was going to happen today, and was especially on edge.
"Of course, Mistress. Follow Thydel." he said and slithered away. I assumed that his name was Thydel, and followed him.
About twenty minutes of walking later, we got to the edge of the forest. "Here is where you asked to be, Mistress Tonks." he said, doing a bowing motion.
"Thank you Thydel. Would you like to come with me? I'm going to watch the Quidditch World Cup, and then I'm going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"No, Thydel mustn't burden Miss Tonks. She will be ostracized if people find out she is a parseltongue. Thydel will stay here."
"Alright, Thydel. Take care!" I wished to him as I fished my broom from my pocket. "Engorgio" I whispered in my own voice, pointing my wand at the broom. Once it was of normal size, I stopped the spell and mounted. Within seconds I was flying through the air and back to the tournament.
When I arrived, I saw people going in tents and arriving by portkeys and brooms and apparition. Dora was just walking around, and many other aurors had now arrived and were doing the same as her. Walking around and trying not to look conspicuous. But in all reality, they were here because they had gotten a tip that something was going to happen tonight. They were on guard and ready for it. Though, they didn't know that it was me who had tipped them off. If they knew it was me, they would suspect me to be one of the people involved in engaging this attack.
I landed in front of Dora and saw her expression lift, and she looked much more relieved. "Esie! You were gone for over an hour! Where were you?" she demanded.
I thought back on what Thydel had said about, me being ostracized. I pulled her into our tent and placed a noise barrier charm on the room so that no one could here us out side. "I found a small wood and went inside to check it out. It was too small to have any dangerous creatures in it. But I did find a snake. It was harmless really, and I found out that I'm a parseltongue. But please, don't tell anyone. Thydel said I would be ostracized if the magical community found out." I explained.
"And this Thydel, is right. You-Know-Who is a parselmouth too, and parselmouths are usually viewed as evil characteristics. 90% of parseltongues are dark witches and wizards. You must not tell anyone that you can speak to snakes, and you must try to hide it, at least until this war is over. Until You-Know-Who is defeated, you can not speak as a parseltongue. It's for you're own good." she ranted. I nodded in compliance as to not upset her, lifted the charm and walked out of the tent to see if there was anyone I was familiar with here.
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Okay, we're doing a lot better now! We've got 15 (+4) readers, 7 (+4) subscriptions, and 6 (+4) comments from 3 (+2) people. Think we can get these numbers any higher before the next update comes out?
